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Turkish President Erdoğan steps up rhetoric: ‘Israel is a terrorist state’


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has strongly criticized Israel since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas terrorists on Oct.7, further escalating his anti-Israel rhetoric this past Wednesday by calling Israel a “terrorist state.”

“With the savagery of bombing the civilians it forced out of their homes while they are relocating, it is literally employing state terrorism. I am now saying, with my heart at ease, that Israel is a terror state,” Erdoğan said during his speech to the Turkish parliament on Nov. 15.

“We will never shy away from voicing the truth that Hamas members protecting their lands, honor, and lives in the face of occupation policies are resistance fighters, just because some people are uncomfortable with it,” he added.

The Turkish leader called on Israel to declare whether it had a nuclear arsenal, adding: “Your end is nigh, anyway, whether you have nuclear weapons or not.”

**Note: I don't read "Arab news sources but I was redirected by
All Israel News source to the Arab news source

Turkish President Erdoğan steps up rhetoric: ‘Israel is a terrorist state’ - All Arab News
