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The underlying, uncomfortable, reality at the core of America’s malaise

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zephyr
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Roxanne Stone , Editor in Chief of the Barna Group said, “The pressure for leaders and especially faith leaders to satisfy everyone on all sides, and to avoid offense, is very real today, especially in the digital era.” So, to many, fear of offending and perhaps being labeled a hatemonger is a core reason for not speaking out and taking a strong biblical stand on some of the key issues of the day. Related to this finding, George Barna himself observed, "Our studies show that Americans are neither deep nor sophisticated thinkers. Most people seem more interested in living a life of comfort and convenience than one of logical consistency and wisdom. Our children will continue to suffer the consequences of following in the unfortunate footsteps of their parents and elders. People who are willing to fight for a more reasonable way of thinking and acting can make a difference, but it will be slow progress." Wow.

The underlying, uncomfortable, reality at the core of America’s malaise is that in the public square, we have largely abandoned God, along with the biblical roots of our founding. Our churches seem to have acclimated to the culture or are unwilling to be the salt and light it so desperately needs. Not all mind you, but too, too, many. Sin has been normalized to such an extent that we are no longer alarmed by it, but rather desensitized.
Trying to be a people pleaser is to walk a treacherous tightrope. But to try to be a God pleaser? That's a sound path, a solid foundation. In fact it is the only one. For as Paul said in Galatians 1:10-- "If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Jesus Christ."
It makes me wonder how much the times we live in remind both Noah and Lot of their days when they saw sin running rampant where they lived?