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The UN Has Come Up With A Shockingly Insidious Plan For Global Domination


Under a shocking new plan that is scheduled to be adopted two months before the U.S. presidential election in 2024, all it would take is some sort of a major “global shock” for the United Nations to literally take authority over the entire planet.

I realize that this may sound like the plot to a really bad science fiction movie, but this is actually what is being proposed, and the Biden administration is fully behind this insidious plan. Unfortunately, the mainstream media in the United States is not covering this at all, and so most people have absolutely no idea that this is going on.

An article that was posted by The Federalist first broke this story, and it should be making headline news all over the nation.

But it isn’t.

Next September, global leaders will gather for “the Summit of the Future”, and during that conference UN member states are scheduled to “adopt a Pact for the Future”…

In September 2024, less than two months before the next U.S. presidential election, the United Nations will host a landmark “Summit of the Future,” where member nations will adopt a Pact for the Future. The agreement will solidify numerous policy reforms offered by the U.N. over the past two years as part of its sweeping Our Common Agenda platform.

Although there are numerous radical proposals included in the agenda, perhaps none are more important than the U.N. plan for a new “emergency platform,” a stunning proposal to give the U.N. significant powers in the event of future “global shocks,” such as another worldwide pandemic.

You can read all about “the Summit of the Future” and the “Pact for the Future” on the official UN website

As usual, the UN disguises the most alarming portions of their agenda by surrounding it with language that speaks of the need for “peace”, “education” and economic growth.

But right there on the official UN website they admit that one of the purposes of “the Summit of the Future” is to “put in place a stronger international response playbook for complex global shocks, maximizing the use of the Secretary-General’s convening power in the form of an Emergency Platform”.

So what in the world is this “Emergency Platform” that they are talking about?

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Likely forced and enforced upon the world's peons by the blue helmets
We know how fair, moral, and kind they are /SARC

I saw something once I'll never be able to get out of my head. A batch of blue helmets from an African nation were individually loading the large flat screen tvs they'd purchased into a large truck. I guess there time in this country where I was at was over and they were headed home. There was a very long line of the blue helmets, each holding a large flat screen box, waiting for their turn to load it into the truck.

Reminded me a little of when we'd deploy to Japan in the mid 80s. The dollar was fairly strong back then so crewdogs would purchase things like stereos, tvs, and the normally expensive Japanese table settings. I bought all my scuba gear there and I think I purchased a stereo for a sister once.
I brought back stuff from different places that was a lot cheaper or nicer than available in the States.

When in the ME, it depended on where one was and which particular shop, whether one paid in local currency, British Pound, or US Dollar. Always paid cash there, and always used the money changers on the street (no fees and better than the official exchange rate). Some places, this was "interesting" since I'm a woman :lol:

Europe, since I always got the official exchange rate with no service charge or fee when using my cc, I used a cc for a lot of things. However, there were places that only took cash, or where having hard western currency of any kind gave leverage when haggling. British Pound and Norwegian Kroner were actually better than USD in some places because easier for the recipient to explain or use.
I saw something once I'll never be able to get out of my head. A batch of blue helmets from an African nation were individually loading the large flat screen tvs they'd purchased into a large truck. I guess there time in this country where I was at was over and they were headed home. There was a very long line of the blue helmets, each holding a large flat screen box, waiting for their turn to load it into the truck.

Reminded me a little of when we'd deploy to Japan in the mid 80s. The dollar was fairly strong back then so crewdogs would purchase things like stereos, tvs, and the normally expensive Japanese table settings. I bought all my scuba gear there and I think I purchased a stereo for a sister once.

I bought my SCUBA gear from the shop in northern NY, where I got my certification, and schlepped it to various duty stations and was glad I did, since prices were much higher other places in the States, and selection was limited, and wait times long in the ME.