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Switched to Linux from Windows. Any other Linux users?


Just a sinner saved by grace.
While I'm sitting at home recovering I decided to mess around with my laptop. It's an older one that started life with Windows 8. It was running 10 but had no chance to get 11. Now I find out the Windows 10 will no longer be supported after October 2025.

At this point I decided to look into what my options were other than a new laptop with Windows 11. I was looking into Linux and ended up installing Linux Mint. So far I like it. It's almost as polished as Windows and my computer runs a hair bit faster. What I like is Microsoft isn't getting any more of my data.

My wife's desktop is newer and runs better than mine but still can't upgrade to 11. I may switch her over to Linux or pay a third party support company for extended updates. There are a couple of companies that have a good reputation for that.

Within the next year I may even upgrade my laptop but buy one without an operating system and install Linux on that one. The more I use Linux the less I want Windows 11.
The place I retired from was large enough to have a computer system. I was talking to the computer manager one day. He told me that the desktop computers were all Windows XP driven. But the server was programed in Unix! He said the interesting thing was that the server did not pass the viruses and other corruption on to the Windows computers. The stuff just didn't know how to work in the Unix environment.

At one time all banks used Unix but have since switched, don't ask me why.
Is it an old house that hasn't had the electrical upgraded?
That's what I'm thinking. Especially if you have them plugged into a surge protector of some type. If all the outlets the computers are plugged into are on the same circuit then check the wiring starting with the breaker box. Make sure the black wire on the breaker is tight and the white wire on the neutral bar is also tight. A lose neutral is just as bad as a lose hot wire. Then check the outlets that the computers are plugged into along with all other outlets on that circuit.

If they are on different circuits then check the main wires, both hot and neutrals. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, by all means call an electrician.
I just had a thought on the circuit. The door bell is powered by that circuit, and the door bell doesn't always work. I think I will plug my little radio in that circuit and see if it shuts off from a glitch in the power.
The latest is computer powered through a surge protector.
Sounds like you may have a short somewhere. Check all connections make sure they are clean and tight. I had a problem with my garbage disposal one time. I turned the breaker off and checked the switch. It turned out one of the screw terminals was very loose. I tightened it and it has been working fine ever since.