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The Calm Before the Storm :: By Sean Gooding

Andy C

1 Thessalonians 5: 1-6

“But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.”

One of the hardest things to do in life is to live with your guard up. To be always vigilant and looking for the next ‘shoe to drop’ as they say. Some have entered into a sense of relative calm after the US elections. There is a sense among many persons and not a few conservatives that life may be back to normal. We see the governing bodies of sports begin to reject the ‘a man can be a woman’ foolishness. In the US, some states have begun to offer the Bible as part of their curriculum again. We see sanctuary cities like New York begin to acknowledge that the unilateral acceptance of all immigrants no matter their criminal past is simply stupid, and they want to export some of these thugs. Good!

By the way, I am an immigrant here in Canada; my family did the paperwork, saved the monies, and came the legal way. We see the plan to reopen the oil pipelines, get people back to work and get crime under control, limit or remove liberal judges, and on and on we can go. There is a sense that the tottering ship is being righted. It can get us off guard; it can encourage us to take our eyes off the prize, that being the soon return of Jesus.

You see, when the Government appeared to be our enemy, we wanted Jesus to come soon, come now, today. But now, as we sense a period of things going ‘our way,’ it is easy to get our eyes off Heaven and begin to live like this is our home, and we no longer cry for Jesus to come sooner and rescue us. We lose the edge, and we lose the focus on Him.

As much as I am glad that the results of the election in the US went the way they did, the new President is not the savior that some want him to be; he is just a fallible man. His election may even spark a conservative movement here in Canada, and if they should win, even that man will not be the savior. In fact, according to the scriptures, the next man that the world hails as the savior will be the most dangerous man that ever walked the planet. His rebellion and defiance to the person of God will cause the death of billions of people.

Thanks brother Andy. Very good article. However, I would like to express something I noticed from this article. Something like i shared on another thread that was not framed the best by me. I see that you regularly post here in our forum. I don't want to overcrowd the forum with any one particular theme. But seeing as you do post quite a bit, and this article content genuinely is perhaps a better context by which to help provide reasonable value and consideration I attempted not too successfully elsewhere, I hope it be a permissible consideration here. In the other version of this, Pastor Adrian noted something profound that I was not considering. So I'd also like to use this opportunity to express an observation also in respect to what Pastor Adrian had noted. That every age gets eschatology off. And that is good consideration for our times we are experiencing today as well. I wanted to mention that, because it does cause sober considerate pause in how i might look at and express the following. So as I write this post I am reflecting quite a bit myself in how to be less 1 dimensional in doing so. I appreciate the opportunity here to engage. Thanks :)

What is encouraging to me from reading this article is that first and foremost that "it is." That it is something we can say currently. Although we don't know exactly what tomorrow may bring, the contemporary condition this article speaks from does exist. And this is not something we have taken into consideration all that much lately in the watcher world. That being, that we do see things seemingly shifting from insane NWO progressing to a slowed effect of calm more so now. This is worth taking notice because of the years of watcher perspective for the most highlighting how dark and insane everything is getting. And although that was indeed the case, that focus tended to take precedence over any other consideration or focus. For years, it would seem.

Among all the watcher voices I would frequent (of which i would say are somewhat limited in my scope because we only have so much time in a day, and there are quite a wide variety of voices out there), I'd have to say what generally impressed me the most was Tom Hughes. Primarily because he took on the role more so of a journalist of sorts. Interviewing different perspectives, yet also having his own convictions. In addition to that, was the pleasant journey i noticed Tom taking. There were times where he would honestly admit some things seem alternative to the generally accepted watcher perspectives available. And noticing this, for me, was priceless. Because with his journal style engagement with the watcher world, he has been pretty transparent in his evaluating the situation in flux. Which, in a world that tended to be a world of promotion of our convictions, Tom, in contrast, seemed to be as interested in the "conversation" in the watcher world. Like seeing the differing nuances as much as mainlining a particular view. Which i found incredibly refreshing.

I come from a background of some fairly strong dogmatics. Where towing the party line was somewhat pressured and compelled, as it were. Although a few years back (in 2022) I was pleasantly surprised to see John Macarthur (the godfather of cessationism) admit we were in the end times "proper." This would be a huge step for him. As he is known for staying as far away from controversial eschatalogical positions. To such an extent, many found his Q & A answer to a question about the mark of the beast far too "casual." In that Macarthur affirmed the mark of the beast period as just like a way in which financials would operate at that time in the future. Like, we had social security implemented, then credit cards, then digital currency etc. Almost like it was just another mode of how society in any given age uses currency This shocked a lot of people because John landed that plane on, "Yes, i do think you can take the mark of the beast and repent." Which i state here not to detour the focus here, but merely to provide as a symptom of John wanting to stay as far away from sensationalism as possible (being often viewed as the grandfatherly voice of common sense). Standing so far away from wild end times theories that he practically domesticated the mark the beast...lol. As an example, merely. So for him to say, "Yes it is end times proper," is a pretty significant seismic shift for him in general.

Now i don't follow Macarthur, as I am no longer reformed. But his ministry (and those surrounding him) had a huge place in my life for so very many years. So to witness his shift on end times, to me, meant that even the rocks are crying out. But then about a year later, there was another sermon that came from him. One I admired on one level, but was now troubled in my soul on another level. John Mac stated that "The Senate won't save us." And something to the effect that "Folks, America is done." Now being fair to Macarthur's position, he did make an excellent connection between the progression of apostasy in Romans 1 with that of a nation like America. And America's literal downward spiral clearly seen by all. This is where i was fond of his consideration. Seeing that same sex marriages, transgenderism, child mutilation, and overall massive corruption in government in America would reasonably lead us to consider that America did seem to be fitting itself for judgement and destruction. What i liked about this view is it did not come from the more common watcher view of America not appearing to be in scripture and therefor must fall. But rather, he linked America's debauchery with Romans 1. Seems quite a bit more biblical and sound (as sound thinking is what he is praised for by many denominations). What did not seem to be sound though was that a cessationist was now prophesying that America is done. And that we are not coming back from this.

So what was of concern for me is the level of certainty Macarthur had regarding America. I don't say that out of my not wanting to see America in the wrong, or about to be dismantled by God. For if that is how things go, then that is how things go. I would be far more interested in tracking with what God "is" doing than what i would wish it otherwise to be. And then just deal with over time (the time we have left here). What John also did not seem to be aware of is the massive saturating effect globalism has had upon America over the last several decades. From what i can tell, much of what brought America to this point is not just debauchery resulting from too free a spirit in mankind, but incremental changes globalism had been performing on America. From repopulating the social dynamic with immigrants who had no experiential history of America (making the transition away from the constitution far more easier a job), to the Marxist ideology to have more than two sexes (which dumbed down a culture and would make new laws and rules globalist prefer for us to consider -- like gaining followers on Instagram after globalist ideology that makes people more malleable to radically different positions...positions that massage into the psyche attitudes that become, for the globalist agenda, a people to be easily led). Macarthur has no standing on this. As he would purely only see things from a biblical view completely detached from politics and providence occurring in our era. To me, globalism is the "practical" vehicle that brought America to her knees. A calculated political science to make America last -- because with the constitution having world power would severely limit globalism from theirs. And globalism wants a small cluster of countries (probably the 10 nation confederacy) to rule the world. And not America. For having too much power is politically incorrect in the globalist perspective. Yet, Macarthur would refuse to consider globalism because his main approach, to him, is bible, bible, bible. Which on its face seems noble. But not at the extent of divorcing surrounding realities as if they don't factor in at all. The difference between God judging America and reasons we are where we are could be summated as: Since we were gullible enough to fall for it, we should be under the judgement of God for it. But is that how God might be seeing it? And is that where we should land the plane?

So i guess we could argue if America should be judged. Amen. In many ways i would agree we should. But now, instead of that, we have articles like the one posted here. Which implies that maybe God might not be so hot as to judge America at this time perhaps. The overall prevailing end time perspective in America has been that the NWO order increases as America decreases. And that seems to have been the mainstay mantra or consideration. To such an extent, it seems to still have a deep and lasting residual effect even when we come to a point that might not just suggest otherwise, but incredibly otherwise. And when we see that the natural reaction is often: "Yes. God is giving us a reprieve, but we know the 10 nation confederacy won't stay dormant. So lets be reminded where all this is headed." We see something lovely. We see our holding to our understanding of prophecy more than what might have otherwise thrown a monkey wrench into it. Which is a good thing. Even a great thing. We should not sell out what we know to be biblical with shifting winds of change politically. Amen. But what is a good thing, from just a general observation, can perhaps become an ideology of sorts. What i mean by that is that being guarded is respectable. And foolish if we throw caution to the wind. Amen. But the question that comes to my mind several times over the past few years has been: "Is holding perspectives of known eschatology the best go to if it runs the risk of omitting potential helpful eschatological elements along the way?"

Sure we should stick with what is obvious about eschatology and the things that are clear about a coming tribulation. And sure it is good spiritual etiquette to warn against too much appreciation of government or a leader. Amen. These are great reasonable warnings. However, and this is where it may seem to be a bit radical, and if so, i guess that is ok to have concern of this. Amen. But I don't necessarily see eschatology as something to have too much need to overly protect. Yes, where sound biblical theology is challenged to the degree it is included within eschatology, I would agree we should well keep a watch over it as much as we might watch in general. In no sense would I advocate letting sound biblical eschatology to be tossed by any wind of apparent providential change. But since eschatology is what does happen, and will happen, it will become self evident. And those that won't believe will remain unconvinced. But for those of us who do believe, I would see a similarity in the approach this article takes with the kind of thing that troubled me about Macarthur's approach. Where he would see perhaps too much of Romans 1 in the mix to be able to consider that maybe America is not over folks. And again, this is not coming from the place of me hoping America will be ok. I was super ready to be raptured in 2017. Now 7 years later, it seems somewhat rather overdue...lol. So I just want to clarify that this concern of sorts is not coming from holding onto America with a clenched fist. I would just think it to be of healthy import to consider equally not holding sober tenants of eschatology with too tight a grip either. Not in the sense of letting prophecy declared go to the wayside. But rather perhaps not holding too tightly to a perspective where that which seems to somewhat compete with it might hold as much weight (or perhaps even greater weight) than what we might hold to in such a way that might overlap and even somewhat quell other competing eschatological elements.

I apologize how long this post is. I don't really know how to make this observation helpful in short order. So please do consider the length of this post to be a good faith effort to demonstrate a value offer. I'd like to affirm again, that I believe it is healthy to warn against placing too much stock in what a government or leaders could or might do today, if it takes our focus away from how close the tribulation likely is. Amen. I 100% agree with that concern. And i 100% agree that it should be stated. And stated often. However, I would see something else that could be eschatologically beneficial to consider, also. I agree with Macarthur that the Senate would not reverse apostasy proper. Macarthur made that statement during the mid term elections. So it was fitting. But along with it something else was trojan horsed into it. "Folks, America is over. It's not coming back." That! A statement like that becomes a trojan horse in being a prophecy of its own. That America is over. If we were not living in the times we are, perhaps that might be a reasonable conclusion. But, if for reason of us being so close to the tribulation is exactly the reason America is not over, then we have punched our own selves in the face, kind of. Because what is true is that America is not done if God is using it for eschatology proper purposes. I believe there will likely be more conversations about this soon forth coming. It would seem inevitable. So perhaps this post of mine here is not all that necessary. However, along the way, I am hopeful to be a part of that early transition. Because it would very much seem to be a big enough paradigm shift underfoot to realize the potential of conversational shifts. And that shift is leaning heavily away from America tanking in prophesy (an often presumed given). Or that America will be judged by God this side of the tribulation. These kinds of perspectives have seem to risen to the level of super affirmed prophecy certain. To the extent where even a cessationist prophesies it. To me, that is a social artifact of our day using a celebrity pastor to place an exclamation point on it. That unfortunately elements of what will be true about the tribulation have been downloaded in many a hearts in the watcher world. Where it might not just be a commentary in contrast to a generic watcher world perspective, but a testament to the probably that that is the exact opposite of prophecy. For if God actually uses America prophetically, it would have been competing with themes often considered a given in the watching world of evangelicals. I know not all evangelicals held that view. But in general, it was the predominant one. And perhaps what we are experiencing is God gently weaning us off that and/or others related.

In the midst of that, the thing aside from perhaps America not being done, is something similar. That instead of shifting a focus on what world rule the antichrist will bring, it is totally possible that God would use America and Trump in a very powerful transformational way. And if that is what God is doing, it should, in my humble estimation, not be unnecessarily crowded out by not focusing on it at all but instead default to: Remember the coming tribulation. I believe what seems to have occurred over the years is a genuine sense of evangelicalism wanting to affirm what seemed to be happening was actually happening. And in that sense, the worse things got, the better we felt we might be able to affirm the end is near. And i believe that is awesome to see the church so very wide awake. For we know much of the church is not even aware of eschatology. So it is understandable that we have in a way had a season to stand ground on what we are witnessing is very likely end times. For to the degree we are spiritually open to what God is doing, it would seem wise and interested in what we understand the Father is doing. That is awesome. Where i would find reason to write a post like this trying to diligently and carefully consider some things too would be this i suppose: If God is using America and Trump in end times, Himself, it would not perhaps be the best approach, I believe, to necessarily downplay that. And divert focus to the coming of antichrist.

Not that we should not keep things like the antichrist and the reemergence of the NWO at the forefronts of our minds. But just that maybe God does use governments and leaders for grand purposes today. And if that is what God is doing today, I believe it deserves consideration perhaps even more so than an antichrist to come. Because if we miss the thing God is doing today in order to focus on the antichrist to come, it just humbly would seem to me to somewhat be symptomatic of securing an eschatological perspective with our views and using those views to downplay what eschatology might actually be doing. And if that is what is occurring, i am sure it is meant in good faith. I've just noticed a tendency over the course of many years with things like that though. So i thought this hopefully to be a reasonable place of note to bring this sort of thing up. For how strange does this sound: "I believe God may be affirming it is end times by granting super status to America, and helping the world see an importance God might place upon the constitution. And providing Trump an avenue to grant massive peace and safety to Israel." For to say that would seem not proper because some are worshiping Trump. And some are making false prophecy about Trump. I am just saying though that if God is doing that (and i guess we will just have to see, amen), then it really doesn't matter what those who are worshipping Trump and making false prophecies are thinking. Because at the end of the day, what matters the most is what God is actually doing. And just like I don't believe it is in our best spiritual interest to let false prophesies intimidate the body of Christ from considering what God might actually be doing, it would be, for me, an equal concern to not potentially downplay the moment God has placed us in what He is doing (if He is doing that) with "don't look at that but instead look at the coming judgement." Stated this way, it just seems somewhat unnecessary. For as we are strengthened in Him we know there will be a 7 year tribulation. And we know there will be an antichrist. So if God empowers America and the constitution, it would almost seem that to remain orthodox, we must not come to understand this. But just remain with a focus to the tribulation era.

I mean on one level i guess i can understand a tendency to do that. The events unfolding are rather fresh. But I guess i am just hopeful of being a part of a conversation that with equal amazement over prophecy being fulfilled...that we might permit our perspectives to consider the great potential goodness God Himself might like to end the age of grace with. For if that is what He is doing, then it would be most blessed in our hearts to resonate with that. If that is what He is doing. I guess I would just say in that that I believe we can. As I've been considering what is unfolding for 7 years now. In the end i might be greatly mistaken. But my point is not if i am wrong or right. I am just saying this because for 7 years i have been considering what seems to be unfolding, while not during any piece of that time ever downplayed the 7 year tribulation nor the coming antichrist. I guess i am just testifying that to see in great wonder and expectation what incredible things God might be doing in the close of the age of grace, does not distract from the deep concerns and reality of the coming tribulation and antichrist. If there might be that concern, I'm just saying in no ways has it affected me this way in the slightest. And alternatively, actually has a much more profound effect on what is on the horizon. I don't believe it is antithetical to the concerns of the tribulation and antichrist to see that although God won't use the Senate to reverse apostasy, He may well use government to shake down the NWO. And grant America a pruned governance by which the healthy blood flow of honest economics be a thing. Something we just don't hear in eschatological circles outside of those with a much different eschatology altogether. So yeah, just saying, I don't think the views of amillennialism or postmillennialism can hold a candle to God ending the age of grace as He sees fit to. And then the judgement. But sometimes i guess it can feel like we might be holding on to the hat of the tribulation and 10 nation confederacy, and the antichrist in the strong winds of adverse eschatological views those who hold them might blow against sound orthodoxy. But i don't think we need to hold on to that hat. Because what is is. And what will be will be. To such an extent that likely to the extent we the church see Israel's peace and safety...what that obviously then would mean. No hat holding required. If that makes sense? Well i'm trying :) The point just being, though i understand why we have our eschatological emphasis on the tribulation for the sake of the lost regardless how good it might get down here in the interim, it probably fares well to take God up on His choice of how He defines the end of the age of grace. And be open to it with open arms...should the modern day trajectory lead us in that direction. And in that we can feel great about a stronger America. We can feel great about a Trump empowered. Because if true, God would be using government (the thing that is not) to become (in His timing) the thing that is against and amidst the incredibe irony potentially surrounding it. In that way its not trusting God vs government. Or trusting God instead of Trump. Rather it might be trusting God as He uses them to prove His goodness. Perhaps anathema to say. But maybe too in the irony of Christ dying for blaspheme? And by that i do not mean there is to equate government or a man in relation to Christ. but just that as ironic as Christ being put to death for blaspheme is (that would not be wrong if it were some charlatan posing as a Christ) so too it might seem ironic that to trust the plan of God revealed in a government and modern day man be possibly ironically the same, in a way...if God is in it...is all. If that makes sense. To trust that God might want to display Himself in the good as well as the harsh to come. Well in any case just something i wanted to share with a bit more clarity. I hope it has been. Whether it should be considered, i guess we will see. Thanks for taking the time to read. Blessings.
Thanks brother Andy. Very good article. However, I would like to express something I noticed from this article. Something like i shared on another thread that was not framed the best by me. I see that you regularly post here in our forum. I don't want to overcrowd the forum with any one particular theme. But seeing as you do post quite a bit, and this article content genuinely is perhaps a better context by which to help provide reasonable value and consideration I attempted not too successfully elsewhere, I hope it be a permissible consideration here. In the other version of this, Pastor Adrian noted something profound that I was not considering. So I'd also like to use this opportunity to express an observation also in respect to what Pastor Adrian had noted. That every age gets eschatology off. And that is good consideration for our times we are experiencing today as well. I wanted to mention that, because it does cause sober considerate pause in how i might look at and express the following. So as I write this post I am reflecting quite a bit myself in how to be less 1 dimensional in doing so. I appreciate the opportunity here to engage. Thanks :)

What is encouraging to me from reading this article is that first and foremost that "it is." That it is something we can say currently. Although we don't know exactly what tomorrow may bring, the contemporary condition this article speaks from does exist. And this is not something we have taken into consideration all that much lately in the watcher world. That being, that we do see things seemingly shifting from insane NWO progressing to a slowed effect of calm more so now. This is worth taking notice because of the years of watcher perspective for the most highlighting how dark and insane everything is getting. And although that was indeed the case, that focus tended to take precedence over any other consideration or focus. For years, it would seem.

Among all the watcher voices I would frequent (of which i would say are somewhat limited in my scope because we only have so much time in a day, and there are quite a wide variety of voices out there), I'd have to say what generally impressed me the most was Tom Hughes. Primarily because he took on the role more so of a journalist of sorts. Interviewing different perspectives, yet also having his own convictions. In addition to that, was the pleasant journey i noticed Tom taking. There were times where he would honestly admit some things seem alternative to the generally accepted watcher perspectives available. And noticing this, for me, was priceless. Because with his journal style engagement with the watcher world, he has been pretty transparent in his evaluating the situation in flux. Which, in a world that tended to be a world of promotion of our convictions, Tom, in contrast, seemed to be as interested in the "conversation" in the watcher world. Like seeing the differing nuances as much as mainlining a particular view. Which i found incredibly refreshing.

I come from a background of some fairly strong dogmatics. Where towing the party line was somewhat pressured and compelled, as it were. Although a few years back (in 2022) I was pleasantly surprised to see John Macarthur (the godfather of cessationism) admit we were in the end times "proper." This would be a huge step for him. As he is known for staying as far away from controversial eschatalogical positions. To such an extent, many found his Q & A answer to a question about the mark of the beast far too "casual." In that Macarthur affirmed the mark of the beast period as just like a way in which financials would operate at that time in the future. Like, we had social security implemented, then credit cards, then digital currency etc. Almost like it was just another mode of how society in any given age uses currency This shocked a lot of people because John landed that plane on, "Yes, i do think you can take the mark of the beast and repent." Which i state here not to detour the focus here, but merely to provide as a symptom of John wanting to stay as far away from sensationalism as possible (being often viewed as the grandfatherly voice of common sense). Standing so far away from wild end times theories that he practically domesticated the mark the beast...lol. As an example, merely. So for him to say, "Yes it is end times proper," is a pretty significant seismic shift for him in general.

Now i don't follow Macarthur, as I am no longer reformed. But his ministry (and those surrounding him) had a huge place in my life for so very many years. So to witness his shift on end times, to me, meant that even the rocks are crying out. But then about a year later, there was another sermon that came from him. One I admired on one level, but was now troubled in my soul on another level. John Mac stated that "The Senate won't save us." And something to the effect that "Folks, America is done." Now being fair to Macarthur's position, he did make an excellent connection between the progression of apostasy in Romans 1 with that of a nation like America. And America's literal downward spiral clearly seen by all. This is where i was fond of his consideration. Seeing that same sex marriages, transgenderism, child mutilation, and overall massive corruption in government in America would reasonably lead us to consider that America did seem to be fitting itself for judgement and destruction. What i liked about this view is it did not come from the more common watcher view of America not appearing to be in scripture and therefor must fall. But rather, he linked America's debauchery with Romans 1. Seems quite a bit more biblical and sound (as sound thinking is what he is praised for by many denominations). What did not seem to be sound though was that a cessationist was now prophesying that America is done. And that we are not coming back from this.

So what was of concern for me is the level of certainty Macarthur had regarding America. I don't say that out of my not wanting to see America in the wrong, or about to be dismantled by God. For if that is how things go, then that is how things go. I would be far more interested in tracking with what God "is" doing than what i would wish it otherwise to be. And then just deal with over time (the time we have left here). What John also did not seem to be aware of is the massive saturating effect globalism has had upon America over the last several decades. From what i can tell, much of what brought America to this point is not just debauchery resulting from too free a spirit in mankind, but incremental changes globalism had been performing on America. From repopulating the social dynamic with immigrants who had no experiential history of America (making the transition away from the constitution far more easier a job), to the Marxist ideology to have more than two sexes (which dumbed down a culture and would make new laws and rules globalist prefer for us to consider -- like gaining followers on Instagram after globalist ideology that makes people more malleable to radically different positions...positions that massage into the psyche attitudes that become, for the globalist agenda, a people to be easily led). Macarthur has no standing on this. As he would purely only see things from a biblical view completely detached from politics and providence occurring in our era. To me, globalism is the "practical" vehicle that brought America to her knees. A calculated political science to make America last -- because with the constitution having world power would severely limit globalism from theirs. And globalism wants a small cluster of countries (probably the 10 nation confederacy) to rule the world. And not America. For having too much power is politically incorrect in the globalist perspective. Yet, Macarthur would refuse to consider globalism because his main approach, to him, is bible, bible, bible. Which on its face seems noble. But not at the extent of divorcing surrounding realities as if they don't factor in at all. The difference between God judging America and reasons we are where we are could be summated as: Since we were gullible enough to fall for it, we should be under the judgement of God for it. But is that how God might be seeing it? And is that where we should land the plane?

So i guess we could argue if America should be judged. Amen. In many ways i would agree we should. But now, instead of that, we have articles like the one posted here. Which implies that maybe God might not be so hot as to judge America at this time perhaps. The overall prevailing end time perspective in America has been that the NWO order increases as America decreases. And that seems to have been the mainstay mantra or consideration. To such an extent, it seems to still have a deep and lasting residual effect even when we come to a point that might not just suggest otherwise, but incredibly otherwise. And when we see that the natural reaction is often: "Yes. God is giving us a reprieve, but we know the 10 nation confederacy won't stay dormant. So lets be reminded where all this is headed." We see something lovely. We see our holding to our understanding of prophecy more than what might have otherwise thrown a monkey wrench into it. Which is a good thing. Even a great thing. We should not sell out what we know to be biblical with shifting winds of change politically. Amen. But what is a good thing, from just a general observation, can perhaps become an ideology of sorts. What i mean by that is that being guarded is respectable. And foolish if we throw caution to the wind. Amen. But the question that comes to my mind several times over the past few years has been: "Is holding perspectives of known eschatology the best go to if it runs the risk of omitting potential helpful eschatological elements along the way?"

Sure we should stick with what is obvious about eschatology and the things that are clear about a coming tribulation. And sure it is good spiritual etiquette to warn against too much appreciation of government or a leader. Amen. These are great reasonable warnings. However, and this is where it may seem to be a bit radical, and if so, i guess that is ok to have concern of this. Amen. But I don't necessarily see eschatology as something to have too much need to overly protect. Yes, where sound biblical theology is challenged to the degree it is included within eschatology, I would agree we should well keep a watch over it as much as we might watch in general. In no sense would I advocate letting sound biblical eschatology to be tossed by any wind of apparent providential change. But since eschatology is what does happen, and will happen, it will become self evident. And those that won't believe will remain unconvinced. But for those of us who do believe, I would see a similarity in the approach this article takes with the kind of thing that troubled me about Macarthur's approach. Where he would see perhaps too much of Romans 1 in the mix to be able to consider that maybe America is not over folks. And again, this is not coming from the place of me hoping America will be ok. I was super ready to be raptured in 2017. Now 7 years later, it seems somewhat rather overdue...lol. So I just want to clarify that this concern of sorts is not coming from holding onto America with a clenched fist. I would just think it to be of healthy import to consider equally not holding sober tenants of eschatology with too tight a grip either. Not in the sense of letting prophecy declared go to the wayside. But rather perhaps not holding too tightly to a perspective where that which seems to somewhat compete with it might hold as much weight (or perhaps even greater weight) than what we might hold to in such a way that might overlap and even somewhat quell other competing eschatological elements.

I apologize how long this post is. I don't really know how to make this observation helpful in short order. So please do consider the length of this post to be a good faith effort to demonstrate a value offer. I'd like to affirm again, that I believe it is healthy to warn against placing too much stock in what a government or leaders could or might do today, if it takes our focus away from how close the tribulation likely is. Amen. I 100% agree with that concern. And i 100% agree that it should be stated. And stated often. However, I would see something else that could be eschatologically beneficial to consider, also. I agree with Macarthur that the Senate would not reverse apostasy proper. Macarthur made that statement during the mid term elections. So it was fitting. But along with it something else was trojan horsed into it. "Folks, America is over. It's not coming back." That! A statement like that becomes a trojan horse in being a prophecy of its own. That America is over. If we were not living in the times we are, perhaps that might be a reasonable conclusion. But, if for reason of us being so close to the tribulation is exactly the reason America is not over, then we have punched our own selves in the face, kind of. Because what is true is that America is not done if God is using it for eschatology proper purposes. I believe there will likely be more conversations about this soon forth coming. It would seem inevitable. So perhaps this post of mine here is not all that necessary. However, along the way, I am hopeful to be a part of that early transition. Because it would very much seem to be a big enough paradigm shift underfoot to realize the potential of conversational shifts. And that shift is leaning heavily away from America tanking in prophesy (an often presumed given). Or that America will be judged by God this side of the tribulation. These kinds of perspectives have seem to risen to the level of super affirmed prophecy certain. To the extent where even a cessationist prophesies it. To me, that is a social artifact of our day using a celebrity pastor to place an exclamation point on it. That unfortunately elements of what will be true about the tribulation have been downloaded in many a hearts in the watcher world. Where it might not just be a commentary in contrast to a generic watcher world perspective, but a testament to the probably that that is the exact opposite of prophecy. For if God actually uses America prophetically, it would have been competing with themes often considered a given in the watching world of evangelicals. I know not all evangelicals held that view. But in general, it was the predominant one. And perhaps what we are experiencing is God gently weaning us off that and/or others related.

In the midst of that, the thing aside from perhaps America not being done, is something similar. That instead of shifting a focus on what world rule the antichrist will bring, it is totally possible that God would use America and Trump in a very powerful transformational way. And if that is what God is doing, it should, in my humble estimation, not be unnecessarily crowded out by not focusing on it at all but instead default to: Remember the coming tribulation. I believe what seems to have occurred over the years is a genuine sense of evangelicalism wanting to affirm what seemed to be happening was actually happening. And in that sense, the worse things got, the better we felt we might be able to affirm the end is near. And i believe that is awesome to see the church so very wide awake. For we know much of the church is not even aware of eschatology. So it is understandable that we have in a way had a season to stand ground on what we are witnessing is very likely end times. For to the degree we are spiritually open to what God is doing, it would seem wise and interested in what we understand the Father is doing. That is awesome. Where i would find reason to write a post like this trying to diligently and carefully consider some things too would be this i suppose: If God is using America and Trump in end times, Himself, it would not perhaps be the best approach, I believe, to necessarily downplay that. And divert focus to the coming of antichrist.

Not that we should not keep things like the antichrist and the reemergence of the NWO at the forefronts of our minds. But just that maybe God does use governments and leaders for grand purposes today. And if that is what God is doing today, I believe it deserves consideration perhaps even more so than an antichrist to come. Because if we miss the thing God is doing today in order to focus on the antichrist to come, it just humbly would seem to me to somewhat be symptomatic of securing an eschatological perspective with our views and using those views to downplay what eschatology might actually be doing. And if that is what is occurring, i am sure it is meant in good faith. I've just noticed a tendency over the course of many years with things like that though. So i thought this hopefully to be a reasonable place of note to bring this sort of thing up. For how strange does this sound: "I believe God may be affirming it is end times by granting super status to America, and helping the world see an importance God might place upon the constitution. And providing Trump an avenue to grant massive peace and safety to Israel." For to say that would seem not proper because some are worshiping Trump. And some are making false prophecy about Trump. I am just saying though that if God is doing that (and i guess we will just have to see, amen), then it really doesn't matter what those who are worshipping Trump and making false prophecies are thinking. Because at the end of the day, what matters the most is what God is actually doing. And just like I don't believe it is in our best spiritual interest to let false prophesies intimidate the body of Christ from considering what God might actually be doing, it would be, for me, an equal concern to not potentially downplay the moment God has placed us in what He is doing (if He is doing that) with "don't look at that but instead look at the coming judgement." Stated this way, it just seems somewhat unnecessary. For as we are strengthened in Him we know there will be a 7 year tribulation. And we know there will be an antichrist. So if God empowers America and the constitution, it would almost seem that to remain orthodox, we must not come to understand this. But just remain with a focus to the tribulation era.

I mean on one level i guess i can understand a tendency to do that. The events unfolding are rather fresh. But I guess i am just hopeful of being a part of a conversation that with equal amazement over prophecy being fulfilled...that we might permit our perspectives to consider the great potential goodness God Himself might like to end the age of grace with. For if that is what He is doing, then it would be most blessed in our hearts to resonate with that. If that is what He is doing. I guess I would just say in that that I believe we can. As I've been considering what is unfolding for 7 years now. In the end i might be greatly mistaken. But my point is not if i am wrong or right. I am just saying this because for 7 years i have been considering what seems to be unfolding, while not during any piece of that time ever downplayed the 7 year tribulation nor the coming antichrist. I guess i am just testifying that to see in great wonder and expectation what incredible things God might be doing in the close of the age of grace, does not distract from the deep concerns and reality of the coming tribulation and antichrist. If there might be that concern, I'm just saying in no ways has it affected me this way in the slightest. And alternatively, actually has a much more profound effect on what is on the horizon. I don't believe it is antithetical to the concerns of the tribulation and antichrist to see that although God won't use the Senate to reverse apostasy, He may well use government to shake down the NWO. And grant America a pruned governance by which the healthy blood flow of honest economics be a thing. Something we just don't hear in eschatological circles outside of those with a much different eschatology altogether. So yeah, just saying, I don't think the views of amillennialism or postmillennialism can hold a candle to God ending the age of grace as He sees fit to. And then the judgement. But sometimes i guess it can feel like we might be holding on to the hat of the tribulation and 10 nation confederacy, and the antichrist in the strong winds of adverse eschatological views those who hold them might blow against sound orthodoxy. But i don't think we need to hold on to that hat. Because what is is. And what will be will be. To such an extent that likely to the extent we the church see Israel's peace and safety...what that obviously then would mean. No hat holding required. If that makes sense? Well i'm trying :) The point just being, though i understand why we have our eschatological emphasis on the tribulation for the sake of the lost regardless how good it might get down here in the interim, it probably fares well to take God up on His choice of how He defines the end of the age of grace. And be open to it with open arms...should the modern day trajectory lead us in that direction. And in that we can feel great about a stronger America. We can feel great about a Trump empowered. Because if true, God would be using government (the thing that is not) to become (in His timing) the thing that is against and amidst the incredibe irony potentially surrounding it. In that way its not trusting God vs government. Or trusting God instead of Trump. Rather it might be trusting God as He uses them to prove His goodness. Perhaps anathema to say. But maybe too in the irony of Christ dying for blaspheme? And by that i do not mean there is to equate government or a man in relation to Christ. but just that as ironic as Christ being put to death for blaspheme is (that would not be wrong if it were some charlatan posing as a Christ) so too it might seem ironic that to trust the plan of God revealed in a government and modern day man be possibly ironically the same, in a way...if God is in it...4is all. If that makes sense. To trust that God might want to display Himself in the good as well as the harsh to come. Well in any case just something i wanted to share with a bit more clarity. I hope it has been. Whether it should be considered, i guess we weil see. Thanks for taking the time to read. Blessings.
Mate your lucky i've had some strong pre workout LOL !!!!

Yeah in some instances i'm like you , it's sometimes weird to see how prophecy gets fulfilled as most of the time it happens in the way that we least anticipate it instead of the way we think it will play out.

I find it interest that since Trump is back in , Israel probably gets to fulfil a lot of the prophecies overcoming their nearest neighbors and gaining victory over them and also that cryptocurrency is now becoming a strong focus again which i believe is strongly linked to part of how the MOB system will operate
Pastor Adrian noted something profound that I was not considering. So I'd also like to use this opportunity to express an observation also in respect to what Pastor Adrian had noted. That every age gets eschatology off. And that is good consideration for our times we are experiencing today as well.

I was listening to a podcast with Mondo Gonzales and Bill Salus in which Bill (for those who don't know he's the Psalm 83 guy, and has written books on the Elam prophecies and more)

Bill said something similar. He said with all our theories and speculations we need to leave room for the Scripture to speak for itself. He's busy revising his theories and exploring new possibilities. He was discussing the war in Syria and how it fits.

He said that when Jesus arrived on the scene, nobody could put the Nazarene, the out of Egypt and son of David together in one Messiah. It puzzled the Pharisees back then and still puzzles the religious Jews today.

we do see things seemingly shifting from insane NWO progressing to a slowed effect of calm more so now. This is worth taking notice because of the years of watcher perspective for the most highlighting how dark and insane everything is getting.

And I agree with you about Tom Hughes and his relaxed approach, not frantically pushing his own view but listening to the possibilities and keeping a humble approach to Scripture to let it play out without interpreting it based on our ideas.

So what was of concern for me is the level of certainty Macarthur had regarding America. I don't say that out of my not wanting to see America in the wrong, or about to be dismantled by God. For if that is how things go, then that is how things go. I would be far more interested in tracking with what God "is" doing than what i would wish it otherwise to be. And then just deal with over time (the time we have left here). What John also did not seem to be aware of is the massive saturating effect globalism has had upon America over the last several decades.
Right again in my opinion.

Here comes my own opinion, my speculation on where America sits and fits.

America is a world leader- for many years leading the way sending missionaries, then being moved into global leadership as Britain lost her way (after turning on the Jews and the Balfour Declaration of WW1). America was shaped as an instrument in God's Hands for protection of the baby state of Israel. They weren't always good at it- but God ensured that as they blessed Israel, they were blessed.

Then the post WW2 cold war, and the rise of marxism, globalism and the destruction of the family, morality as the Hippie movement took hold. A counter movement of the Jesus people, the resurgence of interest in Bible prophecy and the Billy Graham crusades around the world.

America's 2 different leadership roles were fighting within her. Leading the world into sin (TV brought America to the world and hastened the spread of the sexual revolution, marxism and other isms) at the same time as the Christian leadership was still bringing the gospel and America protected Israel at times.

2 tracks of leadership continue to this day, the godly gospel track bringing the gospel, standing for Israel, and then the Babylon track bringing the NWO, globalism, theological errors and terrible distortions.

Here comes my big point, remember it's just my opinion here. I don't think Europe has the strength, money, or the fortitude to lead the world into globalism and the New World Order. It HAS to be based and funded from America. America is the cradle that the future NWO will emerge from.

Without America to fund it, empower it, and innovate it, there is no strength behind globalism. Europe has trouble keeping the EU on track, while America leads NATO, funds NATO, funds the UN etc.

Am I saying America IS Babylon? NO, NOT AT ALL!

I'm saying America is the leader in 2 opposing fronts. The last of the church age, the last of the gospel call to the nations. And the rise of Babylon or the NWO.

I've said in other threads thru history, the gospel goes West from Jerusalem.

The Jews went into their diaspora in 70AD and in this century, the greatest number of them have ended up IN AMERICA (Israel is next in Jewish concentration, followed by Canada and France)

Look at that a moment. Now look at the fact that the Jews are moving back to Israel again, in greater numbers even in the midst of the past year and a half. They are going home, drawn like a magnet to their land. Called by God.

What else went west besides the gospel and the Jews??? The pollution of Babylon. It invaded the early church creating these monsters, the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox, and that too went west. Babylon really flowered in America- weird new religions, Mormonism, Scientology, Jehovah's Witness, Word of Faith, New Apostolic Reformation- all began in America.

America brings the gospel, but America brings Babylon and ancient Rome as well to the world thru the medium of TV and it affects culture around the globe.

I suggest that Babylon will turn back to her roots soon, and rebuild the ancient Roman Empire and the Whore of Babylon may create her Religion to replace all the others in the East- I think right where Babel began.

Zechariah 5:
5 Then the angel who was speaking to me came forward and said to me, “Look up and see what is appearing.”

6 I asked, “What is it?” He replied, “It is a basket.” And he added, “This is the iniquity of the people throughout the land.”

7 Then the cover of lead was raised, and there in the basket sat a woman!

8 He said, “This is wickedness,” and he pushed her back into the basket and pushed its lead cover down on it.

9 Then I looked up—and there before me were two women, with the wind in their wings! They had wings like those of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between heaven and earth.

10 “Where are they taking the basket?” I asked the angel who was speaking to me.

11 He replied, “To the country of Babylonia to build a house for it. When the house is ready, the basket will be set there in its place.”

I think until the gospel side of America's leadership to the world is finished (and I think that is the Rapture), that America will continue to lead the way to the Lord, and to Babylon both.

I was listening to a podcast with Mondo Gonzales and Bill Salus in which Bill (for those who don't know he's the Psalm 83 guy, and has written books on the Elam prophecies and more)

Bill said something similar. He said with all our theories and speculations we need to leave room for the Scripture to speak for itself. He's busy revising his theories and exploring new possibilities. He was discussing the war in Syria and how it fits.

He said that when Jesus arrived on the scene, nobody could put the Nazarene, the out of Egypt and son of David together in one Messiah. It puzzled the Pharisees back then and still puzzles the religious Jews today.


And I agree with you about Tom Hughes and his relaxed approach, not frantically pushing his own view but listening to the possibilities and keeping a humble approach to Scripture to let it play out without interpreting it based on our ideas.

Right again in my opinion.

Here comes my own opinion, my speculation on where America sits and fits.

America is a world leader- for many years leading the way sending missionaries, then being moved into global leadership as Britain lost her way (after turning on the Jews and the Balfour Declaration of WW1). America was shaped as an instrument in God's Hands for protection of the baby state of Israel. They weren't always good at it- but God ensured that as they blessed Israel, they were blessed.

Then the post WW2 cold war, and the rise of marxism, globalism and the destruction of the family, morality as the Hippie movement took hold. A counter movement of the Jesus people, the resurgence of interest in Bible prophecy and the Billy Graham crusades around the world.

America's 2 different leadership roles were fighting within her. Leading the world into sin (TV brought America to the world and hastened the spread of the sexual revolution, marxism and other isms) at the same time as the Christian leadership was still bringing the gospel and America protected Israel at times.

2 tracks of leadership continue to this day, the godly gospel track bringing the gospel, standing for Israel, and then the Babylon track bringing the NWO, globalism, theological errors and terrible distortions.

Here comes my big point, remember it's just my opinion here. I don't think Europe has the strength, money, or the fortitude to lead the world into globalism and the New World Order. It HAS to be based and funded from America. America is the cradle that the future NWO will emerge from.

Without America to fund it, empower it, and innovate it, there is no strength behind globalism. Europe has trouble keeping the EU on track, while America leads NATO, funds NATO, funds the UN etc.

Am I saying America IS Babylon? NO, NOT AT ALL!

I'm saying America is the leader in 2 opposing fronts. The last of the church age, the last of the gospel call to the nations. And the rise of Babylon or the NWO.

I've said in other threads thru history, the gospel goes West from Jerusalem.

The Jews went into their diaspora in 70AD and in this century, the greatest number of them have ended up IN AMERICA (Israel is next in Jewish concentration, followed by Canada and France)

Look at that a moment. Now look at the fact that the Jews are moving back to Israel again, in greater numbers even in the midst of the past year and a half. They are going home, drawn like a magnet to their land. Called by God.

What else went west besides the gospel and the Jews??? The pollution of Babylon. It invaded the early church creating these monsters, the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox, and that too went west. Babylon really flowered in America- weird new religions, Mormonism, Scientology, Jehovah's Witness, Word of Faith, New Apostolic Reformation- all began in America.

America brings the gospel, but America brings Babylon and ancient Rome as well to the world thru the medium of TV and it affects culture around the globe.

I suggest that Babylon will turn back to her roots soon, and rebuild the ancient Roman Empire and the Whore of Babylon may create her Religion to replace all the others in the East- I think right where Babel began.

Zechariah 5:
5 Then the angel who was speaking to me came forward and said to me, “Look up and see what is appearing.”

6 I asked, “What is it?” He replied, “It is a basket.” And he added, “This is the iniquity of the people throughout the land.”

7 Then the cover of lead was raised, and there in the basket sat a woman!

8 He said, “This is wickedness,” and he pushed her back into the basket and pushed its lead cover down on it.

9 Then I looked up—and there before me were two women, with the wind in their wings! They had wings like those of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between heaven and earth.

10 “Where are they taking the basket?” I asked the angel who was speaking to me.

11 He replied, “To the country of Babylonia to build a house for it. When the house is ready, the basket will be set there in its place.”

I think until the gospel side of America's leadership to the world is finished (and I think that is the Rapture), that America will continue to lead the way to the Lord, and to Babylon both.

That makes a lot of sense Margery. I would share in that America becomes Bab the Great. I mentioned in another post that I kinda see MAGA as an indicator of that. But i believe something else kind of as much. That MAGA might be a symbolic of entirely something else. A rhetorical emblem of what might prove to be a way of saying "a brief minimalist echo from the future of the truly great kingdom of the 1,000 year reign to come." When you reminded me of America has more Jews living here than Israel, it gave me chills. If MAGA stands for a mini slice of the 1,000 year reign, having all these Jews here...it would make sense something like that might come from the United States.

I believe Andy Woods goes with a resurgence of the actual babylon. When you have the chance, check out Matthew Henry on the basket. I rarely have the patience to typically read Henry for commentary. But his commentary on the basked is very interesting. I've seen that sort of take of his in other commentaries. But it is pretty rare. Blessings.

That makes a lot of sense Margery. I would share in that America becomes Bab the Great. I mentioned in another post that I kinda see MAGA as an indicator of that. But i believe something else kind of as much. That MAGA might be a symbolic of entirely something else. A rhetorical emblem of what might prove to be a way of saying "a brief minimalist echo from the future of the truly great kingdom of the 1,000 year reign to come." When you reminded me of America has more Jews living here than Israel, it gave me chills. If MAGA stands for a mini slice of the 1,000 year reign, having all these Jews here...it would make sense something like that might come from the United States.

I believe Andy Woods goes with a resurgence of the actual babylon. When you have the chance, check out Matthew Henry on the basket. I rarely have the patients to typically read Henry for commentary. But his commentary on the basked is very interesting. I've seen that sort of take of his in other commentaries. But it is pretty rare. Blessings.

Hey TCC remember Steve he went by the alias Uturn who had really detailed stuff on Ezekiel and was really onto it ?

I wonder whether his opinion on Psalm 83 has changed and especially on Bill Salus now that the current stuff has played out with Israel's inner neighbours
Hi Spartan :) Hey thanks for asking. And thanks for posting your reply brother. I have some pretty strong views on this. But please, even as I have stated at the close of this post, please feel more than free to exchange in any details you feel are hot point for Psalm 83. I am totally open to sincerely and reasonably consider. And I start out like this because the body of this post, outside of a good faith friendly openness are pretty strong. But I want to post as much as I can. And sometimes I can be a bit direct. In shortness of time to correct, ahead of time, please forgive if anything is too strong outside the bounds of general discussion. It's just this is a pretty passionate subject for me. Blessings...in...advance :)

. . . . .

If anything, what is occuring with Israel seems more reminiscent of Zech 12 than Psalm 83. Well, admittadly this is stated by one, me, who is of the belief that Psalm 83 is not a prophecy. However, I don't rule out that it could be. But if it is we will see Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, and Egypt basically in physical or high octane cyber or aggressive monetary (which they would lose for sure there) war mode. We don't see that. We see Arab contries expressing concern. And poo-pooing Isreal. Psalm 83 is not God concerned over poo-pooing though.

When Assad was removed, people applauded. When Saudi Arabia announced no path for Israeli nutralization, people applauded (those not too for Israel). We are basically though looking at snapshots. With a Trump admin on the horizon, don't you find it interesting that he is literally acting as the president right now? Nations meeting with him? I don't recall any other president that had a bunch of countries talking with them prior to their presidency. Please let me know if mistaken. in any case it is of interest though that to note that what we are seeing is not Psalm 83. Perhaps it could turn into that. But for that to be the case, Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia have to basically "go to war" with Isreal and not just have bad attitudes toward Israel.

I try to make my assumptions lets say of my 1st seal view difficult. I beat it up. I throw it out onto forums that would not agree...which is every forum...lol. I listen to An0maly on Youtube and Dr. Shiva (as far as I can...for he cusses up quite a storm) and plead with them to give me dirt on anything related to my view. I ask them to take me down a dark alley and take my wallet. Rough me up. And leave me for dead...lol. Because if my view has any accuracy at all, I want it to crawl out of a deep hole bruised and mamed yet able to crawl across the dessert floor to some far off podunk diner.

The approach I see for Psalm 83 and other views is often that if something looks close to like what looks like it might be prophecy ,a bunch of videos and then conference fodder may occur. On one hand I think it is great we consider and are super ready for anything that might be disclosed as prophecy. For we well seem to be in that timeframe today. Amen. That is totally reasonable...and likely preferred. It is good we are looking. Amen. But I'm just saying that if I hold my views in huge contempt, views like Psalm 83 or other watcher perspectives I may not align with...I tend to give those views more grace because I know my default would be to easily dismiss them. So I have considered Psalm 83 even as prophecy. But the minimal bar would be Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia go at them with great mallace. And although that may occurm, amen. I don't believe it will go like that. I could totally be wrong. But what looks more likey (even after I run my own views through the wringer) is that Saudi Arabia will end up increasing the Abraham Accords and lean toward neutralizing with Israel. This is my questimation based on even though they say they won't pursue that, the language they use is rather tentative. So yeah things could go in many directions. Saudi alliance with BRICS could be more a thing too, amen. And if so, there could be unforeseeable hostilities, amen. But pound for pound, everything looks more likely to me that Saudi will come along. Look at recent Jordan and Saudi news for example....

I believe one reason Assad came loose so easily was likely by invite from Putin. Knowing plans. And getting out of the way of potentially others. There is a scenario where I could see Assad return. Its way too early to tell what that will become. But the trajectory right now to me seems that with the USA getting Trump, Israel will be strong. Whatever else that means, I believe that is most clear. And with all these world leaders coming to see Trump, it is a signature that the world has an idea of what time it is. So we may not know a lot. But what seems very way loudest to me is a strong Israel monetarily. Political science would affirm its likely I believe.

As for Uturn, well, unlike myself, he was severaly against the Psalm 83 war idea. I am not a believer in it but still open. From my perspective, I believe the reason God has two full chapters (Ez 38 and 39) is because there is a lot of meat on the bone. If Psalm 83 is not prophecy, it is a prayer for deliverance and 0 meat on the prophetic bone. Something that is clearly prophecy we can see is being blurred possibly by something less meaty (even if it is prophecy), So Ezekiel 38 war has more prophecy on any one subject in the entire Bible. It seems to line up with our day. And we can literally track it super microscopically if we care to. For it is a finely tuned swiss watch prophecy. But what seems to be the case is that we don't. But like to look into Psalm 83 that has far less clarity...or at least not nearly the detail of Ez 38 and 39. So something like that tends to get my attention more than if Psalm 83 might be an actual thing. The exegetical approach to prophesy value, to me, seems to a bit off. So when I see something like that, I think "Ez 38 is probably then 100x more probable because of what other scripture we otherwise might be distracted by."

For those who hold to a Psalm 83 war view, I am more than open to discuss and consider. But this is kind of where I would be coming from in general. I actually like Bill Salus. But nothing has really caught fire with me on him in regards to something stronger than the focus or lack of in our day toward the master clock second hand of prophecy for Isaral, Ez 38. Or at least that is the way I see it.

I wish Uturn were still around. Because I think his refined tracking of Ez 38 is where the whole of the watcher world should be. Without of course the aggressive stance against other views. Just that we would do well to have interest in Ez 38 at least as deep. Its understandable though why we might not. But these are discussions probably better had in February. See how hot things get for Israel then. It will be an interesting ride. And brother in the event I am short sighted here, please feel free to post any serious concerns in defense of Psalm 83. Like I said I am totally open even though. Bessings.s
Hi Spartan :) Hey thanks for asking. And thanks for posting your reply brother. I have some pretty strong views on this. But please, even as I have stated at the close of this post, please feel more than free to exchange in any details you feel are hot point for Psalm 83. I am totally open to sincerely and reasonably consider. And I start out like this because the body of this post, outside of a good faith friendly openness are pretty strong. But I want to post as much as I can. And sometimes I can be a bit direct. In shortness of time to correct, ahead of time, please forgive if anything is too strong outside the bounds of general discussion. It's just this is a pretty passionate subject for me. Blessings...in...advance :)

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If anything, what is occuring with Israel seems more reminiscent of Zech 12 than Psalm 83. Well, admittadly this is stated by one, me, who is of the belief that Psalm 83 is not a prophecy. However, I don't rule out that it could be. But if it is we will see Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, and Egypt basically in physical or high octane cyber or aggressive monetary (which they would lose for sure there) war mode. We don't see that. We see Arab contries expressing concern. And poo-pooing Isreal. Psalm 83 is not God concerned over poo-pooing though.

When Assad was removed, people applauded. When Saudi Arabia announced no path for Israeli nutralization, people applauded (those not too for Israel). We are basically though looking at snapshots. With a Trump admin on the horizon, don't you find it interesting that he is literally acting as the president right now? Nations meeting with him? I don't recall any other president that had a bunch of countries talking with them prior to their presidency. Please let me know if mistaken. in any case it is of interest though that to note that what we are seeing is not Psalm 83. Perhaps it could turn into that. But for that to be the case, Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia have to basically "go to war" with Isreal and not just have bad attitudes toward Israel.

I try to make my assumptions lets say of my 1st seal view difficult. I beat it up. I throw it out onto forums that would not agree...which is every forum...lol. I listen to An0maly on Youtube and Dr. Shiva (as far as I can...for he cusses up quite a storm) and plead with them to give me dirt on anything related to my view. I ask them to take my down a dark alley and take my wallet. Rough me up. And leave me for dead...lol. Because if my view has any accuracy at all, I want it to crawl out of a deep hole bruised and named yet able to crawl across the dessert floor to some far off podunk diner.

The approach I see for Psalm 83 and other views is often that if something looks close to like what looks like it might might be prophecy a bunch of videos and then conference fodder may occur. On one hand I think it is great we consider and are super ready for anything that might be disclosed as prophecy. For we well seem to be in that timeframe today. Amen. That is totally reasonable...and likely preferred. It is good we are looking. Amen. But I'm just saying that if I hold my views in huge contempt, views like Psalm 83 or other watcher perspectives I may not align with...I tend to give those views more grace because I know my default would be to easily dismiss them. So I have considered Psalm 83 even as prophecy. But the minimal bar would be Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia go at them with great mallace. And although that may occurm, amen. I don't believe it will go that. I could totally be wrong. But what looks more likey (even after I run my own views through the wringer) is that Saudi Arabia will end up increasing the Abraham Accords and lean toward neutralizing with Israel. This is my questimation based on even though they say they won't pursue that, the language they use is rather tentative. So yeah things could go in many directions. Saudi alliance with BRICS could be more a thing too, amen. And if so, there could be unforeseeable hostilities, amen. But pound for pound, everything looks more likely to me that Saudi will come along. Look at recent Jordan and Saudi news for example....

I believe one reason Assad came loose so easily was likely by invite from Putin. Knowing plans. And getting out of the way of potentially others. There is a scenario where I could see Assad return. Its way too early to tell what that will become. But the trajectory right now to me seems that with the USA getting Trump, Israel will be strong. Whatever else that means, I believe that is most clear. And with all these world leaders coming to see Trump, it is a signature that the world has an idea of what time it is. So we may not know a lot. But what seems very way loudest to me is a strong Israel momentarily. Political science would affirm its likely I believe.

As for Uturn, well, unlike myself, he was severaly against the Psalm 83 war idea. I am not a believer in it but still open. From my perspective, I believe the reason God has two full chapters (Ez 38 and 39) is because there is a lot of meat on the bone. If Psalm 83 is not prophecy, it is a prayer for deliverance and 0 meat on the prophetic bone. Something that is clearly prophecy we can see is being blurred possibly by something less meaty (even if it is prophecy), So Ezekiel 38 war has more prophecy on any one subject in the entire Bible. It seems to line up with our day. And we can literally track it super microscopically if care to. For it is a finely tuned swiss watch prophecy. But what seems to be the case is that we don't. But like to look into Psalm 83 that has far less clarity...or at least not nearly the detail of Ez 38 and 39. So something like that tends to get my attention more than if Psalm 83 might be an actual thing. The exegetical approach to prophesy value, to me, seems to a bit off. So when I see something like that, I think "Ez 38 is probably then 100x more probable because of what other scripture we otherwise might be distracted by."

For those who hold to a Psalm 83 war view, I am more than open to discuss and consider. But this is kind of where I would be coming from in general. I actually like Bill Salus. But nothing has really caught fire with me on him in regards to something stronger than the focus or lack of in our day toward the master clock second hand of prophecy for Isaral, Ez 38. Or at least that is the way I see it.

I wish Uturn were still around. Because I think his refined tracking of Ez 38 is where the whole of the watcher world should be. Without of course the aggressive stance against other views. Just that we would do well to have interest in Ez 38 at least as deep. Its understandable though why we might not. But these are discussions probably better had in February. See how hot things get for Israel then. It will be an interesting ride. And brother in the event I am short sighted here, please feel free to post any serious concerns in defense of Psalm 83. Like I said I am totally open even though. Bessings.s
Yeah i'm not really defending the view , like you i guess i'm becoming more open to it becoming a prophecy since it's immediate neighbours or inner circle of enemies as Bill Salus likes to term it seems to be playing out right now with the IDF slowly but surely wiping them out with the exception of Jordan and Egypt (although every now and again they speak like enemies of Israel) .
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That makes a lot of sense Margery. I would share in that America becomes Bab the Great. I mentioned in another post that I kinda see MAGA as an indicator of that. But i believe something else kind of as much. That MAGA might be a symbolic of entirely something else. A rhetorical emblem of what might prove to be a way of saying "a brief minimalist echo from the future of the truly great kingdom of the 1,000 year reign to come." When you reminded me of America has more Jews living here than Israel, it gave me chills. If MAGA stands for a mini slice of the 1,000 year reign, having all these Jews here...it would make sense something like that might come from the United States.

I believe Andy Woods goes with a resurgence of the actual babylon. When you have the chance, check out Matthew Henry on the basket. I rarely have the patience to typically read Henry for commentary. But his commentary on the basked is very interesting. I've seen that sort of take of his in other commentaries. But it is pretty rare. Blessings.

Something actually interesting to note here in regards to BibleHubs selection of commentators on Zech 5:11, is that typically the kind of exegesis I recall being exposed to regarding this verse is somewhat in the general arena of a future Babylon the Great like temple built during the tribulation. And the billboard image typically like mirroring the Great Harlot of Rev 17 and a temple or so unto her.

One of the most helpful exegetical transitions ever in my life was what became extremely impactful to me as it started to become clear to me that the America Reformed camp seemed to have quite a large number of vast arenas of exegesis that were signifanctly rather off. I did not come to this awareness because of prejudice, or because of bias. I actually came to it kicking and screaming. Which is a statement in irony (and tongue-in-cheek) because R.C. Sproul (one of the most well known American Reformed authoratitive voices) came to reformed theology kicking and screaming. Which is kind of a somewhat staple thought in that camp. Because Paul's conversion is often looked at as a more showy display of how salvation works (to a degree) if God were to wear it on His sleeve (of sorts). And that would be: It is a radical act of God the HE does whether you like it or want Him, or care to, or not. God will have His way with you. And you may be dragged by the hair because you would never choose God and will hate to be transferred from darkness to light. So the irony being that I actually did become confronted with the following exegetical nuances that dragged me by the hair and pulled me into the civil mancave dwelling where what had seemingly been made of coal walling, becames like diamonds...I suppose.

It would seem that the overall exegetical tapestry train hermeneutic (or cluster of concepts and ideals chainlinked together) that had its greatest impact on me would not be so much higher learning refined seminary level learning (which I do not have). But quite its opposite it would appear. As I began to notice over the course of a few early years of my transitioning out of the American reformed camp, the theme that becomes more and more clear (like a camera lense slowly coming into better focus) was just how drenched the scriptures are in relation to an Israeli centered theme. This was something I grew greatly to love about Andy Woods. Because he has quite a bit of teaching in contrast to the Amerian Reformed camp perspective and its cousin, Lordship Salvation (which seems to be a more American leaning version of the Reformed perspective). Well, I say all that because I imagine this to be a great example of something I have come to appreciate over the years. And that is even those with great and deep perspectives that hugely benefit us, will in other areas also possibly have views they hold around the corner that may not be anything near what we otherwise appreciate about them. Which I guess on its face means likely the best innate theological perspectives will probably be muts. Not because we lean on our own fashioned views in personal interpretation of scripture/prophesy, but likely precisely because we don't, it might seem.

Like what I really like about Andy Woods is his devotion to not minding to be looking like he might be somewhere out in left field. Like his view on 2 Thes 2:3 (his take on the word "apostasy' there being a perfect example). And his willingness to go with the convictions of his soul in contrast to herhaps a lot of conventional views that came out of the Reformation. If there is any one pastor I would line up with how to understand Israeli centric intent in much of exegesis, it would be Andy Woods. My next favored would be Leighton Flowers. But there is irony even in that. Because it would appear that there are equally very different take aways I would have than an Andy Woods perspective on some things. Like Andy's take on the mustard seed parable is probably my least favorite difference I would have with the man. Somewhere down the line, even though I know he is very into the women in the basket, would be that. The woman in the basket.

Some contemporary views on that can stray even into seeing a flying sourcer Invasion approaching the tribulation in those verses. I'm glad Andy does not hold that. I understand @Margery you likely may have the view of a future shrine built in Shinar from any number of sources like Chuck Missler, or David Jeremiah, or maybe just in observations made in your own studies. I just share this in testimony as it relates to my own journey. Zechariah is likely a harder book to understand than Revelation. So it is no doubt there will be different views on 5:11. As even sscholars may differ. Its just that it was pretty shocking to come to a Matthew Henry view I not only resonated with, but also in how Henry caught me way off guard when I ran into looking at the 8 dreams of Zech as a blueprint spanning time and focusing on what points it might...was actually the first time I understood the possibility of such views in like 30 years. So just sharing in context of what for me was quite a romantically poetic moment. And a paradigm shift of sorts in the gravity perhaps contained in Zechariah.

In that link provided, it has a bit of an array of thought upon how various scholars view Zech 5:11. It is always a fascination of mine to see the different takes and how they get there. Like Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament seems to view it very much along the same lines as Henry (it referring to the 2k year diaspora) but culminates it also to be about Rev Chapt 17--which i would see that verse actually not doing that. Not to be a stickler. But Zech 5:11 seems to be viewed by many as an allusion to Rev 17 (such as Woods would also have). Yet Keil and Delitzsch have some fascinating explanations on Gen 6:4 in contrast to the popular and trendy Enochian sense on that verse. In fact, so much so, I would hold Keil and Delitzsch personally responsible for being a key lead into considering the very different sense of that area of scripture found in how the Septuigeant lays it out. And deeply anchoring a view I have that is not Enochain at all concerning Gen 5. So even though I give a huge hug to Keil and Delitzsch for helping anchor me away from Enochian Gen 5, I don't see their stretching Zech 5:11 into a Rev 17 vibe is helpful.

But I would say that Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges in that link compliment Matthew Henry's take on Zech 5:11 very well. I guess to demonstrated that not all the scholars blend Zech 5:11 with Rev 17. But some certainly do. Zechariah is super colorful. And I have noticed some scholars link the horses/chariots with Rev 6. I am of the school that does not do that. But I just think its hopefully helpful to demonstrate the graffiti like sense of like the link I posted helps to spill out bofore us in succintity. That scholars will widely differ. And also that even though my view may differ from Andy's or yours or David Jeremaihs on the women and the basket, there is beauty in the boque of senses upon scripture we can also appreciation being something to appreciate in and of itself too. For its differences honor free speech, but even more, the resurrection power of the Spirit in us to share differences in good faith zeal toward the heart of saints more than it making tribal revalrous diffrences from our differences.

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Having said all of that, just to clarify (because personally I find the majesty of this view--not because it's mine...for I was dragged off into it kicking and screaming years before I ever stepped into this exegetical puddle), what excited me about Matthew Henry's view was the following:

  • That temple likely among scholars can be "house"
  • And perhaps more than this dream sequence riding the wings of the mystery and radical ride-hood this book does before us (incidentally, Bible Project on YouTube...an awesome source for those not familiar...does not even try to explain the woman in the basket...lol): This dream piece could very well be link exclusviely to, for, and regarding Israel's diaspora because they "will" reject their messiah (in a few short hundred years from the time of that writting).
  • That Israel will build their dwelling in foreign lands
  • That Israel will make other lands their home for thousands of years
  • That Israel will be compared to what they looked down upon-- the escapes of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel--reaching for God of themselves (killing their own Messiah and being a temple of their own ascending to heaven of their own like Nimrod)
  • And in the above sense be themselves an idol in their own temple/houses

Seen in this light, wow, bursts into kaleidoscope fury of broken stained class color well splatterd amungst the tunnel wall focus of Israel as that which she had grown to despise. I mean if this is accurate it is super rich. Drenched with hyperbole and what one might expect to have the flavor of if given while they had a mere 70 years in captivity in Babylon only to be show they haven't seen anything yet. Try 2,000 years AND the giving of the mantle service of God to their dogs in the wild view of underserving gentiles. The idiomatic potential contained in that view, for me, nestles well within much I have had to discover over the years of my journey away from what would on some levels domestically be almost acceptable occurances: that the gentile perspective will form over times ideas of scripture seemingly in connection with the church ideas because of of contemporary association with 2,000 years of church history. So to me, especially in commentaries written prior to 1948, it seemed to have become customatic for sholars to blend/blend the church and Israel more so because there was no Israel and had not been one for an incredible number of centuries. Yet too, what is rather poetic in that even, is that Matthew Henry died in 1714, yet he saw in Zech 5:11 what he did two centuries prior to the Balfor decloration period. And to me what kind of equally amazes me is that I ever ended up considered Matthew Henry there because in so many places his language is really flowery, often vague, and typically in concert with blending the church with Isreal historically. So to me, this Zech 5:11 verse in Henry's lap, is quite a gem on so many levels.

I don't share this to draw you to have my view. But really just something I have likely only merely scracthed the surface of for me. And that is the incredible rich adventure in "discovery," and the availability God has ordained by which to have that journey. Amidst an other wise somewhat tribally anchored generation. I guess more than wanting others to have my view (let's say like my first seal as an example), rather, whatever I might be of help in the encouragement of what gem like terrain God has so provided under the adventure potential of Bereanism...and how that ride can be every bit as valuable (and perhaps in ways--far more valuable) as/than the views we choose to land on. In order and honor of the adorable way you said @Magery, above: "Right again in my opinion. Here comes my own opinion, my speculation on where America sits and fits."
