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US, Saudi Arabia said discussing security deal without Israel normalization

Top American and Saudi officials held talks last week in Washington about a possible security agreement that does not include Riyadh normalizing ties with Israel, according to a Monday report.

Normalization has been all but shelved amid the ongoing Gaza war and Israel’s refusal to establish a diplomatic horizon for a future Palestinian state.

However, Washington and Riyadh are still looking at signing a smaller security deal that falls short of the defense pact initially sought by Saudi Arabia, before US President Joe Biden leaves office in January, Axios reported, citing three unnamed sources.


The USA had a longstanding security arrangement with Saudi Arabia that in recent times Saudi Arabia is backing away from. That was, in exchange for Saudi Arabia selling their oil in US Dollars, the US would protect Saudi Arabia militarily.

Unfortunately, with the current US Administration, Saudi Arabia rightfully began to doubt that the US would actually do as promised, and began backing away from that mutual agreement. Maybe now that the USA will have a real and good President in office, one who actually got voted in legitimately, and one who has a propensity to stand by his word, maybe now they might feel it in their best interests to stay with the USA for a while rather than swim with the sharks they were beginning to cozy up to.
The USA had a longstanding security arrangement with Saudi Arabia that in recent times Saudi Arabia is backing away from. That was, in exchange for Saudi Arabia selling their oil in US Dollars, the US would protect Saudi Arabia militarily.

Unfortunately, with the current US Administration, Saudi Arabia rightfully began to doubt that the US would actually do as promised, and began backing away from that mutual agreement. Maybe now that the USA will have a real and good President in office, one who actually got voted in legitimately, and one who has a propensity to stand by his word, maybe now they might feel it in their best interests to stay with the USA for a while rather than swim with the sharks they were beginning to cozy up to.
You know Tall Timbers that is an interesting turn of phrase to actually hear. That Trump was actually someone the people voted in. Wow. That is such a fresh and genuine off the cuff observation.

For me, I kind of think in opposite terms. So it is doubly refreshing. Because the way I think is, "So when is Trump going to prove voter cheating and do away with the machines we know are suspect." But what you noticed is that a man was just elected overcoming the tainted "installing" (not election) system. America was becoming a Banana Republic like is so much in other parts of the world. Fake elections to make people feel democratic. The illusion of freedom.

But the way you just said that, wow. Yeah, like in a big way, Trump just overcame the system, "again." Which is like even more amazing than the first time. The first time they were caught off guard. This time they could do nothing about it. Although they tried two impeachments, two assissination attempts, a gangload of fellony charges, an attempt to bankrupt him with phony restitution and penalty charges of hundreds of millions of dollars (for which there is not bond for and yet he did it anyway). And still...the people got to elect him...lol. That has got to be the best election story aside from God's Elect, Christ, and Him also electing believers to service.

He proved you can overcome big brother. Pretty cool.
By the end of January Israel will probably be about done mopping up. I hope President Trump supports them wholeheartedly with whatever they might need from the USA and I hope Trump doesn't oppose however Israel decides to manage/oversee gaza and lebanon to keep her near enemies from re-arming.
By the end of January Israel will probably be about done mopping up. I hope President Trump supports them wholeheartedly with whatever they might need from the USA and I hope Trump doesn't oppose however Israel decides to manage/oversee gaza and lebanon to keep her near enemies from re-arming.
Lol Putin hasn't rung Trump to congratulate him🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lol Putin hasn't rung Trump to congratulate him🤣🤣🤣🤣

I did read recently where Putin apparently supported whatever idea Trump has for ending the Russia-Ukraine conflict. It'll be interesting to see how that goes.

I think we have interesting days ahead of us. If anything I expect the prophetic calendar will speed up.