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The Chosen Exposed


Set your face like flint - Isaiah 50:7
Do Mormans worship the same Jesus of the Bible according to Dallas Jenkins? Good documentary on the theology and partnership problems with the Chosen.


It is a lonnnnnnnnngggggg documentary but it has some very concerning information about The Chosen. It goes into detail on how the Jesus presented in The Chosen is not the Jesus of the Bible, not the "authentic Jesus" that Dallas Jenkins advocates.

Shortly after I finished it, I came across an article on the Christian Post stating that The Chosen was terminating it's contract with the Mormon streaming company, Angel Studios due to financial issues. I am not surprised because theology problems always fester into bigger problems, it is only a matter of time.

'The Chosen' severs ties with Angel Studios, claims breach of contract

"The Chosen," a popular crowdfunded series about the life of Jesus Christ, is ending its relationship with Angel Studios and accused the distributor of breaching their contract. Angel Studios said it plans to pursue an appeal of the contract termination.

Dallas Jenkins, the creator of the popular series that launched on Angel Studios app in 2019, released a video message Wednesday sharing details behind the program's decision to sever ties with the distribution company.

While expressing gratitude for Angel Studios' role in getting his show up and running and the "total creative freedom and ownership" awarded to him as a result of their partnership, Jenkins lamented that "we were responsible for immeasurably more than any of us expected in order for this show to survive."

"This became even more true when, after charging you to watch the show didn't work, we decided the show should be free, and Angel came up with the pay-it-forward model where you can choose to pay for the show for yourself and others so it could be free around the world," he added. "Of your pay-it-forward contributions, less than half of it actually came to us, somewhere around 40%. The rest went to marketing and Angel Studios."

Thank you @Matthew6:33 for posting this. I'll watch the video.

I haven't been a fan of the series, but haven't spent time yet putting a finger on what bothers me.
Well if you are able to get through the whole thing you will have more than enough material to make your decision.

What I found most concerning was The Chosen, LLC is actually a for profit company and many of the proceeds go to Angel Studies to create "other content."

The Chosen, being crowdfunded as a "ministry" that presents "the authentic Jesus" (Jenkins has made these statements), actually has many funds going to Mormon institutions. This was truly shocking.
Yeah it's not quite to the same league as The Chosen but that Netflix show Messiah is another blasphemous show that was subliminally trying to attack Jesus by making him out to lead people on and follow him only to disappear on the people who had followed him.

They didn't say that the character's name was Jesus but they were trying to make his appearance look like him(what people try to portray Jesus appearance) and were heavily implying that it was who they were trying to portray.
Well if you are able to get through the whole thing you will have more than enough material to make your decision.

What I found most concerning was The Chosen, LLC is actually a for profit company and many of the proceeds go to Angel Studies to create "other content."

The Chosen, being crowdfunded as a "ministry" that presents "the authentic Jesus" (Jenkins has made these statements), actually has many funds going to Mormon institutions. This was truly shocking.
I had no idea they were funnelling funds to the Mormons. I knew they were connected, but wasn't aware of that. DISTURBING how many people think it's a good show to watch.
I think some are thinking that changing the word doesn’t matter all that much as long as it’s grabbing people emotionally and “speaking to them”

But it’s just a bad idea. It doesn’t have the power to transform like the raw word of God.
That’s really too bad. The pilot (about the birth of Messiah) was absolutely beautiful and so moving with symbolism it brought me to tears. The first season, although they did take quite a bit of artistic license, I felt still honored Christ. It’s the later seasons I hear about (we didn’t watch after the first season) that make me feel super disappointed and angry. One scene in particular: Jesus working on His sermon on the mount with His disciples around - He was mulling it over and practicing - and even asked their opinions on it 😡 That right there diminishes His deity. The very idea that the Living Word Himself would have done that!!!😡
It is my theory (shared with others) that The Chosen is part of a Satanic ecumenical movement to unite all the faiths and replace the biblical Jesus with a false woke/hippie/charismatic Jesus. There is a segment in the documentary that has testimony of people saying they envision Jonathan Roumie when they are praying to Jesus! WHAT!!!???

It is bad. What is so bad is that it looks good on the surface.

[2Co 11:4 NKJV]
4 For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or [if] you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted--you may well put up with it!

[2Co 11:13-15 NKJV]
13 For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ.
14 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.
15 Therefore [it is] no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.
My new age aunt loves The Chosen and has watched every episode. Its affect on her belief system is nothing - except to bolster up what she already believes (which is a little bit of everything.) She has also read “The Shack” (and gave me a copy, urging me to read it, as if I need a new revelation of Christ,) watches Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, and various charismatic preachers, and reads the Bible (read through her own new age filter.) She is an expert in Astrology and continues to believe in/study reincarnation, mediums, praying to saints and Mary, praying to angels, communicating with the dead and other occult practices.

It makes me sick that this opportunity to have this TV series truly give the real gospel was wasted because this Mormon doesn’t know the truth himself and would rather make up his own Jesus. Just like my Aunt does.
I venture to say that he isn’t even a good Mormon (not that it would make much difference if he were) because he has truly gone rogue.
But he keeps that money flowing into Mormon causes, so that keeps him out of hot water with them.
There is a segment in the documentary that has testimony of people saying they envision Jonathan Roumie when they are praying to Jesus! WHAT!!!???
You bring out an aspect that bothers me most.

The impact of movies is so persuasive that lots of us can watch someone acting and so closely identify with the actor that we forget it is only a movie. For example, if I watch a movie where people are climbing a rugged steep mountain and fight off wild animals or storms or whatever; I can feel like I'm there and lived through it. In reality I have never climbed a rugged mountain like that.

In one episode of The Chosen they depict Luke 5 where Peter was fishing all night and caught nothing, and as they were cleaning up their nets Jesus got in his boat to teach. It's dramatic and entertaining as they act it out, the sudden catch of many fish. Those of us watching might become very engaged in the story, and wow, what a miracle! For me it was a chance to step out of the make-believe. I fished for a living with nets and small boats for four years and Luke 5 speaks deeply to me.

The Chosen missed the point. Here's why I think the Holy Spirit brings us to this event: Luke 5:8 "When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, 'Go away from me, because I’m a sinful man, Lord!'” What I learned when I fished is that no matter how hard you work, so much is out of your control. It's kind of like the saying 'there are no atheists in a fox hole.' Deep down you sense God providing, and it's humbling.

It's so difficult, or impossible to artistically dramatize how humbled Peter was and how Holy our Creator Jesus is.
You bring out an aspect that bothers me most.

The impact of movies is so persuasive that lots of us can watch someone acting and so closely identify with the actor that we forget it is only a movie. For example, if I watch a movie where people are climbing a rugged steep mountain and fight off wild animals or storms or whatever; I can feel like I'm there and lived through it. In reality I have never climbed a rugged mountain like that.

In one episode of The Chosen they depict Luke 5 where Peter was fishing all night and caught nothing, and as they were cleaning up their nets Jesus got in his boat to teach. It's dramatic and entertaining as they act it out, the sudden catch of many fish. Those of us watching might become very engaged in the story, and wow, what a miracle! For me it was a chance to step out of the make-believe. I fished for a living with nets and small boats for four years and Luke 5 speaks deeply to me.

The Chosen missed the point. Here's why I think the Holy Spirit brings us to this event: Luke 5:8 "When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, 'Go away from me, because I’m a sinful man, Lord!'” What I learned when I fished is that no matter how hard you work, so much is out of your control. It's kind of like the saying 'there are no atheists in a fox hole.' Deep down you sense God providing, and it's humbling.

It's so difficult, or impossible to artistically dramatize how humbled Peter was and how Holy our Creator Jesus is.
You bring up a great point. What a great opportunity to bring up sin, the need for salvation, and the Holiness of God. But the show completely fumbles and misses the mark.

I love the how the KJV puts it.

Luke 5:8 KJV — When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.

You can feel Peter's brokenness and shame before the Lord. I can relate.
That was something I always hated. Why don’t they ever post the Gospel message at any point at the beginning or end of the episodes? Dallas says the point to is to bring people to Jesus. Then share the Gospel! That is what has the power to save!!! I watched the first 2 seasons and had to stop watching. The second season had my blood boiling at the level of disrespect to the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Good video from The Berean Call about "the Chosen"

Mocking GOD and Moses​

Do we need someone to “make the Bible feel real” to us through video? Is Moses a “stained glass window character that none of us can relate to”? Is a Bible “mockumentary” necessary?

Good video from The Berean Call about "the Chosen"

Mocking GOD and Moses​

Do we need someone to “make the Bible feel real” to us through video? Is Moses a “stained glass window character that none of us can relate to”? Is a Bible “mockumentary” necessary?

Wow this is so wrong. The really scary thing is that they think this a good thing and there is nothing wrong with it!
Sadly people who absolutely should see the problems with The Chosen say it is great. Many Christians seem to have little to no discernment.