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Three Big Things To Know About XAI’s Colossus This Week

It seems like Elon Musk‘s new project simply sprung up out of the ground.
The Colossus center, the biggest of its kind in the world, is now a reality. It’s drawing massive amounts of power every day, and running strong, ostensibly in order to power a new version of the Grok AI model.

Technology analysts marvel at the speed of the implementation, and the data center’s comparative size. Some locals are worried about lack of traditional planning and paperwork. And competitors are decidedly nervous, partly because of XAI’s use of Nvidia hardware as that company soars to the top of the heap on the stock exchange.

With that in mind, let’s look at three big topics of interest around this unprecedented project.

***For details on the three big topics of interest listed describing xAI Colossus
Read complete Article.***

1. It Happened Quick

2. Drones Over My DC

3. Did XAI Use Colossus to Build Colossus?

The bottom line is that as this groundbreaking project evolves at a whiplash speed, it’s also getting a lot harder to report on what’s happening in the tech world, and digital forms of traditional news media are competing with the products of AI itself for human attention. All of that is important in the context of what Colossus will actually be doing with all of that data. Stay tuned.
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Yeah. Hmmm. It seems that many Christians have been giddy about this guy in Trump’s cabinet, but I think that we should have a cautious, restrained optimism with him.
Dude’s ideas are out there. Really out there.

If you're talking about Musk, I'm leery of him, personally. I hope he turns out to be a guy who really wants to help America get back on her feet. There's no doubt God gave Musk some tremendous gifts.
Oh, Musk! He wants to give the world a Jetson's future. Unfortunately, he's still looking at things from a humanistic point of view, and that "utopian" technological future will end up being a nightmare without God, because people are fallen creatures. He's so close, though. He sees a version of the truth. I'm praying for him.