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Videos: Pro-Palestine protesters occupy Fox News building in NYC


A crowd of pro-Palestinian activists staged a protest and took over a Fox News building lobby in New York City on Friday, leading to at least 16 individuals being arrested by the New York City Police Department.

According to NBC News, protesters shouted, “Fox News, Fox News, you can’t hide, your lies cover up genocide.” The New York City Police Department confirmed to NBC News that at least 16 people had been arrested in relation to Friday’s protest at Fox News’ NewsCorp lobby.

Video footage of the incident shows protesters in the lobby of the Fox News building repeatedly chanting accusations against the news organization, the United States, and Israel. Video footage also shows protesters holding Palestinian flags and a banner that read, “Fox News’ Lies Cover Up Genocide.”


I seen that Alan Dersowitchs( i probably spelt that wrong) has finally seen Obama for what he is as an enemy of Israel and really called him out for it.

As Jim McGowan stated, hopefully his voice or opinions about Obama will make some waves