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U.S. Dept Of Commerce To Digitize The Identities Of All Americans Receiving ‘Public Benefits’

Federal ‘Guidelines’ have already been secretly adopted for a Digital ID program that will start off as ‘voluntary’ but only the most gullible Americans would believe that’s anything but temporary.

In the globalist drive toward the creation of a national digital ID for all Americans is well under way, and the first group of citizens to be coerced into accepting a digital ID will be those receiving public benefits of one type or another.

Government healthcare benefits, Veterans’ benefits, Social Security benefits, and of course low-income welfare programs of every type will all be fair game for digital IDs, and the U.S. government is already far down the road to adopting a strategy of digitizing all government-dependent citizens.
It all begins with a little-known program within the U.S. Department of Commerce.
I bet you didn’t know that the federal Commerce Department has a sub-agency called the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST for short, and that NIST has already adopted a set of “digital identity guidelines.”
Yes those of us who are Uncle Sam's indentured servants will be first to the digital id, iris scan, retinal scan, etc…

We've all been fingerprinted. The loops, whorls, arches, etc. are coded numerically in the database.

Military and VA have been collecting and analyzing DNA for some years, and all that is digitized.
We've all been fingerprinted. The loops, whorls, arches, etc. are coded numerically in the database.

Military and VA have been collecting and analyzing DNA for some years, and all that is digitized.

The college course I took on fingerprinting was a two semester class. What I learned there is pretty much obsolete since it's been digitized and computers do the work now.

I've been fingerprinted many times... I'll bet a good portion of us have never been fingerprinted, though. I'll add that I've never been fingerprinted during the process of being "booked" for a crime :)
The college course I took on fingerprinting was a two semester class. What I learned there is pretty much obsolete since it's been digitized and computers do the work now.

I've been fingerprinted many times... I'll bet a good portion of us have never been fingerprinted, though. I'll add that I've never been fingerprinted during the process of being "booked" for a crime :)
Such a sheltered life…..:)