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What are the absolute, core truths that a person must get right?


I think we may have covered this before but, if so, I can't find it on the site. Anyway, here's my situation ... I'm teaching in about 3 weeks a short series on cults, that is, it started out as cults, now it's morphed into a bit more. I'm trying to narrow the focus to the 'salvation absolutes', that is, those doctrines that a person has to get right, if they don't they are bound for Hell. Not things that help in growth or daily living, not what my particular denomination believes but ... the absolute, absolute, no variation, core truths. Those 'get this wrong and it's Hell.' Those truths. Here's my list so far ... You must get right 1. The nature of God 2. The deity of Jesus 3. Salvation in Christ alone. Now, what about the Trinity? The Bible?
The Doctrine of Man in God's Image? Are those absolutely critical for salvation? See my problem? A lot of important beliefs but what's a true salvation issue? The thief on the cross, I think, hit on #2 and #3. I don't know about #1. So, help me out please.
Great topic. I'm dealing with someone who is running a 100mph in the wrong direction. I have been reading on various cults since I am dealing with one. I have discovered, (you probably have too) most if not all of them deny Jesus is God and deny the trinity. That is the 2 big ones they seem to have in common. That is why I am going to say these are the salvation issues. I would love to hear everyones comments, experiences too! Much to learn and so little time!
Great topic. I'm dealing with someone who is running a 100mph in the wrong direction. I have been reading on various cults since I am dealing with one. I have discovered, (you probably have too) most if not all of them deny Jesus is God and deny the trinity. That is the 2 big ones they seem to have in common. That is why I am going to say these are the salvation issues. I would love to hear everyones comments, experiences too! Much to learn and so little time!
Yeah, I've noticed that. Denying the deity of Jesus? That's crucial. The Trinity, though? I agree that's it's important and it's denied by many. But, again, the thief on the cross...did he have an understanding of the Trinity? Did he have a clear understanding of the nature of God?
Here's a list Core Doctrines of the Bible. Knowing core doctrines can really stabilize a person in spiritual growth and allow one to very quickly recognize/warn about false teaching. I'll share the list and hopefully this might be helpful. :)

The Bible
The Church
Covenants (Old and New)
The cross for a believer
Eternal Security
Fulfillment of Prophecy
God the Father
God the Son
The Holy Spirit
Judgement of Believers and Unbelievers
Kingdom of God
New Heaven and New Earth
Satan and Demons
The Second Coming of Christ
Sin, it's character and universality
The Sovereignty of God
The Trinity
Wrath of God
Essential truths to me:

  • God is perfect.
  • I am not. None of us are.
  • There's a gap between me and God that I can't fix. So I'm doomed in terms of my own efforts and abilities.
  • Jesus provided the only way to bridge that gap through His life, death, resurrection, and eternal life. He's uniquely qualified to do so. That opened the pathway. God provided that out of His immense love for us.
  • To actually go down that path to God, I only have to believe and accept the free gift He offers.

As far as doctrines, I guess several could address those (like the Trinity), but sometimes they expand beyond them as well, making some aspects not quite essential? It does get complicated, so maybe we just need to focus on the basics for a foundation?
Here's a list from the 1920s in the US.

"The five Fundamental points are:

1. The inerrancy of the Bible
2. The virgin birth of Christ
3. Christ’s substitutionary atonement
4. Christ’s bodily resurrection
5. The authenticity of Christ’s miracles

Other Christian groups adapted the five points with point two often becoming the deity of Christ rather than his virgin birth.

Many lists ended with Christ’s premillennial second coming, instead of his miracles, as the fifth point.

By the 1920s the five points had become called the five fundamentals and had become a rallying cry for conservative Christians across a broad spectrum."

I would change #2 to Christ's virgin birth and deity; maybe change #5 to the authenticity of Christ's miracles and promise to rapture His bride before God's wrath falls.
3. Christ’s substitutionary atonement

Understanding that Christ died for your sins and accepting that, accepting Him may be the only true core Truth. You can be really messed up in your understanding of things, but if you've accepted Jesus as your Savior I don't think any wrong thinking will keep you out of heaven at the end of the day.
Here's a list from the 1920s in the US.

"The five Fundamental points are:

1. The inerrancy of the Bible
2. The virgin birth of Christ
3. Christ’s substitutionary atonement
4. Christ’s bodily resurrection
5. The authenticity of Christ’s miracles

Other Christian groups adapted the five points with point two often becoming the deity of Christ rather than his virgin birth.

Many lists ended with Christ’s premillennial second coming, instead of his miracles, as the fifth point.

By the 1920s the five points had become called the five fundamentals and had become a rallying cry for conservative Christians across a broad spectrum."

I would change #2 to Christ's virgin birth and deity; maybe change #5 to the authenticity of Christ's miracles and promise to rapture His bride before God's wrath falls.
I was just thinking of that list.

Conversely, if you undermine the Trinity or virgin birth, you undermine who Jesus is and His unique ability to save us. So from that standpoint, they are essential, even if a full and complete understanding of either isn't.
and I like how Greg puts it.

We may grow in our understanding of each point but the initial point of salvation is based on:

God is perfect and requires perfection but He knew we aren't so

He sent His Son (part of the Triune nature of the Godhead, God in 3 persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit)

to be the perfect sinless sacrifice to cover ALL our sins (ways that we fall short of God's standard of perfection).

We can accept or reject that offer. We have free will.

If we accept it, God accepts us and our debt is paid in full. When we die (or Jesus comes to get us in the Rapture) we go to be with Him in heaven.

If we reject it we will live till we die, then we are plunged into hell on our death. Hell is eternal punishment for our sins. There is no end. No amount of suffering is enough because Jesus already suffered for those sins. Which is why the Catholic doctrine of purgatory cannot purge our sins. We can't add to Jesus' work on the cross. His work was sufficient for all time and eternity. So there remains only eternity under punishment because we rejected (just didn't accept) the offer.

Jesus rose again after His death, and this means we will rise again too someday (at the Rapture) as part of that process.

From there the baby Christian can grow in their understanding.

We can explain the fall in the garden, the reason for the virgin birth, the 100% true nature of the Bible, the Rapture and all the other doctrines as the young Christian matures.

But the new birth into God's family requires
we acknowledge that God is holy, we are not, that we have sinned and fall short and that Jesus paid for our sins on the cross and that if we call upon Jesus to be saved, we will be saved.

A useful list of verses for the person SHARING the gospel is the so called "Romans Road" the shortest version being: (ESV)
  • Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
  • Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord
  • Romans 5:8 but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
  • Romans 10:9-10 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.
  • Romans 10:13 For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
And then even simpler is the ABC method that I think is one of JDFarags finest teachings. Salvation ABC's At it's core, it's a simplified version of the Roman's Road.

A- for Admit that you are a sinner
B- for Believe that Jesus is Lord (God) (and paid the price for your sins by dying on the cross and rising again)
C- for Call upon His name for salvation or Confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord.

What if someone has no mouth, no ability to speak? They can blink with their eyes, squeeze your hand to signify consent.

Sometimes it HAS to be simple because the person is running out of breath and life. My father in law for one. When he finally allowed me to speak on this there wasn't much time left and he was too breathless to say much.

We did NOT have time in that final phone call to do a lot of teaching or Q&A

He knew he was facing death very soon and was scared. I asked if he wanted to know how to be saved. He said YES

A- Admit that you are a sinner
B - Believe that Jesus died for your sins to make you right with God
C- do you believe that?

And his answer was a whispered YES

Within a week of that call he was dead at the ripe old age of 103. God preserved him long enough to get saved.

I spoke with the Russian Orthodox priest who did his funeral and he was a genuine born again Christian who had been working on and with Father in law for the months and then weeks before his death.

One plants, another waters, and God gives the increase.
God created everything (it is necessary to identify who God is to differentiate Him from the various gods/spirits/etc.)
Everyone sinned/sins/will sin and deserves death forever in Hell
God begat/had a Son, Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully man, who died in our place to save us from eternal death and give us eternal life
The only thing one must do to be saved/avoid Hell is acknowledge/confess one's sinfulness/sin and believe that Jesus is the Son of God and paid the penalty (death) for one's sins.

That is all the saved thief on the cross had to know and do to be saved, and so it is with us. He didn't have to know any of the details.

John 3:16 sums it up simply, and John 3:17 and 3:18 explain it.

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
John 3:16-18, KJV

The core truths of the Christian faith are expressed in the Apostle's Creed. It is not necessary for one to know or believe all of these things in order to be saved, just the things reflected in John 3:16.

I believe in God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
He descended into Hell;
on the third day he rose again from the dead;
he ascended into Heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence He will come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost,
the Holy Christian Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.
However once salvation is dealt with there remain the other core doctrines and I like the 5 Fundamentals because each touches on the process of salvation. The Apostle's Creed expresses them well. Each of the cults over the millennia since Jesus ascended has attacked various points.

1: the 100% truth of the Bible- without that foundation, anything goes, there is no core, no foundation, no standard. It may be hard for a person steeped in modern culture and relativism to grasp the idea of absolute truth but it's the foundation. The Bible is God's message to mankind written over millennia by many different people under God's direction. The proof lies in the coherent single message that doesn't contradict itself and it's 100 % accuracy rate for fulfilled prophecy.

A person can be saved and not fully understand or even believe that, but if they don't trust the Bible then their growth is stunted. If they don't trust the Bible, they will continue to look for "truth" from God in all kinds of other places that do contradict the Bible and therefore hit a dead end in their growth and understanding.

2: the virgin birth. Same problem as above, but this one has different outcomes- If that person doesn't believe in the virgin birth whether they understand it or not, they cast doubt on 2 essentials. That Jesus was 100% God and 100% perfect human in one person. If He was less than either then His death was not sufficient. It also casts doubt on the Bible which states the virgin birth and the Bible's claim that Jesus is the Son of God. If he was just another human- he was NOT sinless and therefore he couldn't pay the price for all humanity.

3: The atonement on the Cross. Jesus has to be both 100% God and 100% perfect human in one person in order to pay for our sins. This is a very key point and essential both for good doctrine but also for salvation. While a person may not fully understand it, they have to believe that Jesus truly is WHO He said He is, the Son of God- if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father. That is part of the salvation essential expressed in Romans 10:9-10 Romans 10:9-10 "because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved."

4: The Resurrection: If Jesus couldn't raise Himself from the dead, He certainly can't raise the rest of us from the dead! This is another key essential element that various cults tear down. But the Bible is absolutely solid on this. No misunderstanding. The fact that the Apostles all endured persecution and most of them a martyrs death was because they KNEW the truth about Jesus and they weren't afraid of dying let alone dying a martyr's death, tortured to death.

5: The authenticity of Christ's miracles- They weren't just natural phenomena- they were the tests of a Divine Messiah. Like the Bible, you believe them or you don't. If you don't then your faith is limited. You may be saved because you did believe a little bit and the bit you believed was that if you call upon Jesus you are saved. Like a man in the battlefield, dying- Jesus SAVE ME he cries and is saved.

The cults work at destroying these fundamental doctrines because each of them attacks Christ's nature and the truth of the Bible - all of which can stop a person from believing and being saved.

The JW who believes that Jesus is just the Archangel Michael, the Mormon who thinks Jesus is the equal to and brother of Satan for example are not believing in the real Jesus who is able to save them.
Have been thinking about this and I really think the only thing to do is to focus on “believes in Him” in John 3:16, and to thoroughly present the full meaning of, and everything having to do with, that word, “believe.” Because 3:18 makes it clear that the person who doesn’t believe is already condemned. Belief is the one qualification. So put that word under a microscope…. I don’t even know what this process is called…some fancy word for when you look at the Greek and the root word and then all of the applications of it concerning the same subject. All I know is that I saw that “Believe” is a very loaded word from what could understand when I tried to study it just using the Strong’s.
And then the “on Him” part….obviously that would mean everything who He said He was and is in Scripture….but I would think about how all of that is summed up by the Holy Spirit in a person’s heart and made into the most basic and simple revelation for a person to get saved. I think that revelation is very personal and a little bit different for all of the examples in scripture: the woman at the well, Peter, the thief on the Cross, the eunuch, the ones who were healed, etc. And you, and me, and every one of us who are now in Him. It all happens in the heart, in the unseen place, and so that’s why it’s hard for us to put our finger on it.
You may also want to take a thorough look at “I am the way the truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Though we can’t see into people’s hearts, I do wonder if Each one of us personally comes to the revelation of all three of these facts, Through the revelation of the Holy Spirit, at the time of our salvation.

Personally for me, my friend launched into a very passionate and graphic description of the day Jesus was crucified, and I suddenly felt rotten, and then suddenly I realized that I knew the Truth, and that it was Him.
So Later that day I prayed and by my doing that, I had just acknowledged that He is the Way. (And, just made my first step in taking it!)
Months Later I saw a play where Jesus came out of the tomb and I just sobbed in the fact that He had conquered death. Bringing even further revelation to my heart that He is indeed the Life. Which my heart already had believed at my moment of Truth, but I wasn’t fully aware of what that actually meant until I saw this scene in this play.
I think we can forget that many potential believers, not only have they never been churched, but they also live in a counter-Christian culture where very little or even nothing is communicated about God and who Jesus is. You could say that my own home was like a microcosm of that. I had very little to no knowledge about God and Jesus to attach my newfound belief to.

Take the Don Richardson experience as a missionary to a remote tribe, as he wrote in “Peace Child,” for example. The only open door he could find to share the gospel with them was to use a certain ceremony they did, involving a “peace child,” as a framework for the gospel, to bring understanding and to get their hearts to open, to allow that saving faith to come into their hearts. Don basically honed it all down to John 3:16, and presented the truths of John 3:16 on the framework of what they already knew about the “peace child.” Those were the only theological concepts about Jesus and God that Don was able to get through to them, but yet they came to that saving belief and faith. It was magnificent! (Highly recommend the video, whoever hasn’t seen it. )
edit: he worked sin into that too, without calling it “sin” if I remember right.
What did the thief on the cross know? He knew Jesus was the Messiah. He knew Jesus was innocent and didn't deserve to die. And he knew he, himself, was guilty and deserved to die. And He threw His trust on Jesus because he believed that Jesus was going to enter His Kingdom. That's it.

What did Paul say in Romans 10:9? If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." That's it.

Those are the only requirements for salvation. But the necessary core beliefs of our faith are another matter. I dealt with those in an article I wrote many years ago. I have just reposted it on our site: The Essentials of the Christian Faith