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Trump found guilty all 34 counts

I just have to keep looking at him because I get moments of fear thinking about my future with my husband and kids.
I share that sinking fear for my son's young family (who are not Christian).

Slowly the truth we know of God's plans sinks in, but it's like I go through cycles where some days I am depressed about the evil and no amount of knowledge helps.

A few months ago the Lord showed me what I'm doing. Since the 2020 Covid fears I would go between gratefully trusting God to feeling distressed. The distress is a natural response to evil, and it helped me to stop trusting in the savings I'd worked on for retirement, stop trusting modern medicine, etc. Here's where I goofed up, I allowed the distress to move into times of despair.

Now I'm learning to give my burden of distress to Jesus, and He is faithful to remind me of biblical truths that help me avoid depair/depression.
I am looking forward to the debate with Biden and Trump on June 27th. That ought to be interesting to see if Biden can even talk straight.

Wondering if President Trump will be in "oranges"*
If so, then he really will be "orange man" :lol:

*jumpsuits worn by prisoners in State prisons are usually orange
Federal prisoners in minimum security, either regular clothes or tan or brown shirts and pants. Maybe gray in some places . . . it's been a long time since I supervised prison work details loaned out to the military.

I wonder what color political prisoners wear. In the Gulag, political prisoners were/are identified in some way to differentiate them from criminals. The prisoners know immediately who's who, though.

Whoever is providing security is in for an "interesting" time, whether or not President Trump goes to prison.
If he does go, maybe they'll assign him to teach GED classes or tutor prisoners working on their GEDs, etc. (yes,this is a type of prison employment or can be as a volunteer to gain extra good time/points, etc.)

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
To be honest, Trump most likely is guilty of dodgy business dealings, the guy isn't a saint , however, if he's guilty of dodgy business dealings, then his only punishment should only be not being able to run a business and that's it.
I respectfully disagree, if shady business dealings were prosecuted there wouldn’t be a car dealership in the world that could be open.