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What are the absolute, core truths that a person must get right?

I've read and made copious notes of points each of you has made. What sums everything up for me is the last statement in Adrian's post ... Thus, my answer to the question "what are the essentials of the Christian faith" is that the only essential is faith in Christ’s finished work. All else either forms the foundation for that faith or flows from it.

So, I'm changing the focus of my series to more of 'these are the essentials of true Christianity and here is how the cults differ from them.' Not that wordy of course. I think all of the points that all of you made will fit into one of these categories ... 1. The Doctrine of God, 2. The Doctrine of Jesus, 3. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, 4. The Doctrine of Man, 5. The Doctrine of Sin, 6. The Doctrine of Salvation, 7. The Doctrine of the Church, 8 The Doctrine of the Bible, 9 The Doctrine of Angels. Probably a couple more I could come up with but that's already more than enough. As I go through each doctrine, I'll add what the various cults believe, thus showing how they are not Christian. Lastly, I'll go over how to confront, share, refute. O.K., a plan, thank you all. Now to work. Well, snack, then work.
I've read and made copious notes of points each of you has made. What sums everything up for me is the last statement in Adrian's post ... Thus, my answer to the question "what are the essentials of the Christian faith" is that the only essential is faith in Christ’s finished work. All else either forms the foundation for that faith or flows from it.

So, I'm changing the focus of my series to more of 'these are the essentials of true Christianity and here is how the cults differ from them.' Not that wordy of course. I think all of the points that all of you made will fit into one of these categories ... 1. The Doctrine of God, 2. The Doctrine of Jesus, 3. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, 4. The Doctrine of Man, 5. The Doctrine of Sin, 6. The Doctrine of Salvation, 7. The Doctrine of the Church, 8 The Doctrine of the Bible, 9 The Doctrine of Angels. Probably a couple more I could come up with but that's already more than enough. As I go through each doctrine, I'll add what the various cults believe, thus showing how they are not Christian. Lastly, I'll go over how to confront, share, refute. O.K., a plan, thank you all. Now to work. Well, snack, then work.
Wow - that sounds awesome!
I've read and made copious notes of points each of you has made. What sums everything up for me is the last statement in Adrian's post ... Thus, my answer to the question "what are the essentials of the Christian faith" is that the only essential is faith in Christ’s finished work. All else either forms the foundation for that faith or flows from it.

So, I'm changing the focus of my series to more of 'these are the essentials of true Christianity and here is how the cults differ from them.' Not that wordy of course. I think all of the points that all of you made will fit into one of these categories ... 1. The Doctrine of God, 2. The Doctrine of Jesus, 3. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, 4. The Doctrine of Man, 5. The Doctrine of Sin, 6. The Doctrine of Salvation, 7. The Doctrine of the Church, 8 The Doctrine of the Bible, 9 The Doctrine of Angels. Probably a couple more I could come up with but that's already more than enough. As I go through each doctrine, I'll add what the various cults believe, thus showing how they are not Christian. Lastly, I'll go over how to confront, share, refute. O.K., a plan, thank you all. Now to work. Well, snack, then work.

Sounds a lot like my confirmation class (a very, very, very long time ago).
There is a Christian on YouTube you all have probably seen. He lays out end times charts on a big white board. I like him but he always insists that a person needs to understand that it’s the blood of Jesus that saves them, or they just aren’t saved. I completely disagree. I knew the blood was significant when I came to belief but did but understand it until I asked a brother and he explained the sacrificial system and temple to me.
What’s really something though is about two months after I got saved this person I knew invited me to his Mormon church and I went. They passed out the communion cups and they were filled with water!!! Even being as new and unchurched as I was I knew that was just wrong and was very disturbed by it.
There is a Christian on YouTube you all have probably seen. He lays out end times charts on a big white board. I like him but he always insists that a person needs to understand that it’s the blood of Jesus that saves them, or they just aren’t saved. I completely disagree. I knew the blood was significant when I came to belief but did but understand it until I asked a brother and he explained the sacrificial system and temple to me.
What’s really something though is about two months after I got saved this person I knew invited me to his Mormon church and I went. They passed out the communion cups and they were filled with water!!! Even being as new and unchurched as I was I knew that was just wrong and was very disturbed by it.
Robert Breaker?