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The Judgments of Tribulation

Those who come to faith will understand that Jesus is their savior, so they won't make the sacrifices made under the law.

The Holy Spirit will still be on earth and revealing biblical truth to all who will hear, but they won't enjoy the sealing that we do in the church age. They will need to resist the mark of the beast and face survival w/o normal food/medical resources, even martyrdom.
That is my understanding of the issue.
Here I’ve outlined the Judgments of Tribulation with some commentary in places. I’m sure that however many of us there are on this Board, there will surely be almost that many differing opinions on the matter of the Judgments in one place or another.

The Seal Judgments

The first 4 Seal Judgments are also known as the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The 7th Seal Judgment contains the 7 Trumpet Judgments.

The first Seal introduces a man wearing a crown and going out conquering and to conquer. Rev 6:1-2 He’s riding a white horse and is the antichrist. The seven year Tribulation begins with a 7 year covenant agreement between Israel and the person who is the antichrist. Dan 9:27. I believe the 1st Seal will be opened shortly after or simultaneously with that covenant agreement. The Bible does not tell us that Israel accepts the antichrist as their Messiah. The antichrist sets out to conquer the world. Near total control of the world, though, does not come until later.

In the Second Seal the rider goes out on a red horse with authority given to take peace from the earth. This sounds like a world war. The period of peace and false security that existed before Tribulation is shattered. There are three major wars during Tribulation, with this being the first of the three. Rev 6:3-4

In the Third Seal a rider goes out on a black horse, bringing famine to the world. Rev 6:5-6 Famine typically follows war and this famine will be worldwide. While food will be scarce, Scripture says there will be an abundance of oil and wine. Fruchtenbaum indicates that that means there will be an abundance of medicine (see page 217 of Footsteps). I believe most Scholars interpret that verse as indicating that the wealthy will not be affected by the famine.

In the Fourth Seal a rider goes out on a pale/ashen horse. The rider’s name is death and has authority to kill a quarter of the World’s population by sword, famine, and pestilence, and by the wild beasts of the earth. Rev 6:7-8 War continues and brings famine and pestilence as war tends to do. When food becomes so scarce, even the wild beasts will turn on man.

The Fifth Seal indicates that Christians are being persecuted and murdered. These saints are those who have come to faith since the Church was Raptured. Rev 6:9-11 The Church is gone, but God raised up 144,000 to preach the gospel to the world and a great number respond during this time. It is the global church of the end times that is drunk on the blood of Christian Martyrs. Rev 17:6

Each series of Judgments ends with convulsions of nature and the Sixth Seal is the first of these with convulsions of nature. With the Sixth Seal there is no doubt that the world is experiencing the wrath of God. There is a great earthquake, the sun becomes black, and the moon becomes red like blood. Stars fall out of the sky. The sky splits apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and and every mountain and island was moved out of their places.

When the Seventh Seal is broken, there is silence in heaven for about half an hour, 7 trumpets are given to the 7 angels standing before God.

While the world is even now preparing the way for the antichrist, working feverishly to establish a global govmint organized into 10 kingdoms, the antichrist will not be handed his rule on a silver platter. During much of the 1st half of Tribulation he’ll be working to consolidate his power and gain control over the whole earth. Not all will embrace the antichrist as lord over them. Thus the antichrist must conquer.

The Trumpet Judgments

The First Trumpet is sounded, and there came hail and fire, mixed with blood. A third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all of the green grass was burned up. Rev 8:7

The Second Trumpet is sounded, and a massive burning object is thrown into the sea, and the results are a third of the sea turning to blood, a third of the life in the sea dying, and a third of the ships that were on the sea are destroyed. Rev 8:8-9

The Third Trumpet sounded, and Wormwood (a fallen angel) fell on a third of the world’s potable water and it turned bitter, and many got sick and died from drinking it. Rev 8:10-11

The Forth Trumpet sounded, and 1/3 of the world’s light sources are removed both from day and from night. Rev 8:12 Additionally, in verse 13 the last three Trumpet Judgments are announced. They will be more horrible than what has come previously, and are known as the woe Judgments. The earth is warned in advance. The first two of these woe Judgments are demonic invasions, and the third one contains the bowl Judgments.

When the Fifth Trumpet or first woe was sounded, a fallen angel was given a key to the bottomless pit. The fallen angel opened the bottomless pit, and much smoke arose, so much so that the sun and air were darkened, then out of the smoke came locusts (demons). Power was given to the locusts to torment all humans who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads for 5 months. They were not permitted to kill anyone. It will be so horrible that people will seek death but will not die. The angel of the abyss is king over the locusts. His name is Abbadon in Hebrew, or Apollyon in Greek. The description of the locusts shows that they are something other than just locusts or scorpions. It is not unusual for demons and other angelic beings to have animal-like features. Rev 9:1-12. Heretofore we don’t know how long the specific Judgments last. In this case we know that the duration is 5 months.

When the Sixth Trumpet or the second woe sounded, 4 angels that had been bound at the Euphrates river were released so that they could kill 1/3 of mankind. The number of the armies of the horsemen under the command of these 4 angels was 200 million. A third of mankind was killed by the fire and smoke and brimstone which came out of their mouths. The power of the horses was in their mouths and their tails. Their tails were like serpents and have heads, and do harm. Rev 9:13-21 This Judgment is often mixed in with a later Bowl Judgment concerning the kings of the east. I believe that is a simple error, and I say simple, because it should be obvious in the way the Judgments are laid out in Revelation that the two are not connected. In my opinion, we should forget about China raising a 200,000,000 man army and killing a 1/3 of mankind with that army. The army brought forth with the sixth Trumpet is a demon army.

Another description of the two demonic invasions is found in Joel 1:15-2:11.

Fruchtenbaum indicates that the sixth Trumpet Judgment concludes at the time of the middle of Tribulation and is followed by a temporary cessation of Judgments poured out of heaven.

When the Seventh Trumpet was sounded there was lightening and thunder, an earthquake, and a great hailstorm. This is the third woe and is introducing the 7 Bowl Judgments.

The Bowl Judgments

When the First Bowl was poured out, it became a loathsome and malignant sore on those people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image.

The Second Bowl was poured into the sea and the entire sea became blood like that of a dead man, and all living things in the sea died.

When the Third Bowl was poured into the springs and waters they became blood.

The Forth Bowl was poured out upon the sun which then scorched men with fire.

The Fifth Bowl was poured out on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom darkened, and people gnawed their tongues because of the pain.

The Sixth Bowl was poured out on the Euphrates River, and its water was dried up so that the way would be prepared for the kings of the east. Note that the Euphrates River doesn’t need to dry up before the sixth Bowl is poured out as it will dry up when the sixth Bowl is poured out. Who are these kings of the east anyway? Fruchtenbaum says they have to be Mesopotamian kings. Might they be 2 or 3 of the 10 kings of the end times? The Euphrates River dries up to make it easier for the antichrist’s armies to gather at Armageddon (Valley of Jezreel).

The campaign of Armageddon begins with the sixth Bowl Judgment. First the allies of the antichrist assemble. Next, the city of Bablyon is destroyed such that no one will ever live there again. Third, Jerusalem falls. Forth, the antichrist moves his forces to Bozrah. Jeremiah 49:13-14 Fifth, the Nation of Israel nationally repents and pleads for their Messiah to return. Zechariah 12:10-13:1 Hosea 6:1-3 Isaiah 53:1-9. On the third of the last three days, the nation of Israel will be saved. Rom 11:25-27

The Seventh Bowl was poured out and a loud voice came out of the Temple from the Throne saying “It is done”. There was lightening and thunder and a great earthquake, an earthquake greater than any other, ever. Jerusalem was split into three and the cities of the earth fell. Every island fled away and the mountains were no more. Huge hailstones, about 100 pounds each, came down from heaven upon men. Then the heaven opened and Jesus came upon a white horse and with the sword of his mouth struck down the nations.

Sources I used for this are the NASB and Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s Footsteps of the Messiah
This is a well put together, short, and concise list of the judgements and IMO, should be added as a sticky for this section.
