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Turkey Gets Involved “Diplomatically”


Hanging on to the Throne
How nice of Erdogan to step in. And My husband saw a Fox News program where it was reported that he told the US to stay out of it!
Our ships in the water certainly put a kink in his (eventual) Ez 38 plans.


From the article:
Turkey, which has supported Palestinians in the past, hosted members of the Islamist group Hamas which launched the attack on Israel, and backed a two-state solution, said on Saturday it was ready to help de-escalate tensions.
This invasion by Hamas should be the end of any "2 state solution" thinking and hopefully Israel will see to it that it is the end of "Gaza".
I’m wondering if Turkey and the world ends up blaming Israel for the lack of diplomacy and agreement to two state solution and that is used as the stated excuse to go in via Ez 38.