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The attorney generals of 14 US states signed a letter threatening mainstream media outlets like CNN and The New York Times over their biased coverage


Unto Thee I lift my eyes. Ps. 123
Staff member
The attorney generals of 14 US states signed a letter threatening mainstream media outlets like CNN and The New York Times over their biased coverage of the Gaza war and their possible support of Hamas.

"We will continue to follow your reporting to ensure that your organizations do not violate any federal or State laws by giving material support to terrorists abroad. Now your organizations are on notice. Follow the law."
The letter focuses on the fact that Palestinian "journalists" who worked for these outlets were seen in video clips accompanying the Hamas terrorists who invaded Israel on October 7, and even participating in war crimes.
If these news outlets hired Gaza journalists knowing their connection to Hamas, they could be charged with violating federal anti-terror laws.


This was posted on Telegram, by a reliable source. I just can't find it on the internet.
Of course we know this kind of news is downplayed (literally) by google and the like.
Can anyone of you corroborate if it is true?