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Tyson Foods Fires Hard-Working American Employees and Instead Hires Illegal Immigrants

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
According to Bloomberg, just days after Tyson Foods’s Perry, Iowa location fired more than 1,200 American workers, the company announced that it has partnered with a non-profit refugee group, Tent Partnership for Refugees, hiring thousands of asylum seekers instead.

“It is ILLEGAL under federal law to discriminate against American citizens based on their citizenship in favor of non-citizens of any kind when it comes to employment,” America First Legal said, adding that Tyson is breaking the law by favoring illegal immigrant workers over Americans.

“We would like to employ another 42,000 if we could find them,” Tyson employee Garrett Dolan, told the outlet. The majority of new hires “Are going to come from refugees and immigrants, so we're now in the business of strategically thinking that through.”

Good grief. If this is going to happen on a regular basis with US companies, I hope that websites are created to post which slimy corporations are doing it so I can boycott. This is ridiculous but expected in a woke society that has infested corporate America and has no accountability. By accountability I mean that they typically get by with it........heads do not roll and the company still makes money from a clueless and uncaring consumer base.
Good grief. If this is going to happen on a regular basis with US companies, I hope that websites are created to post which slimy corporations are doing it so I can boycott. This is ridiculous but expected in a woke society that has infested corporate America and has no accountability. By accountability I mean that they typically get by with it........heads do not roll and the company still makes money from a clueless and uncaring consumer base.

Tech companies have been doing it for a long time now for their computer and software engineers. :(
Leonard Ravenhill believed that God Almighty had already taken His Hands off America.
Because America had so much Light and rejected it.
I believe that same is true for the rest of the world, at least for the Western world.

Throughout the Bible we see many examples of God's wonderful blessings but also the consequences of turning away
from him.
Israel had the Promised Land with Milk and Honey.
Afterwards we see God's judgement again and the Southern Kingdom ending up in captivity in Babylon.

Only complete repentance, by hearing and believing the Gospel, could change this world again, nothing else !

Here is the 14" clip with the message that I mentioned above.
Speaking as one from the home of Tyson, this has always been the playbook. This area was the whitest place I'd ever seen. In the 80's and 90's (you know, when the Clintons were in charge) people south of the border just started appearing in Springdale, where the Tyson and George's plants are. Tyson was trafficking people in to work in the chicken plants, because he could pay them garbage and treat them like garbage (seriously, there are reports of people being forced to work such long hours that they would wear diapers because they weren't allowed bathroom breaks. Yeah.) They were literal slaves. It's indentured servitude for the chicken farmers. You buy a farm with the whole setup ready so you can get a contract from one the large poultry companies. You buy their food at their prices. They provide the chicks, but don't pay you for any of the chicks that die. With overcrowding you can imagine how little these farmers make, barely enough to pay the farm, and the hours they have to keep are insane, but because they are independent, they don't get paid for their hours. Nothing has changed. Now Springdale doesn't even look like it's in the US anymore and has all the drug and gang problems from south of the border, too.

I hate Tyson. That company is pure evil from the way it treats human beings and they haven't changed one iota. The chickens aren't even treated like living creatures. You can see them, miserable, half bald because their feathers are falling out, crammed into cages in trucks that absolutely reek. Open cages in all kinds of weather. No one cares. They are going to die anyway, and do often die on the way to slaughter. It just saves a step in the process. Do you really want to eat that?

ETA: The poultry companies have also been fined multiple times for poisoning the groundwater and local waterways with chicken waste. Most of the people around here used to depend on their wells for water. Now you don't dare drink well water unless it has been tested to make sure it hasn't been tainted with heavy metals or nitrates from ammonia from chicken litter. Can't drink from many of the natural springs the area is abundant in, either. If ever there was a company to boycott, Tyson would be it, no matter which side of the political spectrum you come from.