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When the leftist loonies have trouble figuring out which of them goes first thru the intersection and WHO speaks more PRIDE


Rebekah Koffler in her newsletter Cut To the News that I get had this headline which she aptly titled Intersectional Combat

Apparently Gay Pride was Parading down the street till Queers for Palestine blocked them. Mass confusion, shouting and name calling ensued. The police intervened. You can't make this stuff up. I was unsure if it belonged in the humour section but I thought we could all use a little snort of laughter. Anyways here you all are

Pride parade marchers in Philadelphia Sunday were seen facing off with a group of pro-Palestine protesters after they blocked the parade route from moving forward, video shows.

Video posted to X (formerly known as Twitter) shows the chaotic moments between the two groups as a marching band in the parade attempted to move forward, however, they were blocked off by protesters. In one clip, a drum line with band members adorned in pride attire could be seen continuing to drum while appearing confused as they were withheld from continuing on the parade......

....The protest against the pride march was reportedly organized by Queers4Palestine, a group that has been known to organize protests in support of Palestine since the Oct. 7 terrorist attack against Israel. A statement released on Instagram, appearing to be affiliated with the group, by Queers4palphl wrote about the reasoning behind protesting pride, writing that “‘Pride’ cannot be separated” from the current “political and economic climate.”

“Queers 4 Palestine PHL calls on all Queer & Trans people to denounce Capitalism, Colonialism, and Empire as anti-queer and organize to bring about an end to the Zionist occupation and to all systems and entities which enable and normalize genocide,” the statement read.

Of course none of them would survive a moment if they were parading around Gaza or Iran or Lebanon or Syria. Tel Aviv on the other hand welcomes Pride but these groups can't seem to rub 2 brain cells together. The "Zionist Entity" that they hate, is the only place they would be safe in the Middle East.
Philadelphia needs to learn how to do this right and get it's act together :tap:

Minnesota, especially in Twin Cities Metro provides established, official places to protest, established, official parade routes, porta potties, EMS, traffic control, security, clean-up, etc. for protests, parades, demonstrations, etc., official places and procedures to schedule (and cancel), notifications to the public, especially about mass transit and traffic delays, and provides clear, written instructions to organizers and leaders.

Minnesota . . . land of 10,000 protests
Minnesota . . . land of 10,000 political parties
Minnesota . . . land of 10,000 denominations/religions (usually) getting along (good enough)
Minnesota . . . land of 10,000 🦟 per each resident's arm, leg, ankle, hand, ear . . .