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US prepares for bird flu pandemic with $176M Moderna vaccine deal

Here we go

The US government will pay Moderna $176 million to develop an mRNA vaccine against a pandemic influenza—an award given as the highly pathogenic bird flu virus H5N1 continues to spread widely among US dairy cattle.

The funding flows through BARDA, the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, as part of a new Rapid Response Partnership Vehicle (RRPV) Consortium. The program is intended to set up partnerships with industry to help the country better prepare for pandemic threats and develop medical countermeasures, the Department of Health and Human Services said in a press announcement Tuesday.

In its own announcement on Tuesday, Moderna noted that it began a Phase 1/2 trial of a pandemic influenza virus vaccine last year, which included versions targeting H5 and H7 varieties of bird flu viruses. The company said it expects to release the results of that trial this year and that those results will direct the design of a Phase 3 trial, anticipated to begin in 2025.


So. They plan on sticking people with another mRNA vax.
All that comes to me is the many interviews I've seen with the inventer of the mRNA,
Dr Robert Malone and all of the negative things he's said about it and how dangerous it is.
But they are doing it again.
Planning for another pandemic with the same Gene editing junk in the shots. 😡
So. They plan on sticking people with another mRNA vax.
All that comes to me is the many interviews I've seen with the inventer of the mRNA,
Dr Robert Malone and all of the negative things he's said about it and how dangerous it is.
But they are doing it again.
Planning for another pandemic with the same Gene editing junk in the shots. 😡
Can you believe the nerve of these sick people? I can't believe anyone would take the shot again after knowing the truth about them. I refuse to comply just like the first time.
Can you believe the nerve of these sick people? I can't believe anyone would take the shot again after knowing the truth about them. I refuse to comply just like the first time.
Many people got wise to the previous.
But the evil manipulation of fear mongering, mandates with threats of not participating in society. Job losses, business losses, relationships breaking up over resistance. Just like before.
Pressure causes people to break and give in.

Only those who are wise and hold life as a precious gift from God won't give in to the lies and pressures.
Many people got wise to the previous.
But the evil manipulation of fear mongering, mandates with threats of not participating in society. Job losses, business losses, relationships breaking up over resistance. Just like before.
Pressure causes people to break and give in.

Only those who are wise and hold life as a precious gift from God won't give in to the lies and pressures.
We listened to pastors online talking about it so glad we didn't cooperate. They were using fear and control to manipulate people into complying.
No. Just no. No Moderna anything.

If it had been Pfizer, a very, very, teeny tiny, itty bitty, vanishingly small maybe if I hadn't already had bird flu, and even then, only if the antiviral flu drugs weren't working (they do) AND human mortality rate was actually really high, AND I was at high risk of contracting it, AND if there was something in my medical history that made death virtually certain if I got it. OTOH, to die is gain :)
So sad it was reported that many churches were using the love your neighbor tactic to encourage church members to get it.
I believe even Franklin Graham was promoting Christians to get the shot.

No. Just no. No Moderna anything.

If it had been Pfizer, a very, very, teeny tiny, itty bitty, vanishingly small maybe if I hadn't already had bird flu, and even then, only if the antiviral flu drugs weren't working (they do) AND human mortality rate was actually really high, AND I was at high risk of contracting it, AND if there was something in my medical history that made death virtually certain if I got it. OTOH, to die is gain :)
I don't trust anything they are promoting they lie.
What keeps coming to my mind is I can't put it past "some people " to have created this bird flu in some laboratory playing "Gain of Function" and purposely infected the cattle with it and the way Gain of Function works is the disease is made to jump onto other hosts and that's how a human got infected. This is how a manufactured pandemic is started. I've listened to the virology experts speak on how Gain of Function is done.
What keeps coming to my mind is I can't put it past "some people " to have created this bird flu in some laboratory playing "Gain of Function" and purposely infected the cattle with it and the way Gain of Function works is the disease is made to jump onto other hosts and that's how a human got infected. This is how a manufactured pandemic is started. I've listened to the virology experts speak on how Gain of Function is done.

Once upon a time, it was just people on poultry farms, slaughterhouses, etc. who got it, and the occasional person, who came into contact with a dead, infected bird. Doc and I think I got it from a dead bird I picked up from the driveway with a shovel and put into the garbage can. Considering when it happened, and specific medical treatment before then, I suspect my immune system was pretty nonexistent at the time, as I never actually touched the bird, and the exposure was very brief :lol: