This article pointed out several things that really seem to connect Is. 17 and Ezekiel 38 and 39! The dormant volcanoes in this Plain of Hauran is something I've never heard about. And it does make sense that flocks would still be able to graze there (Is. 17:2) since it wouldnt have nuclear fallout.
Very interesting to also consider that Is. 17 is explaining the effects of Ezekiel 38 on southern Syria and northern Israel since the Ezekiel 38 attack is supposed to come from the north. And a volcanic eruption triggered by the Ezekiel 38:19, 20 earthquake when Gog and all the nations attack would explain Ezekiel 38:22 when God pours down sulfur.
And both Is. 17 and Ezekiel 38 describe the same result of causing people to recognize it is God (Is. 17:7 and Ezekiel 38:16).
I'm giving this article's perspective serious thought!!
@pixelpusher , thank you for linking this!