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State AG Sets Stage to Have All Biden Pardons, Exec Orders, Other Actions Legally Voided

Missouri’s attorney general wants to know what former President Joe Biden didn’t know and for how long he didn’t know it.

In a post on X, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey said he wants the Department of Justice to open up a can of worms by investigating whether Biden’s deluge of executive orders and pardons that marked the final weeks of his presidency came at a time when Biden had no idea what he was signing.

“I am demanding the DOJ [investigate] whether President Biden’s cognitive decline allowed unelected staff to push through radical policy without his knowing approval,” Baily posted. wrote. “If true, these executive orders, pardons, and all other actions are unconstitutional and legally void.”


Seems like a long shot, but hoping it leads to some reversals of what Biden signed.
If the last two months are any indication what the ability of planning here looks like, the lawn is about to be mowed. And we are the generation of unprecidented exposure since the history of the world began. According to sociologists, we are also the most narcasistic age known to man. Which could be a finding on of sociologists narcasistic side themselves. Or it could be a potential of our generation to have some sense of special class even if bad class...lol. Or...it...might...just...be...real. I had this thought 4 years ago, and instead of the impossible happening, we got the other impossible. We got Biden. Getting hopes up without enough substance can lead to disaapointment of course. But what we see now means 2016 plan never deviated. If true, what will be impossible is it wont happen. Me thinks. Blessings.

Six Criminals Were Pardoned with Biden Autopen – Signed in the City of Washington – On Same Day Joe Biden Vacationed and Golfed in St. Croix​

Who was behind this Biden autopen?

Last week Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey asked the Justice Department to investigate whether White House staffers exploited Joe Biden’s cognitive decline and issued far-left orders at the end of his presidency without his knowledge.

On Monday, the Oversight Project revealed six criminals were pardoned by Biden’s autopen on December 30, 2022 while Joe Biden was vacationing and golfing in St. Croix.

The autopen pardons were all signed “at the City of Washington” while Joe Biden was in the US Virgin Islands.

Dig out the evil and prosecute it!!! To the absolute fullest extent of the law. Only by making examples will this wickedness be stopped.
Amen. Keeping in mind, although society had seemed to have wanted it (many of us), would digging out evil be thought to be a thing that could come back into fashion? The Tranny Library Story Book Hour, men playing in women sports, woke mind virus and the pop-culture use of pronouns, dept of education strong arm tactics against parents, CIA/FBI weapons of department of education to enforce dept of educaton fetishes, the CDC and take over of healthcare, big pharma (the modern day drug cartel), the hospital conspiracy to label all deaths COVID, worldwide spread of agenda 2021 (COVID), the ever mounting number of World Economic Forum dupes to do their power-brokering, the downing of Alex Jones and Trump attempts through weaponized courts, the seemingly nation wide-support of Dominion Voting Systems we saw change votes before our very eyes, the stronghold of legacy media (as podcasts gain direct access to whitehouse), the deceptive good ol boy networking of government (such as New some) overriding his recalling only to soon further burning California to the ground, I could go on and on...

All of this was charter venture for grand government takeover worldwide. We saw it encroaching for decades. We experienced it first hand in our faces yielding no stone unturned. The house was flooded. Nowhere to run. Giving rise to pulpit platforms to sound the alarm of end of days. Even voices that carefully stayed out of the fringe end time spotlight weighed-in. Like John Marcarthur first in an interview admitting it was end times. Then later to declare that "Folks, America is over. No Senate will turn this thing around." 1 Cor 1:27 seems to political cartoonize that the very thing that is not (that which is the problem--governement soured) to somewhat become the thing that is. And the thing that is, a robust paragon voice of spiritual reason, Macarthur, prophesy amiss. For it would seem we are watching a massive ship slowly turning about face in our faces. To such an extent, we can actually see amidst the above paragraph climate: Dig out the evil and persecute it. Amazing grace.
My husband was just telling me about this. Soooo interesting.
Amen. I've been waiting for this kind of thing ince 2018. Then we got Biden instead of justice. And under normal flat tire politics, it would just be a way to tickle our ears. I share in as much suspension of hope (having had it suspended 7 years now) as any. But as hard to believe something like this could become a thing and not be swept under the carpet just does not seem to fit what we have all been conditioned to just have to shoulder and deal with. But as we might typically look for wickedness to increase to be the ultimate buy sign for the rapture, I'm kind of more thinking if it comes to that level of "reveal" about government evils uncovered, for me, it would be a bit more a rapture signal than a false flag option or golden age ongoing sense about where things might be going. I read it. I see it. I hear it. But i've trained myself to be stubborn against trusting my views for so long...lol...I do share in some of the leanings of: "We'll believe it when we see it." Which I think is a good vibe to have. I do think we will though. Like an avalanche perhaps. Blessings :)