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UN Security Council refuses to condemn Hamas war...


The United Nations Security Council declined to condemn the war crimes committed by Hamas against Israel.

The war has so far resulted in 900 dead and more than 100 hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza, including children, babies and elderly women.

“This is Israel’s 9/11,” stated the Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan. “From now, nothing will be as it was.”


UN off of US soil NOW.
24 hours for all diplomats and staff spies and terrorists to get out of the U.S.
then 24 hours for military intelligence to swoop and scoop for exploitation off-site
then 24 hours for engineers to rig and bring down the building in a controlled implosion
then 24 hours for the NYC sanitation department to clean up and cart away the mess.

I. AM. SO. SICK. OF. THE. U.N. ACTING. AS. A. TOOL. OF. satan. :apost: 👿 :mad: :headbang: :cry: