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The Confetti's Back!

The ADHD won't let me pay attention to the confetti and the forum. If I lean into the confetti, I would probably be so distracted, I would never be heard from here again.
I'm not kidding, I was just looking up the symptoms of ADHD. I think I may have it. I sit here and fidgit like crazy. I have a giant stress cheese cube that dad got me for my birthday (yes, he actually got me a toy this year and dawww he must have knew I needed it!) and I can't stop messing with it and now the confetti...Idk. You have a good point. I keep watching it, too. It may limit my posting. Nobody cry too hard...
Let me correct this-- our technicians did not work feverishly through the night: our technician did. Technician. Singular. Just one. All alone in the dark. He did work feverishly. And it was through the night.

As with many upgrades there were problems, But through his hallmark persistence, experience, and skill he overcame them all. The result is what we are experiencing here this morning. We all need to give huge thanks to our tech wiz @Tall Timbers. He da man! 🏆

Thanks, brother, for keeping this site up and running and looking good!

:bouncies: :bouncies:

:hyper::thankyou: TALL TIMBERS!!! :thankyou: :hyper:


I'm not kidding, I was just looking up the symptoms of ADHD. I think I may have it. I sit here and fidgit like crazy. I have a giant stress cheese cube that dad got me for my birthday (yes, he actually got me a toy this year and dawww he must have knew I needed it!) and I can't stop messing with it and now the confetti...Idk. You have a good point. I keep watching it, too. It may limit my posting. Nobody cry too hard...
Brother, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if you had it, too.