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The Supreme Court Just Took a Side in the Biden Border Crisis

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
The Supreme Court sided with the Biden administration on Monday in a split decision that will allow federal agents to cut razor wire installed by Texas officials along the U.S.-Mexico border amid the worsening crisis created by President Biden's policies.

The 5-4 decision granted an emergency appeal filed by the Biden administration to reverse an injunction from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and now allows the feds to dismantle concertina wire while the lawsuit over Texas' efforts to assume the duties of enforcing the international border — a responsibility that's been abdicated by the Biden administration — moves ahead.

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined the liberal wing constituted by Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson to grant the Biden administration's appeal.

The Supreme Court sided with the Biden administration on Monday in a split decision that will allow federal agents to cut razor wire installed by Texas officials along the U.S.-Mexico border amid the worsening crisis created by President Biden's policies.

The 5-4 decision granted an emergency appeal filed by the Biden administration to reverse an injunction from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and now allows the feds to dismantle concertina wire while the lawsuit over Texas' efforts to assume the duties of enforcing the international border — a responsibility that's been abdicated by the Biden administration — moves ahead.

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined the liberal wing constituted by Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson to grant the Biden administration's appeal.

I feel bad for Texas and Governor Abbott that the Supreme Court is siding with Biden. These people are calling evil good and good evil by their decisions/actions. Amy Coney Barrett was endorsed by Trump, and she is choosing to not protect the border. Shame on these people.
America is being allowed to fall. That is the only explanation. We have been given evil leaders that are welcoming all the evil of the world into the country with the specific intention of destroying our freedoms. They have to destroy our freedoms in order to turn the world into their humanistic "utopia" of slavery and domination.

The just shall live by faith. Keep your eyes on Jesus while the storm rages around us. He has never lost one of His own, yet, and He never will.
America is being allowed to fall. That is the only explanation. We have been given evil leaders that are welcoming all the evil of the world into the country with the specific intention of destroying our freedoms. They have to destroy our freedoms in order to turn the world into their humanistic "utopia" of slavery and domination.

The just shall live by faith. Keep your eyes on Jesus while the storm rages around us. He has never lost one of His own, yet, and He never will.
So true :bible: scripture tells us we are living in perilous times with so much evil and violence. Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived.
The Supreme Court sided with the Biden administration on Monday in a split decision that will allow federal agents to cut razor wire installed by Texas officials along the U.S.-Mexico border amid the worsening crisis created by President Biden's policies.

The 5-4 decision granted an emergency appeal filed by the Biden administration to reverse an injunction from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and now allows the feds to dismantle concertina wire while the lawsuit over Texas' efforts to assume the duties of enforcing the international border — a responsibility that's been abdicated by the Biden administration — moves ahead.

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined the liberal wing constituted by Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson to grant the Biden administration's appeal.

Maybe Texas can give fencing to owners of private property that's along the border. The fencing then becomes private property and the Feds "can't" cut fencing on private property that belongs to the landowner (4th Amendment).
America is being allowed to fall. That is the only explanation. We have been given evil leaders that are welcoming all the evil of the world into the country with the specific intention of destroying our freedoms. They have to destroy our freedoms in order to turn the world into their humanistic "utopia" of slavery and domination.

The just shall live by faith. Keep your eyes on Jesus while the storm rages around us. He has never lost one of His own, yet, and He never will.
💯 And that Truth is the only thing we’ve got left.I am so ready to get out of here.
I am also steeling myself for a civil war. I am now to the point where I think we should have one. Not sure what that will look like. I have no doubt people are forming militias there in Texas.
We are too dependent/addicted to technology and digital-based livelihoods to risk rocking the boat that much.
This seems to be what we can expect.

When pastors led miitias to the Revolutionary War they were protecting their new nation, but maybe more importantly resisting religious oppression practiced throughout Europe.

Today's pastors may see a path forward if there's a revival in the US. Even Andy Woods is using the term 'late great USA.'
Supreme Court Rules It's Illegal For National Guard To Guard Nation

U.S. — In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that it's now illegal for the Texas National Guard to guard Texas or the nation.

"Using the National Guard to guard the nation is an egregious misuse of the National Guard," wrote Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who sided with the majority. "When the federal government has decreed that the nation not be guarded so that millions of illegal immigrants will swarm the border and settle in cities across the nation to swing the 2024 presidential election for Biden, states have no right to disobey that decree by guarding their states."

As a result of the ruling, Texas is being ordered to open its border completely and let millions of people flood the state and the rest of the country until everything Americans hold dear is left a smoldering ruin. "It's the compassionate thing to do," said Jackson.

I think this is a satire site publishing something that should be satire, but is actually the truth of the matter.
I don't think the majority of Texas residents are actually Texans anymore, especially in the big cities...
Reminds me of these verses:

Deu 28:43 The sojourner who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower.

Deu 28:44 He shall lend to you, and you shall not lend to him. He shall be the head, and you shall be the tail.