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Trump Declares National Emergency Over Canada’s Electricity Surcharge, Imposes More Tariffs

Trump has escalated trade tensions with Canada by announcing a series of retaliatory tariffs and threatening further economic measures unless Canada eliminates key trade barriers. In response to Ontario's newly imposed 25% tariff on electricity exports to the U.S., Trump declared a National Emergency on electricity in affected regions and ordered an increase in tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum to 50%, effective March 12.

Additionally, he warned that unless Canada drops what he called "outrageous" dairy tariffs, he will impose higher tariffs on Canadian automobiles starting April 2, a move that could damage the nation's auto industry.

Some things I see on the road to the Tribulation.

You'll need a good tin foil hat on this one- as always, just my own personal opinion and speculation. your mileage may vary, no hard feelings.

Let's get started:

We have all speculated how does the world get into the 1 World Govt, the AC system??? America is in the way, so that is why the globalists wanted to remove America.

(Biden and Obama worked from the left in those years, but who works from behind Trump's back, within his team???- look at how Covid played out for your answer- boy was I dumb about that in 2020, couldn't believe what I was seeing for a little while. Now I can't unsee it, and I've been waiting to see what this term brought in the way of globalist projects!)

With me so far???

Good, stay buckled up this is about to get interesting and it's a very rough and bumpy ride.

They aren't removing America, they are USING America to accomplish THEIR goal of destroying individual national identities and laws. It's happening with Canada and this dispute between former friends and allies.

Canada needs to fold into the North American "kingdom". So does Mexico.

I think this is how it begins.

Stay with me and I'll explain.

Trump sees a problem and attempts to fix it. Starting with the border, drugs and migrants. We all agree. Canada works to fix it, reassured that America is our friend and ally and has a good point.

The "deal" we thought we had - Canada cleans up the border, the tariffs go away appear not to be the actual reason for tariffs at all. We did what was asked, willingly and ended up with tariffs AGAIN.

The goal posts changed, THIS TIME it's not about the drugs or migrants AT ALL

--but about the 2 Free Trade Agreements (MCUSA and NAFTA) that were signed by America and Canada and Mexico. All 3 negotiated by TRUMP (his team) in his first term. He called it a great deal then. He is loyal to his team (remember Covid)

He may be manipulated into thinking tariffs are his idea, and a good thing, but the effect on the Markets are (in my opinion) possibly what the globalists had in mind all along.

They've been trying to explode the financial balloon for decades and the Restrainer always restrains. I think He still is.

But I think this is another marker as to how close we are to the Rapture.

Canada has tried to push back. But we will lose. We are 1/10 the size in population as the US, we don't have the resources to fight this. Even pushing back we are called the bad guy in this. We have no ability to withstand. Trumps' repeated statements about taking over Canada appear more and more a real threat than a joke.

And who can we appeal to - America? The one threatening to annex us?

The World Economic Federation?


- Trudeau, Mark Carney and Chrystia Freeland are WEF thru and thru!!! They've been setting this game up for a while. First they set up open borders and NAFTA etc. Bad ideas all, but Trudeau and Freeland pushed them. Trump thought NAFTA etc was great.

WEF has it's operatives all thru both sides of politics in America, even within Trump's family!!!! WEF has ties to Ivanka and her husband Kushner! How much more does the cancer run in the Republican and Democratic parties??? Remember how Covid played out? That is the pattern I'm seeing here!

LOOK at what this is doing to the markets? Tell me this isn't a plan set in motion to tank individual countries in favour of zones!

They'll let you keep America as a separate country for a little longer but Mexico and Canada are done as individual nations for the WEF! China is meddling in our elections, the drug cartels control Mexico- what's left in this bonfire to pull out of the ashes? NOTHING!

So what IS happening here?

I THINK what we are seeing is the first steps to dividing the world into 10 economic zones. The Americas go first- North America will be USA, Canada and Mexico. Free Trade Agreements are over, along with national identity. (Europe has united already under the EU)

Trump's 51st State comments are starting to make sense
in a prophetic sense. I don't mean he is a prophet, I'm suggesting that the deep state which works just as well on the Right wing as the Left, is pulling some strings, maneuvring him just a bit.

Knowing his personality, his strengths and weaknesses and playing to those. He's not a puppet, but he is somewhat predictable in an unpredictable way. America first. Threaten America and watch Trump explode!

The markets don't like what is happening. The media calls it uncertainty- it's uncertainty over a basic fundamental legal foundation in contract law- do all that you have promised and don't encroach on someone else (their rights, properties or person). Stock markets are built on property rights and contract laws.

And international law- which is similar- keep your promises but also stay out of someone elses borders- what's inside their border is theirs - their laws, their tax schedule, their health care system, their version of the FDA, their marketing boards etc. Don't encroach on someone else's stuff or country.

When a contract is arbitrarily ignored by the strongest member of the 3 countries signing it, it puts every other contract in jeopardy.

That means contract law is not enforced. Which throws markets into a tizzy because nobody is sure of what will be required, whether contracts are enforceable or whether might makes right.

WHO BENEFITS when markets go into a tizzy? WEF!!!! and Rich TECHNOCRATS like Gates!!! Yeah, they get rich even while they pull off a heist like this.

This is why property rights are such a big deal.
It's why law in Russia is only enforced when it goes in favour of the Russian govt. It's how socialism and communism operates. The govt owns everything including you. It's why contracts inside communist China are worth the paper they are printed on. The govt doesn't back contract law.

Take a look at those 2 foundational principles and think a moment how that fits into the AC system to come and I will show you exactly what I think is taking place here behind all the screaming and posturing.

- contract law- don't break your word, keep your word because both of you are made with rights that God gave.

DON'T ENCROACH ON SOMEONE ELSE - criminal and international law because national boundaries and laws are there by God's design.

When we lose sight of the fact that God is above the king or prime minister or president, above all nations, we lose the concept that someone higher than our govt exists and calls to account.

What does Communism and Socialism, and Fascism do? Take away the individuals rights and replace with the rights of the State. Contracts can be broken if the State has a good enough reason. Because they decide God doesn't exist, there is no higher law than the govt.

Who breaks the law when the one breaking it is the State? They are a law unto themselves, seeing no higher law but that which they make, therefore MIGHT MAKES RIGHT!

Who is bigger (at least in their eyes) beyond the countries, even the biggest like America, Russia etc?

OH glad you asked!

People like Amazon's Jeff Bezos, Microsoft's Bill Gates, and yes everyone's favourite, Elon Musk. The Technocrats who work with the WEF and the globalists.

International law. And how this situation will lead to the One World Govt

Here's how. We all agree that countries have their right to set and enforce laws within their borders. Each country has that right within their border. The globalists hate that concept. They've wanted to do away with America who usually stands up for the rights of a country being encroached on by another.

So America must go. But what better way than to use America to crash the economy while encroaching on another country, better yet a friend and ally. Kill 2 with 1 stone!

Countries that violate other countries usually do so by invading and taking over. This isn't an invasion. We are in a set up that we cannot refuse!

One of the things Trump is insisting on, is unlimited access to Canadian markets by American Dairy producers. We do allow some in, but it HAS to comply with our version of the FDA- we don't allow certain chemicals or by products of infection in our dairy, unlike the US. I looked into it, and American dairy is allowed in- the organic kind. I buy organic yogurt from Washington State (or I used to). It's priced the same as the Canadian product.

So if the FDA has jurisdiction in America, surely Canada has that same right? or does it? Because this is what Trump is asking. Free unlimited access to the Canadian market. No rules except the American FDA- and maybe not even that. But Canada's own rules aren't allowed.

Trump is also asking that we dismantle our laws that regulate our Dairy industry. It's something that I don't like- it's Marketing Boards- a form of supply management- and it sets quotas for each farmer. The price isn't fixed precisely, but it does end up being a form of price control and prices are artificially high as a result. I think we could do away with that and still keep our standards up for what we allow and don't allow in our milk supply without the marketing boards and quotas.

Is a country, still an autonomous self governing country if it has to obey another country and remove or change the laws to comply with that other bigger stronger country?

The answer to that is found in your own Declaration of Independence in 1776!

What did you tell Britain about her taxation and regulation in your lives?


Because Britain was insisting on taking taxes, without having representation in Parliament by the American colonies.

This is similar. We have no representation in your govt- but you are taxing us by tariffs and when we object and counter with tariffs, you force us by might.

THAT is NOT a country anymore.

Trump is right about the 51st State thing. He is taking us over whether he realizes it or not. First he's removing our rights as Canadians to set our own laws, he's broken contracts with us, and the end result is, Canadians have American laws forced on us without representation.

Who do we appeal to? the court of public opinion? Who can help us in our defence? The WEF set this one up.

I'd appeal to God, but I think this is just part of where we sit in history. Yes I'm praying. Like Jeremiah though, knowing how evil my country is, how we've earned judgment from God - abortion, MAID, treatment of Israel and the Jews!

I know that we will see the eventual disintegration of all things that stand in the way of the future govts of the world in the world leading up to and past the Rapture. We are on the brink of the Rapture. The world is on the brink of disaster.

Like Jeremiah saw the coming destruction from Nebuchadnezzar, while those around him denied the possibility that God would let Judah and Jerusalem fall. I see this coming. And like Jeremiah I don't pray for God to remove that threat, but to bring us thru the fire to HIS plan and purpose in the pain.

This destabilizes the market, while ensuring that America loses a friend and ally, while removing rights as a nation from Canada and probably Mexico. A triple play by the WEF!!!

I think Trump's being used by the WEF and the globalists to do this.

It's tossing a match into gasoline soaked kindling in the economic markets to see if the WEF can burn the whole thing down and remove America's natural friends and allies (Canada, Mexico, Europe and Britain) turning them into enemies.

Bonus points for Satan if he can set Christians against each other in different countries.

This is not easy to watch.

I'm a Christian first and foremost, as are you. We set aside our national identities in the Body of Christ. We need to put Christ first. Our loyalty is to God first. But we are also citizens of our individual countries.

And Satan would use that to bring division to the body of Christ.

I refuse.

My loyalty is to Christ first and foremost.

I'm a Christian first, a Canadian second. And I will use the time remaining to seek and save the lost.

Rapture is near people - how near, not sure, but if I'm right this was a big takeover attempt by the WEF and the Technocracy who are the winners in all this. Always ask WHO BENEFITS and trace it back up to the source.

or as the Christmas Carol asks

DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE??? (Do you hear what I hear)

Even if the Lord stops them from completing this in one attempt- I think it will play out over a longer time- this is the beginning of the end of the concept of individual national identity. We are entering a time when smaller nations will fold into their larger neighbours, and there will appear large blocs of nation groups headed up by the strongest in the group.
and today i saw another articlea s the main headline saying how the global stock market is copping a battering due to the uncertainty of Trumps tariffs. The stockmarket going down is almost an everyday headline now !!
I think Trump's being used by the WEF and the globalists to do this

I don't think they're using him. I just think things are falling into place. All roads lead to the end days as they are described in the Bible. They hate Trump so much they might be blinded to the reality that their plans in some areas are getting a boost.

Why isn't it that Congress is imposing tariffs, etc.?

Over time, Congress has delegated that authority to the Executive branch via legislation.

--but about the 2 Free Trade Agreements (MCUSA and NAFTA) that were signed by America and Canada and Mexico. All 3 negotiated by TRUMP (his team) in his first term. He called it a great deal then. He is loyal to his team (remember Covid)

Carter and both Bush's were full fledged globalists too. Especially "W". I could be wrong but I seem to remember W working the NAFTA deal during his term.

A Canadian-U.S. free-trade agreement was concluded in 1988, and NAFTA basically extended that agreement’s provisions to Mexico. NAFTA was negotiated by the administrations of U.S. Pres. George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican Pres. Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Preliminary agreement on the pact was reached in August 1992, and it was signed by the three leaders on December 17. NAFTA was ratified by the three countries’ national legislatures in 1993 and went into effect on January 1, 1994.

Trump didn't like the deal and worked most of his term to renegotiate it. We ended up with the USMCA agreement. I believe Canada was a reluctant partner in that eventual agreement.
@Margery, I think you nailed it. I've wondered how Trump can be in the position of doing what he's doing if he's such a threat to the globalists. I'm thinking of Larry McDonald, JFK and probably a host of others. There are only a few possibilities that make sense -- Divine protection, he's being used, or he's part of it. I hope it's the first, fear it could be the last, but am with you that it's likely the second. Regardless, things sure look they're speeding up and falling into place quicker than ever.
Regardless, things sure look they're speeding up and falling into place quicker than ever.
And that is my bottom line, it's amazing to see. I kinda figured Trump was in place by God's appointment and that things would speed up just as they did the first time. I just didn't know where it would start.

For the record, if I had a vote in an American election I would have voted then, and now for him. He is definitely in a Cyrus role for Israel and that is what counts. Israel is at the eye of the hurricane that is battering the world.

It ALL revolves around Israel.
@Margery, I think you nailed it. I've wondered how Trump can be in the position of doing what he's doing if he's such a threat to the globalists. I'm thinking of Larry McDonald, JFK and probably a host of others. There are only a few possibilities that make sense -- Divine protection, he's being used, or he's part of it. I hope it's the first, fear it could be the last, but am with you that it's likely the second. Regardless, things sure look they're speeding up and falling into place quicker than ever.

I think it's a combination of the first and last.

President Trump appointed Elon Musk, who's probably as close to being the technocrat's technocrat as anyone can be, to root out fraud, waste, and abuse, but what he's going to end up doing is gutting our government. A lot of very good (and bad) civil servants are going to be gone, along with their institutional knowledge, that's necessary for continuity of operations (COO), including day-to-day decisions and functions. The absence of those gone from the Senior Executive Service (SES) will ultimately create the most impact (good and bad).

A nonfunctional government makes us more vulnerable and attractive as a target in many different ways. It isn't just poor political leadership that can weaken a country, state, or locale.

FWIW, Billy Crone has a book coming out later this year that includes a section about Elon.
Thank you Rose, it's hard to watch but I've been praying on this, and this is what I see shaping up.

Challenging times to be sure, but we are blessed to be watching prophecy unfold and set up the Tribulation furniture as the curtain gets ready to go up on the final act before Christ takes His rightful place on the throne of David in Jerusalem.

I'm a citizen of that kingdom.

So I pray
Our Father Who Art in Heaven

Thy Kingdom Come, THY Will Be DONE! On Earth as it is in Heaven!

Give us this day our daily bread

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us (SO IMPORTANT- this stops us from taking harm in the crossfire between the nations too)

Lead us NOT into temptation but deliver us from evil


Forever and ever
Can’t we smuggle you in to the USA?! I kid but also kinda meant it.
This thread is blowing my mind. I really like how Rose’s posts fit into Margery’s like that yin-yang thing. My puny, summarized thoughts:

The Kingdom is here in the form of the Restrainer, the indwelt church. The big shots are making their plans for that folding together into one and then the division of Ten will happen. Then the rise in power of the AC.

GOD is allowing those in power to be manipulated as necessary for His prophetic plans to come to fulfillment. In reading these posts, I can really see and sense how Our Jesus Kingdom is the one Kingdom that will need to be removed from the earth for the set up of the AC to be completed. I now strongly feel that we will definitely be removed sometime before the final formation of the OWG. Russia has to fall and so do her Muslim allies, in order for the folding in to be completed, and that will happen with Ez 38. But as long as our Jesus kingdom is still here restraining, to me that just doesn’t go along with a government that devours the whole world.

Because we are going to be the group of people all over the world who are in a different Kingdom of our own. Despite our many denominations and differences, we all ultimately speak one language, and that is the Cross. And the cross will be in the way, bigtime. We aren’t just going to go along quietly with everything they do and say especially if the framework begins to be set up for the one world religion. Also the Restrainer is what has kept the world economy from collapsing.

If we are here for the OWG we will certainly face extreme persecution in the West. And the pretrib rapture haters would have a field day, believing they are in the tribulation and beating us up even more as we continue to look up.
I think it's a combination of the first and last.

President Trump appointed Elon Musk, who's probably as close to being the technocrat's technocrat as anyone can be, to root out fraud, waste, and abuse, but what he's going to end up doing is gutting our government. A lot of very good (and bad) civil servants are going to be gone, along with their institutional knowledge, that's necessary for continuity of operations (COO), including day-to-day decisions and functions. The absence of those gone from the Senior Executive Service (SES) will ultimately create the most impact (good and bad).

A nonfunctional government makes us more vulnerable and attractive as a target in many different ways. It isn't just poor political leadership that can weaken a country, state, or locale.

FWIW, Billy Crone has a book coming out later this year that includes a section about Elon.
I did not know about Billy Crone's book- going to put that one on my wish list or pre order on my kindle. Thanks! He's always worth listening to.