Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
When Will We Be Raptured?
The question of when we will be raptured is also tied closely to when Armageddon or the end of the world as we know it, will occur. So lets consider first when Armageddon will occur.
· Armageddon Clues
Ever since Adam and Eve were driven out of the garden, man has been trying to figure out when the end of the world would occur. God has spoken through the Prophets in the Old Testament to give us clues. Jesus Christ himself and other biblical authors have also given us clues in the New Testament. Jesus also warns, that no man knows the day or hour of the end, this is known only to (God) the Father in Heaven. So why then should Jesus and other biblical authors give us clues?
The reason for the clues is, so that we gain some understanding of how close we are to the end. As Armageddon approaches, we should be motivated to do more to spread the Gospel. As the end draws near, we should also better prepare ourselves by reading, listening to and sharing the Word of God. One example of what I mean by this is Jesus states that we (believers) should gather together more often as we see the day approaching. This instruction is to help us fight against the increase in evil and deception in the latter days.
· Sodom & Gomorra
There are two times in history when God poured out his wrath due to sin and evil in the world. The first was the “Great Flood” and the second was the destruction of Sodom & Gomorra. I believe that Sodom & Gomorra is a clearer example as to why God was forced to pour out his wrath.
Most people simply think that Sodom & Gomorra was filled with sinners, as if to say that other areas of the world were not. The truth is that we are all sinners and so were all of the people at that time, no matter where they lived. I will not go into it at this time, but if you read the New Testament you will soon realize that there are really only two categories of people. You are either a sinner with your sins washed away (a believer), or a sinner with no covering for your sins (an unbeliever). Either way you are still a sinner. Whether you commit small or large sins, you are still a sinner!
So if we can conclude, as I believe we can, that all of the people at that time were sinners, then why did God choose to only destroy Sodom & Gomorra. One reason is because there were no laws against sinning there. Worse and more importantly, the people of Sodom & Gomorra did not feel that what they were doing was wrong. Therefore there was no condemnation or remorse for their sins. Without remorse or condemnation no one would ever be motivated to “Repent”. Without repentance, no one would look for a savior to cover his or her sins.
Why is this important? Well just look at how the laws and people’s opinions have changed about abortion, homosexuality, fornication, pornography and the list goes on and on. If God judged Sodom & Gomorra for lack of condemnation and remorse, won’t he also judge us? I believe he will and it won’t be too long from now.
· The Tower of Babel
Another interesting time when God was forced to intervene in human history was the “Tower of Babel”. This was man’s attempt to build a tower high enough to reach God. What’s wrong with that, you might ask. Well if God wanted man to reach him in that manner he would have provided a tower, or would have instructed man to build one. At that time in history the method of reaching out to God was through a High Priest. It’s kind of like someone climbing your fence in order to see you, rather than ringing the bell that you provided at the gate.
In order to prevent man’s attempt to reach God or any other plan that man might come up with, God decided to cause man to speak in different languages, so they could not understand each other. This was because man’s ability to work together made him too powerful. Too powerful for God, absolutely not, but maybe I should say more powerful than God had intended man to be in his fallen state.
Why is this important? Well it’s interesting that in all countries today, English is either spoken as the primary language or is a required course in school. The driving factor for speaking and understanding English is money, but everyone will soon speak and understand English. The other interesting thing of late, is the Internet. This is a technology that allows the whole world to work together in real time.
One example of something man is attempting to do that I believe God will not allow, is human cloning. If God did not want man in his fallen state to work together before, why would he accept it now? I believe we are becoming too powerful and God will soon intervene.
· What Does the Bible Say?
The Bible say’s that we will know the time is near when we see; wars and rumors of wars, an increase in natural disasters, people becoming increasingly selfish, children no longer respecting their parents or other adults, people having little regard for human life, sin abounding.
If you haven’t noticed these things, you have either been asleep, or live alone in a hut somewhere.
· Other Signs
Scientist are stating that unless something drastic happens, we will soon see the end of the world due to things like overpopulation, pollution, reduced food supply, global warming, depletion of the ozone layer or a cataclysmic war.
The King James Bible states that we will have a “Mark” in our hand or in our forehead that includes some reference to “The Beast” (The Antichrist world leader). It also states that we will not be able to buy or sell anything, or be employed without it.
Technology which includes things like; increased computer power, the Internet, bar codes and such, has now progressed to the point where we could easily keep track of everyone in the world via a number embedded in the skin.
· When Will We Be Raptured
Let’s look at what God did the two times that he was forced to evoke his vengeance. In the case of Sodom & Gomorra, God first warned Lot to leave before he destroyed the cities. In the case of the “Great Flood”, God first warned Noah to build a boat before flooding the earth. In both cases God allowed “The Righteous” to be spared from his vengeance. I think it reasonable to believe that he will also spare “The Righteous” from Armageddon.
As all signs point to the tribulation and Armageddon coming soon and as the Rapture must happen before that, then the rapture must be soon. How soon will it be? As I stated in the beginning of this writing no one knows exactly, but I am 70 and unless I die unexpectedly, I believe it will definitely be in my lifetime.
The question of when we will be raptured is also tied closely to when Armageddon or the end of the world as we know it, will occur. So lets consider first when Armageddon will occur.
· Armageddon Clues
Ever since Adam and Eve were driven out of the garden, man has been trying to figure out when the end of the world would occur. God has spoken through the Prophets in the Old Testament to give us clues. Jesus Christ himself and other biblical authors have also given us clues in the New Testament. Jesus also warns, that no man knows the day or hour of the end, this is known only to (God) the Father in Heaven. So why then should Jesus and other biblical authors give us clues?
The reason for the clues is, so that we gain some understanding of how close we are to the end. As Armageddon approaches, we should be motivated to do more to spread the Gospel. As the end draws near, we should also better prepare ourselves by reading, listening to and sharing the Word of God. One example of what I mean by this is Jesus states that we (believers) should gather together more often as we see the day approaching. This instruction is to help us fight against the increase in evil and deception in the latter days.
· Sodom & Gomorra
There are two times in history when God poured out his wrath due to sin and evil in the world. The first was the “Great Flood” and the second was the destruction of Sodom & Gomorra. I believe that Sodom & Gomorra is a clearer example as to why God was forced to pour out his wrath.
Most people simply think that Sodom & Gomorra was filled with sinners, as if to say that other areas of the world were not. The truth is that we are all sinners and so were all of the people at that time, no matter where they lived. I will not go into it at this time, but if you read the New Testament you will soon realize that there are really only two categories of people. You are either a sinner with your sins washed away (a believer), or a sinner with no covering for your sins (an unbeliever). Either way you are still a sinner. Whether you commit small or large sins, you are still a sinner!
So if we can conclude, as I believe we can, that all of the people at that time were sinners, then why did God choose to only destroy Sodom & Gomorra. One reason is because there were no laws against sinning there. Worse and more importantly, the people of Sodom & Gomorra did not feel that what they were doing was wrong. Therefore there was no condemnation or remorse for their sins. Without remorse or condemnation no one would ever be motivated to “Repent”. Without repentance, no one would look for a savior to cover his or her sins.
Why is this important? Well just look at how the laws and people’s opinions have changed about abortion, homosexuality, fornication, pornography and the list goes on and on. If God judged Sodom & Gomorra for lack of condemnation and remorse, won’t he also judge us? I believe he will and it won’t be too long from now.
· The Tower of Babel
Another interesting time when God was forced to intervene in human history was the “Tower of Babel”. This was man’s attempt to build a tower high enough to reach God. What’s wrong with that, you might ask. Well if God wanted man to reach him in that manner he would have provided a tower, or would have instructed man to build one. At that time in history the method of reaching out to God was through a High Priest. It’s kind of like someone climbing your fence in order to see you, rather than ringing the bell that you provided at the gate.
In order to prevent man’s attempt to reach God or any other plan that man might come up with, God decided to cause man to speak in different languages, so they could not understand each other. This was because man’s ability to work together made him too powerful. Too powerful for God, absolutely not, but maybe I should say more powerful than God had intended man to be in his fallen state.
Why is this important? Well it’s interesting that in all countries today, English is either spoken as the primary language or is a required course in school. The driving factor for speaking and understanding English is money, but everyone will soon speak and understand English. The other interesting thing of late, is the Internet. This is a technology that allows the whole world to work together in real time.
One example of something man is attempting to do that I believe God will not allow, is human cloning. If God did not want man in his fallen state to work together before, why would he accept it now? I believe we are becoming too powerful and God will soon intervene.
· What Does the Bible Say?
The Bible say’s that we will know the time is near when we see; wars and rumors of wars, an increase in natural disasters, people becoming increasingly selfish, children no longer respecting their parents or other adults, people having little regard for human life, sin abounding.
If you haven’t noticed these things, you have either been asleep, or live alone in a hut somewhere.
· Other Signs
Scientist are stating that unless something drastic happens, we will soon see the end of the world due to things like overpopulation, pollution, reduced food supply, global warming, depletion of the ozone layer or a cataclysmic war.
The King James Bible states that we will have a “Mark” in our hand or in our forehead that includes some reference to “The Beast” (The Antichrist world leader). It also states that we will not be able to buy or sell anything, or be employed without it.
Technology which includes things like; increased computer power, the Internet, bar codes and such, has now progressed to the point where we could easily keep track of everyone in the world via a number embedded in the skin.
· When Will We Be Raptured
Let’s look at what God did the two times that he was forced to evoke his vengeance. In the case of Sodom & Gomorra, God first warned Lot to leave before he destroyed the cities. In the case of the “Great Flood”, God first warned Noah to build a boat before flooding the earth. In both cases God allowed “The Righteous” to be spared from his vengeance. I think it reasonable to believe that he will also spare “The Righteous” from Armageddon.
As all signs point to the tribulation and Armageddon coming soon and as the Rapture must happen before that, then the rapture must be soon. How soon will it be? As I stated in the beginning of this writing no one knows exactly, but I am 70 and unless I die unexpectedly, I believe it will definitely be in my lifetime.