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US Troops deploying to protect Shipping Lanes near Iran

Always the world's policeman when the deep state is in power...
A good friend of mine who passed a few years ago was a Marine who was blowing up oil rigs when Qhadaffi was being a thorn, and Drew his line of death and dared us to cross it
I crossed that line of death yet lived.
Bobby was born to be a Marine. He was the toughest hardest fighter I’ve ever met. He had to resign from two separate leo agencies we worked at because he didn’t understand sometimes you just don’t need to fight.

We stopped at a store on the way home from work one morning, he jumped out of the car and had three guys down and bleeding before I realized there was a problem. I got out to see if he needed help and guy number four was signaling he wanted no part of it.

I asked Bobby what happened, and he said, you’re not going to help me? I said it doesn’t look like you need any help. What did those guys do?

He said, they’re the ones that threw the beer bottle at my new car yesterday. I said you should have called the sheriff, especially since we were still in uniform. He said I know, but I bet you they won’t throw any more beer bottles at folks cars.

I had asked him that morning where the big dent in his front fender came from and he told me. He only had that car a week. Those rednecks picked the wrong car to smash a bottle full of beer on.

Bobby became a all natural power lifter. A few years after he won a few professional titles, he drowned in a Kayak accident on the Suwannee River.

I have quite a bit of regret over not having shared the gospel with him. We were friends when I was married to my ex wife.