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USAF pilot crowned Miss America

Andy C

The newly minted Miss America is the competition's first active-duty Air Force officer.

Miss Colorado Madison Marsh was crowned Miss America during the Sunday night ceremony in Orlando. Marsh is a 2023 alum of the Air Force Academy with a degree in physics and a graduate student at the Harvard Kennedy School.

During the pageant, Marsh spoke about her mom Whitney's 2018 death from pancreatic cancer and participated in interviews about her groundbreaking dual status as a crown holder and U.S. servicemember.

Marsh founded the Whitney Marsh Foundation with family members. She has raised over $250,000 for pancreatic cancer research, according to her official bio. She was crowned by 2023 Miss America Grace Stanke, a nuclear engineering student from Wisconsin. Miss Texas Ellie Breaux was named first runner up.

I spent a lot of time around Fighter pilots in the Marines, and they are a cocky bunch, and rightfully so. It takes a special kind of crazy to fly those for a living.

I can imagine the fun all the pilots who work with her will have. Pilots dont give themselves call signs, but their peers give them one. Im sure she already had one, so no fun there. Maybe when she comes walking in the briefing room, they can say “Who does she think she is, MS America”…….

She would need to have a special arrangement with the AF, because Ms America has speaking engagements to attend. The AF would be smart to allow her to do this because its an excellent recruiting tool with mass exposure.