To answer your last question first- Canada HATES Trudeau! REALLY HATES HIM!
He's used some really bad stuff to stay in power, from bribing the mainstream media in Canada to provide positive coverage (which turned the rather leftist media into a propaganda machine for Trudeau) and a backroom deal with the leader of the NDP (they never achieve power because Canada is leftist, but not that far left) to prop his minority govt.
It's complicated. Singh the leader of the NDP achieves his full govt pension in Feb of 25 so till then he's propping up Trudeau unless something earth shattering happens. Singh and all of Canada know he and the rest of the NDP will go down in defeat because of how they propped up Trudeau.
Regardless of Singh's pension (which he won't get if the election is called before Feb) there is a mandated election that kicks in regardless on or before Oct 20th of 2025. Before then it happens if there is that non con vote I mentioned above. And then Trudeau can claim a full decade of power (minus a month or so) which he seems to want.
Trudeau is delusional. He seems to think he can just ride it out, and eventually people will love him. Not only are they sick and tired of him, they hate what he did to the Truckers, they hate the wholesale quantities of restless cranky Muslim immigration that are causing horrific problems. Then there is the economy which he has wrecked.
Trudeau's latest delusion is that appearing to oppose Trump will win him votes and support in the next election. He is not operating in reality. He is self deluded at this point. It's likely he will ride the Liberals to the worst defeat in history of their party along with the NDP that propped him up.
Trump is not popular in Canada at all, (mainstream media up here is "orange man bad" all the way so people don't think to question that). Which is why Trudeau is borrowing Trump to "oppose" so he can score cheap points. Trudeau is also using the Canadian fear that the Americans will roll in and take us over. Large swathes of rural western Canada would be happy, while the leftists that rule the rest of the country would be terrified.
The leader of the opposition is Pierre Poilievre and he is much more blessed in the brains dept than poor Trudeau. He is making sure people remember everything. The media are trying to cover up Pierre and give Trudeau a boost so who knows.
PLUS WE WENT TO VOTING MACHINES in the last provincial election, which means they'll be up and "running" for the next federal election. They worked as well as yours did in Arizona.
The chances of Trudeau awakening out of his globalist dream in time to save Canada are almost non existent but God may have other plans. So I don't rule it out, but I won't hold my breath either.
Pierre Poilievre is running in the lead in all the polls by a huge margin. He's good. It remains to be seen if God will allow him to lead us away from the Globalist nightmare of Trudeau.
My pessimistic attitude on this is that just as the swamp lives on the Right as well as the Left, we too have our own version of that swamp. And I'm quite sure they haven't thrown in the towel, instead I suspect they have neatly and carefully placed their puppets ready to trip Pierre up just as they did with Trump the first time round (and I suspect this time too)
The bottom line is where are we on the Road to Revelation, Tribulation and the end of the Church Age. How far along? Is there time for a serious turn around back to national identity for nations around the world or is the time of the one world govt nearly upon us. I think it's likely the latter, we are seeing the set up for the final OWG.
Thanks Margery. Very helpful insight. We get the same vibe of Justin here. But good to check with an insider on that
I remember a few years back Tucker Carlson did some documentaries about Canada. In which I believe one was called: "Canada, We Are Coming for You." lol
Glad to hear you can see a potential where the left might collapse at the next election. In terms of tribulation timing, I see peeps like Tom Hughes and such wonder the same kinds of things you propose. They are of course expecting a one world government. Its just do we get it "now" or is it just slowed down a bit for more to be saved. And that is pretty much the conventional thinking in watcher evangelicalism. And I understand that question, as well as respect that question. But I don't believe it is actually the right or best question. Let me explain...
We have that quagmire, I believe, because of how we have set up our filter. It looks something like this from what I have seen:
- We know the word is true
- The word says a tribulation is coming
- Christian Nationalism and NAR + see glory days ahead
- We know NAR + can't be accurate, so it must be deception and instead we tank so NWO takeover is sooner rather than later
- John Macarhtur and JD Farag would agree -- the church looses down here (its not the church militant that NAR and Catholics would see)
- Let's do either/or. Lets "see" in contrast to the blindness of NAR
The NAR Dilemma
Its that last point where I think a "tell" can help us greatly. It's simple. Its basic. But boy oh boy is it controversial. And that is: Basing what we see should not be cued from NAR. I know it is not something we purposefully do. I know its not that the only thing we have is "its not NAR's view." I know we see what we do first and foremostlly in scripture AND THEN see what NAR sees then also cannot be true. And in seeing this we tend to feel like having a somewhat inside scoop. But overall, I would not see this eschatological model very safe to hold though. The reason primarily is it would seem we take a good and solid thing "that which we know comes to pass prophetically," and then subject it by contrast to contemporary, temporal colloquialism (what NAR or the zietguist is doing). We bring prophecy down onto the street level theorying, in this way I fear. Like allowing what NAR is or is not doing to be a way to interpret the bible. I think we can do that without NAR being real or false in our midst though. Not saying this is what you are doing dear sister. I am just expanding the concepts as they would appear to be is all in general. If that makes sense? Nor am I saying the watcher world is doing something like this on purpose. Or that looking at features and aspects of this is without merit (for of course having concerns about NAR theology is necessary not to walk in some new age belief system...amen). For I think there is a lot of good observations that can come out of even this kind of philosphical approach--having concern how others are mislead and misleading others. Amen.
But it tends, to me, to seem to be less biblical than I would feel comfortable agreeing with. Because we are saying that the there is Providence in how we are seeing things, amen, but at the same time affirming our views because of how wrong other groups might push a different narrative. I am not saying that is 100% an improper approach. For it has some legs to stand on. But I guess I would just see that more like leaning into our culture moment perhaps more than might be most safe. Because as I see it we have two views. 1) We are going into tribulation soon, or 2) We are going into a golden age where the church reigns. And on its face I would say neither are accurate. And both are actually having truth in them though. So, by the way, this is coming from someone who had no interest at all in eschatology for 25 years. And when I did, would be on the above model of thinking. Where I agree is this:
- The Gotthard Tunnel opening celebration was wicked (2016) -- A new era in this world sliding into the abyss
- The notice of media propogandizing from 2017 +
- The increase of dark art performances at Rose Bowl Half Time and Olympic games opening and closing ceremonies
- The COVID Caper
- Huge money laundering as due process in government
I could go on. I would even include the Georgia Guidestones to boot. Everything seems to be leaning dark. Sillouting us into: the age of AC. Amen. I believe that is actually accurate. And in order to tell what time it is, I would naturally see what the new age sees about the age of Aquarius. Or the plans of freemasonry. I would see Albert Pike prophesying 3 world wars as a grand architect plan. And sum it all up as latter day insight. In this way it might seem to be helpful to take off the rose colored glasses and see the fate of our world more sobermindedly.
A monument in Georgia gave cryptic instructions for humanity. Then someone blew it up.
But interestingly enough, the Georgia Guidestones were temporal. As part of the way I used to research (being CNN who knows), I would have found this article interesting. But the downwind findings would also be interesting. The Guidestones were up for 42 years. An interesting temporal number, no? Overall it would seem that these guidestones might have been part of a rising interest in abortion during the mid 20th century emerged with significance, to me, it would appear the Georgia Guidestones be a somewhat superstitious magic emblem shrine component to our age. In order to gain legimitacy, what greater power than to be thought to be from God. I believe it an interesting journey into the ancient dark age world of popery and the ways in which fakery would have established one as though from God.
So in light of that sort of historical magic, the Guidestones seem to have been a testiment to an age of abortion mysteriously appearing as though they were some new 10 commandments for our age. And be a shrine to guide a people by fiat. In hopes it might partake in the greater social conscience over time. That is kind of what it looks like to me. But at the end of the day, it would be temporal. And our recent age able to understand a momument to NWO, removed. So now-a-days I guess I would be more inclined to see its artificat as providential. In kind of like storyboard exulted itself to be something, but was removed. So now when I think about the Georgia Guidestones, I see it kind of as the little red train that wanted to. But the actual writing on the wall I don't believe is governemed by the masons, or druids, or the warlocks of our age. The 70th week would not be named by Satan. It is not his age. Its Israel's and God's. For in it, the devil in reference to the age of grace, will be bound from it for 1,000 years.
I don't see the tribulation as the age that belongs to the globalists. Even though their rule will be great in its later period. It culminates in them going to war against Christ. A foolish end. So I guess I would kind of see letting NWO or freemason etc tell the story for God has kind of been in vogue lately. But I don't think it is their story to tell. I still strongly believe that the 70th week is God's 70th week. And named so for Israel. But sometimes it would almost seem we could exchange that name for Satans Great 7 years. So even in walking it back into the age of grace, I believe some of the premesis we start with, to me, don't seem too holistic. And I guess we might tend to assign meaning to the dark forces of our world as that which prophecy operates by (whereas I would see the spirit of prophecy as Rev 19:10). Where it is innocent in our views, it is totally understandable as to why we might merge dark arts with prophecy since we are heading that way anyway. But from what I have taken note of over the years it would seem we almost want Pike to be a prophet. And as much as we don't want to assign prophecy rights to NAR, in our explanation of making them false, we kind of make them true in a sense if some pockets of evangelicalism exult Pike to prophet status. For we find need that evil must succeed for a time. And in some pockets of the watcher world it makes sense in this way for us.
The Mirror Effect
However, I would see the alignment with NAR a bit differently. Not so much that the false claims NAR would make on some level would be true. But more like God allowing some of what NAR is open to see afforded. Not for the purpose of granting NAR prophecy legimatacy. Rather quite the opposite. So like I am saying this merely in conjecture. But I am just trying to flesh out what appears to be somewhat of a providential phenomenon. If the watcher church is more hot on back walking the tribulation into the age of grace than how a huge data dump in our laps (Ez 38) details things for our day, then even the soberer minded watcher church could be affirming relationships of the tribulation for today in ways we don't like how NAR does the opposite. From a 30 thousand foot view it just would seem that both approaches (false prophecies of NAR and incorrect hypothesis from the sober church) can lean too much at times in our own preconceived interests. And in that sense, it would seem to me that God provide the church a mirror in NAR not to do that same kind of thing in our own nomenclature. And to possibly accent that, perhaps some things the way NAR is looking at it (where good conquers right now) might actually look truer than back walking the tribulation in our age. A main low hanging fruit way we could defend our position in that could be to just say whatever good is temporal and and whatever good is mere deception. Rather than perhaps just meekly going, "Oh, maybe that is the peace and security for Israel before Ez 38" -- provided that view might be accurate--and just stating it this way for contrast to highlight how in general it kind of looks for me).
Exegetical Nuances I Reckon
Where my downside on this admittedly a weakness would be: Can Israel get her robust peace and safety and it not be a seal? The answer has to be, yes. So if that happens hugely in concert with MAGA, then maybe its just semi-apolocyptic-ish wind approaching Ez 38. And not a seal. Then Ez 38. Then the 1st seal, then WW3. And that lineup I believe is a bigger stretch though. It would make sense for Ez 38 to be seal 2 in my estimation because it is unprecidented and massively underscoring prophecy. If it were not, then we would need it to have to be WW3 (because a seal would be bigger than eliminated 2/3rd of Israel). So is that nuclear war all over the earth? Because without the spirit, there would be nothing holding men back from using nukes. And seal 2 is too much at the beginning of the tribulation to have seal 3+ be post nuclear world war to me. It just doesn't read that way. Unless maybe the trumpets are poetry for how damaged everything gets from the nuclear fallout. Is fire reigngn down from nuclear war? But what just happened with seal 6 is supernatural. So it does not seem like the trumpets would be nuclear fallout aftermath. Especially with trumpet 5 being an actual supernatural being. In a nutshell it just does not make as much sense to have SUPER peace then SUPER war then SUPER peace then SUPER war again. Its almost redundant if we are this close to Ez 38. Well just kind of how I am thinking about it.
Thanks for reading all that. I hope it makes some sense where i might be coming from. Thanks for taking the time. Blessings.