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The Potter is Still Working on Me

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Yesterday on my way home from the Denver Airport I stopped at Costco to stretch my legs. At one point while walking up and down the aisles I passed someone who I think was setting up some kind of display to demonstrate something. In just a nanosecond of interaction between us she glanced at me and gave a facial expression that told me a lot: She had no interest in whatever it was she was doing but it was something she had to do anyway. I just smiled at her as I walked by. The expression I saw on her face and in her eyes could have been my older daughter.

I think what the Lord was telling me in that short moment was that I should treat everyone as if they are close family that I don't get to see everyday.

I'm an introvert, I like being alone, and when I'm in stores I'm so focused on whatever I'm looking for that I won't even notice people I see in the store who might be waving at me. The Lord has been nudging me to interact more with strangers and I've been working on being obedient to that. People, generally speaking, have a life that includes plenty of hurts. Kindness from a stranger can be like a soothing balm.
Yesterday on my way home from the Denver Airport I stopped at Costco to stretch my legs. At one point while walking up and down the aisles I passed someone who I think was setting up some kind of display to demonstrate something. In just a nanosecond of interaction between us she glanced at me and gave a facial expression that told me a lot: She had no interest in whatever it was she was doing but it was something she had to do anyway. I just smiled at her as I walked by. The expression I saw on her face and in her eyes could have been my older daughter.

I think what the Lord was telling me in that short moment was that I should treat everyone as if they are close family that I don't get to see everyday.

I'm an introvert, I like being alone, and when I'm in stores I'm so focused on whatever I'm looking for that I won't even notice people I see in the store who might be waving at me. The Lord has been nudging me to interact more with strangers and I've been working on being obedient to that. People, generally speaking, have a life that includes plenty of hurts. Kindness from a stranger can be like a soothing balm.
I'm naturally introverted and had to work hard on it/compensate/hide it to be successful in both the military and law enforcement. Something we were required to do while in the LE academy was to greet or say hello to everyone we met during the course of the day, to include while away from school. In the St Louis Metro, that got me some very strange (and sometimes hostile) looks and other reactions :lol: But it helped.

Here, people are from so many different places that a very natural question to get the ball rolling is simply, "Where are you from?" Obvious follow-ons, "What language is spoken there?" "How do you say thank you?" "How do you say please?" "How do you say hello?" "How do you say what is your name?" Etc. People are very happy to help me learn something basic in their native language and at the same time the front of my T shirt is in front of them to read the text of John 3:16 or John 14:6 and see my small crucifix. I often end up sharing The Gospel without saying a word about God or Jesus :D Sometimes people ask questions, sometimes they pull out their own cross or crucifix, sometimes say like the shirt, sometimes ignore or don't say anything about it, sometimes (rarely) there's a very negative/hostile reaction :lol: Religious "police" or "patrol" in a large muslim community and once a young muslim woman while her older female muslim relative was reading and understanding and reacting positively (without words) to The Gospel on my T shirt :D :lol: Etc. Etc. Etc.

All sorts of ways to communicate with people. Whatever personality God gave you, whatever skills, etc. will drive methods and who you reach :)
I like the T shirt thing because it allows muslim women and girls to receive The Gospel (relatively) safely from another woman without even one word being said. Believability because the message is from a woman, respect for their cultural norms, and understanding of potential safety issues. Etc. The Gospel never returns void :)
All sorts of ways to communicate with people. Whatever personality God gave you, whatever skills, etc. will drive methods and who you reach

I can communicate well enough nowadays. It was harder when I was younger but not at all now. I'm comfortable in my own skin.

What the Lord has been doing in me is causing me to see people... really see them, and love them, strangers though they may be.
I remember, that I heard something once that we should see people as saved (by faith), called out of darkness and sanctified (perhaps in view of ministry to them). 🙂
And then prayerfully work to bring them to that place. We can never make someone a Christian; but we can sow the seed and water it. The Holy Spirit will then use that to draw whatever heart is willing.