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U.N. ‘Commissioner’ Claims Israel Doesn’t Have Right to Self-defense


An official “commissioner” inside the United Nations is using semantics to claim that Israel has no right of self-defense against the home of the Hamas terrorists who butchered 1,400 innocent civilians during an invasion on Oct. 7.

It is Francesca Albanese, in the office for the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights as a special rapporteur for Palestinians, who has argued semantics.

She claims “self-defense” has a “narrow meaning under Article 51 of the U.S. charter” and that it does not give the Jewish state the right to defend itself against the home of the Hamas terrorists who invaded and slaughtered 1,400 civilians.

A report at the Washington Free Beacon explains Albanese believes the definition requires the threat to come from “another state,” and since she claims Hamas comes from an “occupied territory,” Israel’s defense of its own citizens is a crime.


There's nothing funny about what's happening in Israel, but I had to laugh at this thread because this UN official's claims are absolutely laughable. Where do these fools come from???

No, it's not funny, but still. Here is an other fun fact:

The UN are mentioned in Scripture, did you know that?


Psalms 2:1

And why shouldn't we laugh. God does. :)

Psalms 2:4