When I was growing up, way, way, way before the internet, homeschooling resources didn't exist like they do now, in part because not needed like they are now. The public schools, at least where I was, were generally reasonable and didn't do a lot of anti-Christian/anti-Jewish stuff other than when they took teacher-led corporate prayer and the Bibles out of the classrooms. And they actually did promote academic excellence and student and staff behavior was generally what it should have been. There were a lot more church-run schools then, too, and they, along with secular and religious private schools were very well regarded

I wasn't even taught evolution in public school! And the Bible was allowed as a resource and reference. As late as when my younger siblings were in HS, there were still classes based on the Bible: The Bible as Literature, The Bible as History, Biblical Archaeology, etc. in the public schools. And Bible clubs, etc. after school in the school.
In a lot of ways, I wish I had gone to Christian schools growing up and at least for my undergrad, though.
These days, the internet can be a great equalizer
Dependent on access, though. Some families don't have reliable internet in the home. Some due to money, some due to location (rural), and some due to parents simply not allowing it.