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Hope for our times
The Tom Hughes Report

28:30 minutes video

Tom points out how we are moving closer to the Beast System as it's foundation is accelerating in setting up for the coming Antichrist.
Tom uses prophetic scripture, in the seventy weeks of years described in Daniel's prophecy that provides description of who Antichrist will be, when he will arrive, and characteristics that he will have to identify who he will be.
Tom points out the Rapture of the church takes place prior to the start of Daniels seventieth week when Antichrist comes on the scene.
He details the seventieth week and it's purpose as described in Daniel's prophecy.
Daniel's prophecy gives us details that point to when AC will rise according to Daniel's seventieth week and the second coming of Christ.
We are living in the time of the infrastructure being built to set up for the coming of Antichrist but we are also living in the time that our being Raptured to be with The Lord is near as we see the Beast system building and he ends with the verse in Luke 21:28

Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
