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WE ARE READY! Iran launches war games with 200 attack helicopters & missiles as Israel tensions rage & US warships gather in Middle East


Tanks, aircraft and troops were deployed by the Islamic Republic for the exercise dubbed “Authority 1402”. It comes as unprecedented tensions rage in the Middle East – with fears Iran could join the war raging between Israel and Hamas. Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Army Abdolrahim Mousavi said “we are always ready to deal with threats”,…

Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Army Abdolrahim Mousavi said “we are always ready to deal with threats”, reported Iranian state media.

Israel launched a massive raid into Gaza last night, sending troops and tanks streaming across the border after a massive aerial blitz.


I'm guessing their "exercise" is as close to a direct war with Israel that they want to come... Their proxies are the ones who will pay the price this round.