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The Hook: What Does Israel Have That The Gog-Magog Coalition Will Covet?

By Harbingers Daily

Sometime in the future, a war will break out. In today’s world, that would seem a normal activity, as there are always conflicts brewing somewhere. But this war will be different because it was foretold more than 2,500 years ago by the Jewish prophet Ezekiel and is referred to as the Battle of Gog and Magog.

According to the book of Ezekiel, Israel will be invaded by a confederation of nations that includes Russia, Iran, Libya, Turkey, and others. (See “The Invaders“) The big question is: Why?

Why will these nations invade? What does Israel have that these nations will covet? For years, sound Bible teachers speculated that Russia’s motivation would be its desire for a warm-water seaport it could use year-round for exporting and importing goods. Russia’s ports are often frozen due to the region’s extremely frigid temperatures.

Many Bible scholars pointed to this motivation when Russia invaded Afghanistan in 1979; and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) did so as well in a CIA report dated January 2, 1980:

The Soviet military movement into Afghanistan positions USSR armed forces little more [than] 400 kilometersby air from the Indian Ocean, and it revives speculation concerning the century-old Russian quest for a warm-water port.
Other Bible teachers suggested Russia and its allies might want the minerals found in the Dead Sea. However, those minerals hardly seem significant enough to provoke an invasion of the magnitude described in Ezekiel.

The Bible says these hordes come “to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out [their] hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land.” What does Israel have that these nations will want?

Under the Sea?​

The answer may lie about a mile underneath the Mediterranean Sea.

The Tamar, Leviathan, and Karish natural gas fields located off Israel’s shores contain such massive amounts of natural gas that Israel could become a major exporter to Europe. Tamar began pumping in 2013, Leviathan in 2019, and Karish in 2022.

In 2022, the European Union (EU) signed a memorandum of understanding with Israel that “eventually could see significant quantities of Israeli natural gas shipped to Europe via Egypt,” wrote political analyst Soeren Kern.2 He added,

The EU is desperately trying to reduce its dependence on Russia, which supplied around 40 percent of the bloc’s gas imports in 2021. Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, the European Commission, the EU’s administrative arm, proposed reducing imports of Russian gas by two-thirds before the end of this year [2022].
I remember it being in the news reports about the plan for Israel and Europe to have a pipeline to transport the natural gas from Israel to Europe, making Israel Europe's natural gas supplier.
I read how Russia has been the supplier of gas for Europe and it was Clear Russia would not be happy for Israel to take away a big part of Russia's economy revenue from the gas Europe was dependant on Russia for.
They have so many spoils, up for grabs for the one with an evil thought.
Oil, gas (and pipelines!), gold, gemstones, super hi-end military equipment and nukes.
Yes they have a lot of wealth.
In the Old Testament The land of Israel, previously known as Cannan, was called The Land of Milk and Honey because of it's abundance and plenty of riches it had, and when God restored the land to prepare it for His people to return, God restored that plentiful abundance of riches with it.
There's a lot to plunder.
I think the verses about the unwalled villages, taking a spoil, etc. are like a parenthsis and refer to the Americas, specifically Canada and the U.S. and it happens about the same time as Gog is attacking Israel. I also think one of the hooks for Gog, et al. to attack Israel will be the minerals in the Dead Sea and elsewhere in Israel. Along with the Jerusalem and Philistine issues. Perhaps the drain of intellectual talent and professionals, as the Jews emigrate from the various countries to Israel.
What Gog-Magog covet is to vent their undying hatred against God. And Israel represents God's nation on earth.

If all the nations of the world just ignored Israel and it's wealth, the world would get along just fine. I don't see the world clamoring for Palestine's wealth before 1948.

God knows their hatred for Him and Israel. Thus He makes Israel a burden to all the world. (Zech. 12:2-3) (Zech. 14:2) And He brings the nations against her so He can destroy them.

(Joel 3:11-14) "Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen...and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat....for the press is full, the fats overflow, for their wickedness is great. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision."

I've always felt the hook is the temple but the wording in scripture doesn't say anything about the temple drawing them in for the "spoils".
What I find interesting is that it's God Who draws Gog to Israel. I mean if God puts the hook in Gog's jaw and turns him around towards Israel, it causes me to wonder and think more about it.
It's the side liners who ask if Gog and his coalition are there to plunder for spoil. They ask but are they?
Makes me think there's a reason God turns Gog around to go to Israel with his army. To wipe them out? But why?
I can see why the Arab nations that accompany Gog but why the leader of Rosh?
Do you have an idea why?
Hmmm 🤔
What I find interesting is that it's God Who draws Gog to Israel. I mean if God puts the hook in Gog's jaw and turns him around towards Israel, it causes me to wonder and think more about it.
It's the side liners who ask if Gog and his coalition are there to plunder for spoil. They ask but are they?
Makes me think there's a reason God turns Gog around to go to Israel with his army. To wipe them out? But why?
I can see why the Arab nations that accompany Gog but why the leader of Rosh?
Do you have an idea why?
Hmmm 🤔
When I play around with the spoils possibility I honestly can't say for sure that this evil horde doesn't see the Israeli people or the entire land of Israel or Jerusalem or the Temple/Mount or even all those resources/wealth as spoil. But the God that puts the hook in the jaw ensures they do come for such a time as that.