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Tech issues with the site from my end.


Charter member
As of this morning The CCF site has no banner and no reaction bell icon, though I click where it should be and it still drops down my reactions. Oh yes, the icon left of the reaction bell doesn’t drop down the menu.
Title in banner is still in tiny font.

I noticed that. I could search for the code and directly change the size of the font, but if I did that it would cause issues when we upgrade to the new Novus interface, so it's better to let sleeping dogs lie. I did shrink the cross because it was massive on the laptop. I think it was fine on small screen devices. That's one temp fix I'll need to undo later.
when all's fixed, confetti party!!! :big grin; :lol:

So very thankful for the fellowship here.
When I didn't have internet recently, I was cut off and started having "issues"

Very, very thankful the site's definitely usable and people are fellowshipping :)

:thankyou: GOD!!! :thankyou:
:pray: :pray: in Jesus' Name :amen: :amen: