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The ‘Edit’ button disappeared.

That’s just a Yankee trying to say Gritz:monkey:

Reminds me years ago when I was on vacation passing through Arizona and stopped in a Diner for breakfast. The waitress asked me what I wanted, I said two eggs over easy, bacon, toast, and grits.

She paused a second cocked her head and gave me a puzzled look, then said, What are Greets? :doh:
My father was asked that same question near The Great Smokey Mountains!
Where’s the edit button when I need it…..*maisey*
Fortunately, there's a suitable emoji for grits :puke:

When I was on Active Duty, someone I knew from Alaska (not TT) had a "discussion" with a waitress someplace in the south, and finally got her to bring him "a grit" so he could try it. After inspecting it very carefully, he sent the plate with "a grit" on it back untouched, and ordered whatever else was available instead of the grits :lol:
Fortunately, there's a suitable emoji for grits :puke:

When I was on Active Duty, someone I knew from Alaska (not TT) had a "discussion" with a waitress someplace in the south, and finally got her to bring him "a grit" so he could try it. After inspecting it very carefully, he sent the plate with "a grit" on it back untouched, and ordered whatever else was available instead of the grits :lol:
That’s funny because you’d probably need a magnifying glass to see a grit :monkey:

It is stone ground corn

Everything You Need To Know About The Different Types Of Grits​
