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We Are to Be Faithful Watchmen :: By Sean Gooding

Andy C

  1. Watch the Heavens
We are to keep an eye on the heavens. Jesus will call us to Him soon, and we should be living each day ready to be called. This means that we should be loving the Lord openly and with great fervor. We should love our siblings in the Lord with the same fervor, and by this, we can draw some to the Gospel, John 13:34-35. Read the scriptures, know what to look for, and keep our hearts from being deceived.

One of the things that seems to be growing is a lot of people claiming to have some ‘new’ or ‘special’ revelation from God. They do not. God has revealed to us, in the completed Bible, all we need to know, and nothing is to be added. Beware of people who want your money so that they can tell you what God has for you. They are fleecing you, for the most part. Even if someone is genuine, check the scriptures before you swallow their message.

Sadly, there are a lot of Christians who do not understand or even desire to understand the end of the church age. There are a lot of churches that shy away, and frankly, there are a lot of men who simply refuse to study and/or teach about the end times. It is hard work; it takes reading and studying, and it requires a commitment to search the scriptures. A lot of men are not ready to step into the next phase where Jesus comes as a Righteous Judge and makes war and executes judgment. But we are called to warn the people, yes, even the “so-called” saved people, that judgment is coming. Jesus will judge the saved and the lost.

Look at 2 Corinthians 5:9-11:

“So, we aspire to please Him, whether we are here in this body or away from it. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive his due for the things done in the body, whether good or bad. Therefore, since we know what it means to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is clear to God, and I hope it is clear to your conscience as well.”

One of the things that seems to be growing is a lot of people claiming to have some ‘new’ or ‘special’ revelation from God. They do not. God has revealed to us, in the completed Bible, all we need to know, and nothing is to be added.
The internet is filled with many who claim they have “special” knowledge. If those who actually believe they have special knowledge, or claim an inner voice is talking to them, they need to verify what they heard with with scripture. If it’s not backed up with scripture, they are likely hearing the wrong and dark voice.
The internet is filled with many who claim they have “special” knowledge. If those who actually believe they have special knowledge, or claim an inner voice is talking to them, they need to verify what they heard with with scripture. If it’s not backed up with scripture, they are likely hearing the wrong and dark voice.
These kind of videos are all over YouTube. The person is usually talking to camera from the driver seat of their car.
Really bizarre phenomenon.
These kind of videos are all over YouTube. The person is usually talking to camera from the driver seat of their car.
Really bizarre phenomenon.
I think many people do videos in their cars because it is acoustically about perfect so they can just use their phones without having to buy a special Mike, and set up a room for decent sound which I understand isn’t easy.
The internet is filled with many who claim they have “special” knowledge. If those who actually believe they have special knowledge, or claim an inner voice is talking to them, they need to verify what they heard with with scripture. If it’s not backed up with scripture, they are likely hearing the wrong and dark voice.
I skip right by those. Nuh-uh.