In reference to Israel, and what Candice Owens has done in using public platforms to point out errors in the Jewish people, we know by what Paul says in his Epistles in particular Romans
"All of Israel will be saved". But "not all of Israel is Israel".
So indeed there's ungodliness in the nation of Israel, but God is The Judge to determine who out of Israel is saved.
There's problematic issues in every nation, including Israel but to use a public platform to demonize any part of a nation, especially using historical references to justify it, then begin with our own nation America. We have a lot of dirt to point out with some who have brought disgrace to this country.
Humans in general are a fallen people. Without Christ Jesus there's no hope in humanity.
So when we are Christians, how do WE keep the command to love our neighbor but to speak Christ Jesus, not speak of whatever flaws have been found in a nation, present or past to drive the point that there's problems within the nation.
The story comes to mind of the woman who was about to be stoned and Jesus said "whoever is with no sin, cast the first stone" and he bends to write in the dirt. No one was without sin and left her alone.
I have nothing to condemn Ms Owens for, but it's bothersome that she believes she does a righteous thing, that by going public with history, as she points to such as how the Jewish Star of David came to be the symbol for Israel. Why point it out? As a history lesson or to give a bad image to the people of Israel because they are still in denial of Jesus being the Messiah
because they're in a temporary stupor that God has them in until they call on Jesus to save them.
We are called to share the gospel, first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. It's a prophetic fact that Israel is partially blind to the fact of Jesus being the Messiah, but at God's appointed time all of that will change for at least 1/3 of the Jews who are saved during Jacob's trouble.
My opinion is just that, my opinion. I don't expect anyone to agree but I think we have more importance in praying for the salvation of the Jewish people and not go on various programs and YouTube channels to point out all that's wrong with Israel, or to nod in agreement with someone who does.
We have The Love of Jesus in us and in that love we want to invest on doing good to bring God Glory.
I hope this didn't ruffle any feathers. I felt a need to express my thoughts on this.