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The burden of Damascus


Unto Thee I lift my eyes. Ps. 123
Staff member

Behold, Damascus‭ is taken away‭‭ from ‭being‭ a city‭, and it shall be a ruinous‭ heap‭.‭
‭The cities‭ of Aroer‭ ‭are‭ forsaken‭‭: they shall be for flocks‭, which shall lie down‭‭, and none shall make ‭them‭ afraid‭‭.‭ The fortress‭ also shall cease‭‭ from Ephraim‭, and the kingdom‭ from Damascus‭, and the remnant‭ of Syria‭: they shall be as the glory‭ of the children‭ of Israel‭, saith‭ the LORD‭ of hosts‭.‭ ‭
And in that day‭ it shall come to pass, ‭that‭ the glory‭ of Jacob‭ shall be made thin‭‭, and the fatness‭ of his flesh‭ shall wax lean‭‭.‭ ‭And it shall be as when the harvestman‭ gathereth‭‭ the corn‭, and reapeth‭‭ the ears‭ with his arm‭; and it shall be as he that gathereth‭‭ ears‭ in the valley‭ of Rephaim‭.‭Yet gleaning grapes‭ shall be left‭‭ in it, as the shaking‭ of an olive tree‭, two‭ ‭or‭ three‭ berries‭ in the top‭ of the uppermost bough‭, four‭ ‭or‭ five‭ in the outmost fruitful‭‭ branches‭ thereof, saith‭ the LORD‭ God‭ of Israel‭.‭
At that day‭ shall a man‭ look‭‭ to his Maker‭‭, and his eyes‭ shall have respect‭‭ to the Holy‭ One of Israel‭.‭ ‭And he shall not look‭‭ to the altars‭, the work‭ of his hands‭, neither shall respect‭‭ ‭that‭ which his fingers‭ have made‭‭, either the groves‭, or the images‭.‭
In that day‭
shall his strong‭ cities‭ be as a forsaken‭ bough‭, and an uppermost branch‭, which they left‭‭ because‭ of the children‭ of Israel‭: and there shall be desolation‭.

Yesterday in Church we read Isa. 17.
And for the first time I was grabbed by the notion, that the destruction of Damascus is not an isolated event, but very much connected to events/destructions in Israel.
So, while I'm always alerted when Israel attacks Damascus, and wonder: "is this the day, Damascus is blown to pieces?", now I wonder.

Where do you all think it will take place? Before, during, or after Ez. 38?
5 years ago we were not hearing much about Damascus. Now at least weekly we hear of military actions taking place there. To me it is like watching the earthquake frequency scale go up, the more "friction" that is taking place within the border of Damascus, the closer the prophecy to completion.
Kaatje, I'm sure you saw this thread, but I thought I'd point it out for anyone who hasn't seen it:

Are Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17 connected?​

Our dear sis Margery started it and has thoughtful and well-studied insights she shares.
Thank you, sister.
Haven't given it much attention, because I think Psalm 83 came to fulfillment in 1948, and Isa 17 is yet future.
But will check it out when I'm back home (am presently on holiday, with inconstant internet connection)
Like you, @Kaatje , I've always kept my eye more on Is 17, figuring Ps 83 is either a prayer or was already fulfilled. Sometimes I give up trying to understand Ps 83. But Is 17 seems so much more clear that I know what to look for: Damascus is destroyed, most likely by Israel, and northern Israel is also badly affected. It certainly fits as a possibility with everything going on lately! Since it says "in that day" it's sometimes considered a reference to the Tribulation period... but maybe possibly it could be one of the "wars and rumors of wars" we see as the day approaches! Since Damascus is definitely in the daily news, maybe it happens and sparks Ez 38 and we get to see the beginnings of those events!
I watch it every day just in case something does happen! I'd like to see big prophecy like that fufilled!
Thank you, sister.
Haven't given it much attention, because I think Psalm 83 came to fulfillment in 1948, and Isa 17 is yet future.
But will check it out when I'm back home (am presently on holiday, with inconstant internet connection)
I launched it (just after the Iran strike on Israel) to explain why I think other passages fit better than Psalm 83 (which I don't think of as a prophecy either) and how this current war is not Ezek 38 which was also being proposed by some prophecy teachers but it might have possibilities in setting up the Isaiah 17 destruction of Damascus.

I see the destruction of Damascus as a possible reaction to something happening within Iran (the area of Elam) as God deals with one area (not the whole thing) of Iran. The south western mountains down to the sea coast and up the spine of the mountains between Iraq and Iran that were the old regions covered by Elam. Mentioned in Jeremiah 49 and Ezek 32. in connection with terrorism.

It's interesting to see the nations mentioned in close proximity to these 2 passages, then compare them with the other 2 Damascus passages Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49. Lebanon and Egypt show up. Jordan too.
If this is to be a future fulfillment, which I lean toward, it does seem connected to Ez 38 because of what the rest of Isaiah says about the condition of Isreal. It would appear from the way the 17th flows that Damascus comes first. Verses 10 and 11 seems to also fit maybe metophorically. For Ez 38 seems to be a time of highlighting Israel's long season of unbelief with an offer of a "newer" refreshed time for them. And the rumbling hoards come. Then those haords mowed down in the mountains. It look reminiscent of Ez 38 like. So 17 would seem to be before.

The difficulty there though is that it does not appear from Ez 38 and 39 that that event occurs as a response to war or violence. Israel is in peace and safety mode when Ez 38 hits. So would they feel all secure after demolishing Damascus? I don't think they would be relaxed at all. Unless some how like they got away with it...and many months passed. And the hoards simmer over many months to surprise Israel.

This is a good one Kaatje. This timing is hard to say if it is a future fulfillment. Not sure how to look at that. To me Zachariah 12 and Isaiah 17:1 are rather difficult to pin to future prophecy. In the way I look at it, it does not seem to neatly fit. If I had to I'd say verse 4 brings a lot to light. "on" that day. That sounds like the day Damascus is destroyed Israel's glory radically fades. Same Day. Well that is the feeling. Maybe it starts on that day smaller and increases over time like. Not sure.

The difficulties here also seem to imply by the majority of the chapter that Israel shrinks in size. It is typically understood that Ez 38 reduces Israel to 1/3rd its population. Is 17 sounds something like that also. So if it is describing the same thing, is Is 17 the same day as Ez 38? Why would Saudi Arabia be asking if there is a spoil to take though? Like it would seem like a surprise. No one would be surprised if Israel though is attacked on the same day they attacked Damascus.

If any one has wrestled with this outdiside of a Psalm 83 perspective, those details might be helpful. I have a sense about Ez 38. But Is 17 and Zach 12 I am lost where to put them. Great question Kaatje. Blessings.
...Israel is in peace and safety mode when Ez 38 hits. So would they feel all secure after demolishing Damascus? I don't think they would be relaxed at all. Unless some how like they got away with it...and many months passed. And the hoards simmer over many months to surprise Israel....

One possibility is if the AC takes credit for what God does in Isaiah 17 and uses that to create the trust for Israel to sign the covenant, then after that is signed (and the Trib starts) the Ezek 38 happens.

I think several teachers hold to that, - I had a good list somewhere but would need to look up exactly who teaches that if anyone needs to know.

If I had to I'd say verse 4 brings a lot to light. "on" that day. That sounds like the day Damascus is destroyed Israel's glory radically fades. Same Day. Well that is the feeling. Maybe it starts on that day smaller and increases over time like. Not sure.

The difficulties here also seem to imply by the majority of the chapter that Israel shrinks in size. It is typically understood that Ez 38 reduces Israel to 1/3rd its population. Is 17 sounds something like that also. So if it is describing the same thing, is Is 17 the same day as Ez 38? Why would Saudi Arabia be asking if there is a spoil to take though? Like it would seem like a surprise. No one would be surprised if Israel though is attacked on the same day they attacked Damascus.

You're right about that diminished size of Israel after Isaiah 17. The geography suggests that Northern Israel is like that olive tree upper branches, where only a gleaning remain.

Ephraim (located in northern Israel- the area that civilians have been evacuated from currently) loses it's fortified city when Damascus disappears according to v 3 and the glory of Aram (Syria) is like the glory of Israel which sounds ok till v 4

In v 4 it continues to explain that the glory of Israel has faded. So now the comparison between the glory of Syria and Israel makes sense. Israel is in rough shape. Syria is worse. (there is a companion passage in Jeremiah 49:23-27 which gives even more detail IF it's the same event which I think it is. See v 25 there - remember that the "city of renown", that God delights in is Jerusalem, which is being compared to Damascus which fell completely and finally.)

v 5 brings up the valley of the Rephaim, which is the route of the Tel Aviv to Jerusalem train and delineates the northern area of Israel above Jerusalem.

v6 is talking about the gleanings. Any way you look at it, Israel takes a horrible hit. But not as bad as Damascus. Israel's upper branches (in the north just under the border with Syria) have a sparse few gleanings life while the tree itself remains.

I mentioned Jeremiah 49:23-27 which is a companion. Isaiah 17 speaks from Israel's point of view, while Jeremiah's passage speaks from Damascus's point of view. They are like a matched set, but one speaks about Damascus in detail, the other speaks of Damascus with more detail about Israel.

I tend to keep Zech 12 in the context of the final battle of Armageddon at the end of the Trib, I don't see it tied into Damascus or Ezek 38.

Looking at the differences:
Damascus in Isaiah 17 has the nations in tumult, roaring but God silences them (Jeremiah 49 hints that trouble for Damascus comes from the sea, and 2 northern cities are mentioned that survive today (Hama and Aleppo, both capitols of their provinces or governates)

Ezek 32:17-32 mentions a lot of the current day players including Elam and ties it in with terror PLUS Ezek mentions Syria in the context of ancient Asshur so it may or may not tie in. Jeremiah 49 mentions both Elam (south western part of modern Iran) as well as DAMASCUS which is why I see Ez 32:17-32 in context with Isaiah 17 AND Jeremiah 49.

Ezek 38 a specific group of nations attack Israel and God pours out His fire on them. While weapons burn for 7 years might hint at the 7 years of the Trib, God has some areas burning thruout the whole of the Millennial reign so it doesn't necessarily mean it's at the start of the Trib. However there are significant differences between the scenario of Ez 38 and the battle of Armageddon. Armageddon involves all the nations against Judah and Jerusalem.

Zech 12 has all the nations and has time specific verses placing it at the time of Armageddon/end of the Trib vs 10-14 which are the sequel to the way God delivers the nation and the city at that time.
One possibility is if the AC takes credit for what God does in Isaiah 17 and uses that to create the trust for Israel to sign the covenant, then after that is signed (and the Trib starts) the Ezek 38 happens.
This makes sense :thankyou:

There are other loose thoughts rambling through my mind as I read this thread. When Iran recently failed miserably at getting their bombs to hit targets, it wouldn't surprise me if future launches are from Syria. Iran controls all the terrorists in the region and may tell Hezbollah to stand down so that they can trigger the bomb that ends Israel (assuming that their eschatology promises super rewards to the most barbaric actors).

This stumps me too:
Why would Saudi Arabia be asking if there is a spoil to take though? Like it would seem like a surprise.
Maybe the world has economic chaos and Russian forces are moving in for hard assets (Leviathan fuels, or Dead Sea minerals??). The sense of surprise could possibly come from how risky a time it is (if Syria/Iran are getting demolished and Israel getting hammered). Remembering that Russia is the Bear and bears can be very brutish and crazy. Lions represent forward thinking, strong leadership.

Re: northern Israel, I am amazed at how God has largely moved (I think 60k) Israelis from the north :pray2:
I asked PaidinFull the same question about the timing of Isa. 17 (on another Forum)
This is what he answered:

Years back when I wrote that you don't understand Gog until you understand gas, it was partly because of the many hundreds of pipelines that are like thread veins connecting into bigger veins and then arteries that depend on the energy hubs at Damascus.

It is when Gog turns back that the hooks go into his jaw so I was looking for Iraq to gain sovereignty, the US to leave and then Russia to leave, but just then Israel suffers a terrible night time attack, and by morning Damascus is no more along with the hub.

There is only one alternative, invade and take over Israel's hub. So that is my guess and I may be wrong, but I am looking for the pressure to come on the US for its illegal presence in Iraq under international law and the fact the US is stealing the oil from Iraq.

World opinion mounts, the US withdraws, Russia makes a 'token' withdrawal of most of its forces and then it all kicks off into Ezek.38.

Turkey joins in and perhaps uses the US nukes stationed in Turkey but errs and blows up the Gog army. God hammers them with snow, hail and brimstone.

One possibility is if the AC takes credit for what God does in Isaiah 17 and uses that to create the trust for Israel to sign the covenant, then after that is signed (and the Trib starts) the Ezek 38 happens.

I think several teachers hold to that, - I had a good list somewhere but would need to look up exactly who teaches that if anyone needs to know.

You're right about that diminished size of Israel after Isaiah 17. The geography suggests that Northern Israel is like that olive tree upper branches, where only a gleaning remain.

Ephraim (located in northern Israel- the area that civilians have been evacuated from currently) loses it's fortified city when Damascus disappears according to v 3 and the glory of Aram (Syria) is like the glory of Israel which sounds ok till v 4

In v 4 it continues to explain that the glory of Israel has faded. So now the comparison between the glory of Syria and Israel makes sense. Israel is in rough shape. Syria is worse. (there is a companion passage in Jeremiah 49:23-27 which gives even more detail IF it's the same event which I think it is. See v 25 there - remember that the "city of renown", that God delights in is Jerusalem, which is being compared to Damascus which fell completely and finally.)

v 5 brings up the valley of the Rephaim, which is the route of the Tel Aviv to Jerusalem train and delineates the northern area of Israel above Jerusalem.

v6 is talking about the gleanings. Any way you look at it, Israel takes a horrible hit. But not as bad as Damascus. Israel's upper branches (in the north just under the border with Syria) have a sparse few gleanings life while the tree itself remains.

I mentioned Jeremiah 49:23-27 which is a companion. Isaiah 17 speaks from Israel's point of view, while Jeremiah's passage speaks from Damascus's point of view. They are like a matched set, but one speaks about Damascus in detail, the other speaks of Damascus with more detail about Israel.

I tend to keep Zech 12 in the context of the final battle of Armageddon at the end of the Trib, I don't see it tied into Damascus or Ezek 38.

Looking at the differences:
Damascus in Isaiah 17 has the nations in tumult, roaring but God silences them (Jeremiah 49 hints that trouble for Damascus comes from the sea, and 2 northern cities are mentioned that survive today (Hama and Aleppo, both capitols of their provinces or governates)

Ezek 32:17-32 mentions a lot of the current day players including Elam and ties it in with terror PLUS Ezek mentions Syria in the context of ancient Asshur so it may or may not tie in. Jeremiah 49 mentions both Elam (south western part of modern Iran) as well as DAMASCUS which is why I see Ez 32:17-32 in context with Isaiah 17 AND Jeremiah 49.

Ezek 38 a specific group of nations attack Israel and God pours out His fire on them. While weapons burn for 7 years might hint at the 7 years of the Trib, God has some areas burning thruout the whole of the Millennial reign so it doesn't necessarily mean it's at the start of the Trib. However there are significant differences between the scenario of Ez 38 and the battle of Armageddon. Armageddon involves all the nations against Judah and Jerusalem.

Zech 12 has all the nations and has time specific verses placing it at the time of Armageddon/end of the Trib vs 10-14 which are the sequel to the way God delivers the nation and the city at that time.
Thansk Majory. I'm in the unusual camp of Ez 38 occuring before the AC arrives. But would love to see your verses of support if you come accross them. Always love to consider how to look at things. Amen.

I agree that it might well be the 7 years of burning = the 7 of trib.

Thanks for Zech 12. But to me, that sounds like a well established Israel. I believe the bible indicates Jews returns to Isreal (after running from the AC during the second half of the tribulation), but i have never understood how Jews gain some control over Israel at the end of the tribulaiton when they had been running most of it in hiding from the AC. The only thing that comes to mind is the 5th bowl. But that still leaves only 2 to go. Is the spand of 2 bowls. Would 1 year be enough time for Israel to come out of hiding and rebuild an Israel that has global strength enough to make the world mad? And since it is the demons frog spirits that lead the world against Israel, that would take some time to going out and move everyone one. So Israel becomes a booming threat of a Jewish country in 10 months? I understand what ever the word says is accurate like Zech 14. So we know there is a sense where it seems Jews are back in Israel. But it just has not seemed to make sense though how to understanding that to work timing wise. If that makes sense?
This makes sense :thankyou:

There are other loose thoughts rambling through my mind as I read this thread. When Iran recently failed miserably at getting their bombs to hit targets, it wouldn't surprise me if future launches are from Syria. Iran controls all the terrorists in the region and may tell Hezbollah to stand down so that they can trigger the bomb that ends Israel (assuming that their eschatology promises super rewards to the most barbaric actors).

This stumps me too:

Maybe the world has economic chaos and Russian forces are moving in for hard assets (Leviathan fuels, or Dead Sea minerals??). The sense of surprise could possibly come from how risky a time it is (if Syria/Iran are getting demolished and Israel getting hammered). Remembering that Russia is the Bear and bears can be very brutish and crazy. Lions represent forward thinking, strong leadership.

Re: northern Israel, I am amazed at how God has largely moved (I think 60k) Israelis from the north :pray2:
Thanks Growing in Grace. Iran did not seem though to have a choice in making much through the iron dome announced ahead of time. Since Iran would be understood as not hitting much, it would still be seen as a strength on their part unleashing a tiny fraction of their arsenal, it would seem to me. I think they did get 3 primary hits through destroying only a fraction of highly gaurded sacred miitary airstrip in Israel. Demonstrating had they wanted...they could have completely distroyed it--well, this is somewhat my take away at the moment. It just seemed kind of showy at this point, that both Iran and Israel sent "messages" to each other in their bombings.

Purely from an Ez 38 perspective it would seem Iran not be under fire at the time of the event. Although i guess it is possible like from Saudi Arabia or other. To me i just tend to focus on Israel being at peace and safety. Perhaps if they feel Iran is distracted by some attack from others Iran would leave Israel alone. Maybe, a thought...yeah. Ez 38 does not say Iran is not at war at the time. Just Israel.

Generally it just seems to me that we will see Ez 38 setting up on front street shortly. With Abraham Accords and Saudi nuetralization. To me seems to most likely be the direction. I am probably seeing this differently perhaps, but i don't see the turmoil Israel is in today as much for them. No doubt with Biden, it is insult to injury. But even with the UN/US taking shots at them, and drama provoked, it just does not seem to me like something major to develop out of this. Where i believe i might be wrong is the sense leaning toward WW3 though. Which seems to be par-for-the-course maybe this Fall. I would not see though Ez 38 to occur prior to the US getting steroids...lol. This may seem like a funky view...but i would just see America to bust a move prior to an Ez 38 looming on the horizon.

No doubt when Russia does move in it will be for hard assets. Gold too i saw is at an all time central banking puchase high (since the 1970s). So if there is gold too in them there hills too, it will likely tower the dollar. Blessings.
Something I was thinking about-- with so many thousands (100k or so?) Israelis currently being moved out of northern Israel... if Israel struck Damascus anytime soon, or if anyone used a nuclear weapon that affected northern Israel, it would be "perfect timing" since the Israeli population is out of the way.
Thansk Majory. I'm in the unusual camp of Ez 38 occuring before the AC arrives. But would love to see your verses of support if you come accross them. Always love to consider how to look at things. Amen.

I agree that it might well be the 7 years of burning = the 7 of trib.

Thanks for Zech 12. But to me, that sounds like a well established Israel. I believe the bible indicates Jews returns to Isreal (after running from the AC during the second half of the tribulation), but i have never understood how Jews gain some control over Israel at the end of the tribulaiton when they had been running most of it in hiding from the AC. The only thing that comes to mind is the 5th bowl. But that still leaves only 2 to go. Is the spand of 2 bowls. Would 1 year be enough time for Israel to come out of hiding and rebuild an Israel that has global strength enough to make the world mad? And since it is the demons frog spirits that lead the world against Israel, that would take some time to going out and move everyone one. So Israel becomes a booming threat of a Jewish country in 10 months? I understand what ever the word says is accurate like Zech 14. So we know there is a sense where it seems Jews are back in Israel. But it just has not seemed to make sense though how to understanding that to work timing wise. If that makes sense?
I only mentioned it because it's one of the main theories so you are in good company. A lot of prophecy teachers place Ez 38 before the Tribulation and the AC and after the Rapture. Dr Andy Woods has a unique take on it that is a bit different and ends with the carrion feast and the Armageddon carrion feast as the same.

I actually figure Ez 38 starts after the Rapture and before the Tribulation but if I'm wrong it wouldn't be the first time. I'm actually trying to figure out whether or not Isaiah 17 is the fuse that lights off Ezek 38 and I tend to think both occur after the Rapture.

In Zech 12 there are 2 sections of Israel to consider before discounting it as occurring at the end of the Tribulation. The 1/3 who accept Jesus as Messiah during the final years after the Rapture, survive to the end and enter the Millennium.

The Tribulation accounts for the death of 2/3 of the Jews alive at the time of the Tribulation period. A few, maybe a lot will be Messianic believers who are martyred for the Lord. Others who don't believe in Christ will die simply because the AC hates Jews.

(I don't have time to look that 1/3 survive and 2/3 die scripture up but it exists)

After the mid point the AC goes after the Jews in general, but especially those who flee to Petra. He has a particular hatred for those Jews who believe in Jesus.

However he also has a lot going on, as other scriptures describe nations rising up against his rule. War is a continual condition thru the whole Tribulation so there are distractions that keep him from eliminating the Jews (and then there is God's divine protection over them)

So he may simply not be able to keep up his war on the Jews in Jerusalem and Israel. He may be so distracted that many who are in the land still survive to the end because Jesus comes at the end, first to those in Petra or Bozrah (same place) and then He goes to rescue Jerusalem which is under siege by all the armies gathered against her.

Israel will also have Gentiles who presumably will support the AC as well. The Temple being trodden underfoot till the times of the Gentiles are done - is mentioned in Rev.

Israel doesn't cease being Israel in spite of the AC's genocidal campaign to eliminate the Jews in the last half of the Tribulation. God preserves His remnant.
Iran did not seem though to have a choice in making much through the iron dome announced ahead of time. Since Iran would be understood as not hitting much, it would still be seen as a strength on their part unleashing a tiny fraction of their arsenal, it would seem to me. I think they did get 3 primary hits through destroying only a fraction of highly gaurded sacred miitary airstrip in Israel. Demonstrating had they wanted...they could have completely distroyed it--well, this is somewhat my take away at the moment.
Here's a headline from the WSJ, no friend to Israel:

Many Iranian Missiles Failed to Launch or Crashed Before Striking Target, U.S. Officials Say​

Plus, I get most of my news about Iran from Jewish news sources and they naturally spend time emphasizing the failure on Iran's part.
I asked PaidinFull the same question about the timing of Isa. 17 (on another Forum)
This is what he answered:

Years back when I wrote that you don't understand Gog until you understand gas, it was partly because of the many hundreds of pipelines that are like thread veins connecting into bigger veins and then arteries that depend on the energy hubs at Damascus.

It is when Gog turns back that the hooks go into his jaw so I was looking for Iraq to gain sovereignty, the US to leave and then Russia to leave, but just then Israel suffers a terrible night time attack, and by morning Damascus is no more along with the hub.

There is only one alternative, invade and take over Israel's hub. So that is my guess and I may be wrong, but I am looking for the pressure to come on the US for its illegal presence in Iraq under international law and the fact the US is stealing the oil from Iraq.

World opinion mounts, the US withdraws, Russia makes a 'token' withdrawal of most of its forces and then it all kicks off into Ezek.38.

Turkey joins in and perhaps uses the US nukes stationed in Turkey but errs and blows up the Gog army. God hammers them with snow, hail and brimstone.
I'm praying that PaidinFull will come join us.

On a few threads I've mentioned Mike Benz. He does a deep dive into the gas/energy angle. He also exposes the US greed and theft of energy worldwide, to include Burisma in the Ukraine. (So that's why the Biden crime family has never been scrutinized by the CIA :whoopdeedoo:
I'm praying that PaidinFull will come join us.
So do I, when the time is right, he will.

On a few threads I've mentioned Mike Benz. He does a deep dive into the gas/energy angle. He also exposes the US greed and theft of energy worldwide, to include Burisma in the Ukraine. (So that's why the Biden crime family has never been scrutinized by the CIA :whoopdeedoo:
Very interesting. Do you have a link?
I would like to check it out and forward to PaindinFull.
Where do you all think it will take place? Before, during, or after Ez. 38?
There was an interesting take I'd never heard in a Terry James article this AM on RR:

"The cities‭ of Aroer‭ ‭are‭ forsaken‭‭: they shall be for flocks‭, which shall lie down‭‭, and none shall make ‭them‭ afraid‭‭."

Suggests it's not a nuclear strike, but perhaps occurs during God's repulsion of the armies of E38 on the mountains when He brings a great earthquake, rains down sulpher and all. Apparently that plain of Hauran before Damascus is full of dormant volcanoes.