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Spiritual Gifts (Speaking in Tongues)

I begged God for tongues as a newer Christian and got them…while praying alone, in my house. Years later, I happened upon some Baptist internet sites that brutally denounced tongues. I struggled with major doubts. After I did a study on my own where I did not see tongues ever stopping, I felt better about my experience. But to this day I struggle with using the gift. Going to a Calvary Chapel that properly believes tongues are not for the congregational setting is good. But in my alone time I rarely use it. I have found it very effective for those times where bad thoughts are running around in my head and trying to take over. A few sentences of tongues puts that out immediately. Other than that I’m not sure when or if I should, so I don’t.
Back in the mid-seventies, my first wife was once praying with a mixed group of teens to whom she had been witnessing, most of whom were not saved; and in the middle of her prayer she burst into tongues, something obviously unfamiliar to the kids. When she finished, one girl looked at her in amazement and asked, "Where did you learn my language?" Charlotte responded with, "What?" The girl replied, "You were just glorifying God in my language: Arabic."
That is amazing. I often wonder if we all have a real current language (as in Acts) or a heavenly (“tongues of angels” 1 Cor 13) language.
And this is the first time I have ever “come out” online on this subject to y’all. Because I think I have been guarded against being brutalized again. It’s unbelievable how this divides the church. I see it like how I’ve been told to: we are all different parts of the body. We all have different functions. We all have gifts and no one is better than anyone else.
And this is the first time I have ever “come out” online on this subject to y’all. Because I think I have been guarded against being brutalized again. It’s unbelievable how this divides the church. I see it like how I’ve been told to: we are all different parts of the body. We all have different functions. We all have gifts and no one is better than anyone else.
I seldom have talked about this subject on line, and in my daily life, never even think about it. Its not a gift I have, nor am I called to interpret for anyone.
And this is the first time I have ever “come out” online on this subject to y’all. Because I think I have been guarded against being brutalized again. It’s unbelievable how this divides the church. I see it like how I’ve been told to: we are all different parts of the body. We all have different functions. We all have gifts and no one is better than anyone else.
I forgot to add, I have personally never witnessed tongues being used in any manner, wether in the proper use, or simply babbling. However, as I said earlier, I do believe it is still a gift, but a gift that is probably the most abused one with people claiming what they did not recieve.
A very long time ago i went to a church called "Living way" and the pastor there did the works, tongues, laying of hands and trying as hard as he could to push you over if you managed to resist trying to fallover earthquake predictions etc.

I think a majority of these people who try to speak "tongues" are speaking gibberish as a lot of people have already mentioned
When I got the gift, I wanted it so bad that I started up a few times, but I knew it was myself doing it. It was difficult to do And it did sound fake and like gibberish. Then I gave up trying and that’s when it happened. Suddenly I could bypass my brain and it was effortless. Not automatic. Hard to explain. My husband grew up in an old Pentecostal church where as soon as you go up to the altar to get saved, they start praying over you to receive tongues. Things like that make me mad and that is why we have so many counterfeit “gifts” in the body.
When I got the gift, I wanted it so bad that I started up a few times, but I knew it was myself doing it. It was difficult to do And it did sound fake and like gibberish. Then I gave up trying and that’s when it happened. Suddenly I could bypass my brain and it was effortless. Not automatic. Hard to explain. My husband grew up in an old Pentecostal church where as soon as you go up to the altar to get saved, they start praying over you to receive tongues. Things like that make me mad and that is why we have so many counterfeit “gifts” in the body.
Yeah i think the pentecostal churches are notorious for doing that sort of stuff