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UN General Assembly adopts resolution on Golan Heights — results of vote


Unto Thee I lift my eyes. Ps. 123
Staff member
The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution calling upon Israel to withdraw from the occupied Golan Heights, a TASS correspondent reported. A total of 91 countries voted in favor of the document, including Russia, Brazil, India, China and Saudi Arabia. Eight countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, voted against. 62 countries abstained.

The document contains eight provisions. The first one states that Israel has so far failed to implement the 1981 UN Security Council Resolution 497, which declares the Israeli annexation null and void. Apart from that, the document "demands once more that Israel withdraw from all the occupied Syrian Golan to the line of 4 June 1967, in implementation of the relevant Security Council resolutions."

It also determines that "the continued occupation of the Syrian Golan and its de facto annexation constitute a stumbling block in the way of achieving a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the region."

This makes me SO ANGRY.

Do they have nothing to better to do?
And the timing, why NOW, when the Hezbollah is throwing their barrage of rockets DAILY!
Israel is facing a multifronted war, and now is the time to make them give up their territory?
What is next, must Israel give the whole land up, from the river to the sea?

And WHY this resolution, considering that the UN has no way to enforce it?
And‭ he spake‭‭ to them‭ a parable‭; Behold‭‭ the fig tree‭, and‭ all‭ the trees‭;‭
‭When‭ they now‭ shoot forth‭‭, ye see‭‭ and know‭‭ of‭ your own selves‭ that‭ summer‭ is‭‭ now‭ nigh at hand‭.‭
‭So‭ likewise‭ ye‭, when‭ ye see‭‭ these things‭ come to pass‭‭, know ye‭‭ that‭ the kingdom‭ of God‭ is‭‭ nigh at hand‭.‭
‭Verily‭ I say‭‭ unto you‭,‭ This‭ generation‭ shall‭‭ not‭ pass away‭‭,‭ till‭ all‭ be fulfilled‭‭.‭

Luke 21
And WHY this resolution, considering that the UN has no way to enforce it?

Russia. Gog Magog. And a growing Russian grievance against Israel that will only multiply as Isaiah 17 happens, and then Russia snaps and decides to invade Israel. Ezekiel 38.

For some time now, even before Russia and Israel were at odds over Ukraine, the Russians have "supported" their puppet al Assad in Syria who claims the Golan. It's gone back and forth over the years, but finally Israel got tired of the shelling from the heights of the Golan by Syria and took it for good. Some time after that, Russians came to stay in Syria to "help" Assad in his fight against his own people. The Russians and the Iranians are both working for control of Syria.

Trump made an interesting pronouncement early on in his term as President, that the Golan belonged to Israel.

The Russians still wanted it, so they supported Syria's claim (because essentially Syria in their view is theirs and expanding territory to include Golan makes sense to Russia). At the same time Iran was expanding it's influence in Syria.

Israel helped Russia out by sharing Iranian intel (the moving van incident) that showed how Iran was also plotting against Russia in Syria.

That's why Russia turned a blind eye to Israeli bombing raids on Iranian outposts in Syria.

But things have been changing.

And Russia is putting pressure on the UN on behalf of Syria - abandoning any pretense of friendly relations with Israel.
Russia. Gog Magog. And a growing Russian grievance against Israel that will only multiply as Isaiah 17 happens, and then Russia snaps and decides to invade Israel. Ezekiel 38.

For some time now, even before Russia and Israel were at odds over Ukraine, the Russians have "supported" their puppet al Assad in Syria who claims the Golan. It's gone back and forth over the years, but finally Israel got tired of the shelling from the heights of the Golan by Syria and took it for good. Some time after that, Russians came to stay in Syria to "help" Assad in his fight against his own people. The Russians and the Iranians are both working for control of Syria.

Trump made an interesting pronouncement early on in his term as President, that the Golan belonged to Israel.

The Russians still wanted it, so they supported Syria's claim (because essentially Syria in their view is theirs and expanding territory to include Golan makes sense to Russia). At the same time Iran was expanding it's influence in Syria.

Israel helped Russia out by sharing Iranian intel (the moving van incident) that showed how Iran was also plotting against Russia in Syria.

That's why Russia turned a blind eye to Israeli bombing raids on Iranian outposts in Syria.

But things have been changing.

And Russia is putting pressure on the UN on behalf of Syria - abandoning any pretense of friendly relations with Israel.
Yeah not too mention Erdogan of all people accusing Israel of war crimes
Yeah not too mention Erdogan of all people accusing Israel of war crimes
It's fascinating seeing the buildup towards Gog Magog and this hellish Iranian, Russian and Turkish cooperation building between them and Libya/Sudan.

Starting to wonder if the "and many nations with thee" might include China.

Because with few exceptions both BRICS as mentioned above by AH and Kaatje, and the SCO or Shanghai Cooperative Organization (NATO for nasties) seem to fit the Ezek 38 invasion group as AH mentioned
The Brics nations...except for South Africa in place of Saudi Arabia
Ezekiel 38...

It's like watching a building being assembled.
It's fascinating seeing the buildup towards Gog Magog and this hellish Iranian, Russian and Turkish cooperation building between them and Libya/Sudan.

Starting to wonder if the "and many nations with thee" might include China.

Because with few exceptions both BRICS as mentioned above by AH and Kaatje, and the SCO or Shanghai Cooperative Organization (NATO for nasties) seem to fit the Ezek 38 invasion group as AH mentioned

It's like watching a building being assembled.
I seen Biden doing his toothless tiger cease and desist to Erdogan saying stop supporting Hamas and Russia otherwise there will be consequences.............. yes like what Joe ?
I didn't have to read the article to know the decision. When it comes to Israel, the UN deliberations are always a foregone conclusion. What a farce!
Not a surprise here either.
I mean look at this headline from
December 16, 2022

U.N. calls Israel’s founding a “catastrophe”

Here's the story for anyone interested:
