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What do five red heifers have to do with the Oct. 7 massacre?


Back in January, a story flew under the radar that’s well worth discussing: the relationship between the Oct. 7 massacre and five red heifers.
Yes. You read that correctly.

At the 100-day mark of the war, Abu Obeida, the military spokesman for the Hamas Al-Qassam Brigades, gave a televised speech about the Hamas efforts, as well as a reminder of the purposes of the war.
The speech was translated into English by the Palestinian Chronicle.
“We look back 100 days to remember the educated, the complicit, and the incapacitated among the world powers governed by the law of the jungle, reminding them of an aggression that reached its peak against our path (Al-Quds) and Al-Aqsa, with the start of its actual temporal and spatial division, and the “bringing of red cows as an application of a detestable religious myth designed for aggression against the feelings of an entire nation in the heart of its Arab identity, and the path of its prophet (the Night Journey) and Ascension to heaven.”

Right there, amid a very wordy discussion of perceived Israeli aggression against Al-Quds, the Muslim name for Jerusalem, andAl-Aqsa, the black-domed mosque on Temple Mount, lies a curious and telling statement: “The ‘bringing of red cows…”


“We look back 100 days to remember the educated, the complicit, and the incapacitated among the world powers governed by the law of the jungle, reminding them of an aggression that reached its peak against our path (Al-Quds) and Al-Aqsa, with the start of its actual temporal and spatial division, and the “bringing of red cows as an application of a detestable religious myth designed for aggression against the feelings of an entire nation in the heart of its Arab identity, and the path of its prophet (the Night Journey) and Ascension to heaven.”
It's really uncomfortable trying to unravel Islamic thinking, it's like trying to remake a scrambled egg into an egg over-easy.

They follow an incoherent book and a fable of a man. Most Islamists never read the Quran (in Arabic as they say is the ONLY way). I won't try to read it either.
It's really uncomfortable trying to unravel Islamic thinking, it's like trying to remake a scrambled egg into an egg over-easy.

They follow an incoherent book and a fable of a man. Most Islamists never read the Quran (in Arabic as they say is the ONLY way). I won't try to read it either.
I won't TOUCH one. satanic verses, indeed

14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18, KJV
It's really uncomfortable trying to unravel Islamic thinking, it's like trying to remake a scrambled egg into an egg over-easy.

They follow an incoherent book and a fable of a man. Most Islamists never read the Quran (in Arabic as they say is the ONLY way). I won't try to read it either.
There is a book The Arab Mind (Raphael Patai), that may be helpful.
Robert Spencer has also written several books reference islam, sharia, etc.
As a new believer, testing the truth of scripture and my new found faith in Christ, I went on a journey exploring the Quran and I read large portions of it. Of coarse I read an English version but remember thinking to myself that this text felt like it had been written by a schizophrenic. There was no organization or method to it, rambling on and on about this or that. Alas, I realized that it definitely was not 'written by God' (Muslims believe the Arabic text was transcribed by God). I still have an English copy of it on my bookshelf as a reference book when I need to look up some odd practice of belief that you hear about from the media and yes there are many.
Geez reading stuff like this is both infurating and frustrating, please take their blinders off Lord :

EXPERT: Star of Jacob will appear on Friday, September 27
The Zohar describes an unmistakable sign that heralds the appearance of the Messiah: the Star of Jacob first described in the Bible by Balaam. The Zohar gives a precise day and date that this pre-Messiah astral body will appear and recently, astronomers confirmed that on that precise date, a comet will appear in the heavens.

As a new believer, testing the truth of scripture and my new found faith in Christ, I went on a journey exploring the Quran and I read large portions of it. Of coarse I read an English version but remember thinking to myself that this text felt like it had been written by a schizophrenic. There was no organization or method to it, rambling on and on about this or that. Alas, I realized that it definitely was not 'written by God' (Muslims believe the Arabic text was transcribed by God). I still have an English copy of it on my bookshelf as a reference book when I need to look up some odd practice of belief that you hear about from the media and yes there are many.
I have read enough of it and their other books to know their author is demonic inspired. I researched enough to know what drives and motivates them.

After reading the part about justifying lying, I knew who their author was. Also their beliefs in the use of peace treaties,
The red heifers are part of the ceremonial sacrificial system that the Bible says will return in the end days. The Jews have much of the material needed for the sacrifices to begin again, the implements, etc. They clearly do not have a temple, yet, but that's certainly coming. When they have that, then the sacrifices can begin. The heifers, though, have to be spotless and, I think, they have to be 2 years old or no older. I'm going by memory here so ... They brought in 5 spotless ones from Texas last year and, as I recall, some, maybe all of them are still spotless and this year, 2024, is that 2 year mark, so the window of opportunity for re-establishing the sacrifices is this year, assuming that they stay spotless and the Jews acquire/build a temple. That's the summary, I may have gotten some of the details wrong but they're important for the next temple.

As for the Oct. 7th attack, there was some speculation that the attackers intended to destroy the animals thus delaying the temple project. Whether or not that was their intention, I don't know but I'm sure they would have targeted the heifers if they thought they could destroy them. Anything that hurts Israel would be fair game.
The red heifers are part of the ceremonial sacrificial system that the Bible says will return in the end days. The Jews have much of the material needed for the sacrifices to begin again, the implements, etc. They clearly do not have a temple, yet, but that's certainly coming. When they have that, then the sacrifices can begin. The heifers, though, have to be spotless and, I think, they have to be 2 years old or no older. I'm going by memory here so ... They brought in 5 spotless ones from Texas last year and, as I recall, some, maybe all of them are still spotless and this year, 2024, is that 2 year mark, so the window of opportunity for re-establishing the sacrifices is this year, assuming that they stay spotless and the Jews acquire/build a temple. That's the summary, I may have gotten some of the details wrong but they're important for the next temple.

As for the Oct. 7th attack, there was some speculation that the attackers intended to destroy the animals thus delaying the temple project. Whether or not that was their intention, I don't know but I'm sure they would have targeted the heifers if they thought they could destroy them. Anything that hurts Israel would be fair game.
I heard that if they remain perfect, they want to go through with the ceremony this passover.