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Some History of Wars & Rumors of Wars :: By Rick Segoine

Andy C

What is war? A most basic definition would be: “conflict.” Conflict between two or more entities, with armies generally numbering in the thousands.

Human history is filled to the brim and overflowing with wars of all sizes. Feuds between family members or with neighbors, tribal wars, regional wars, civil and national wars, and international or world wars.

All of human history has been one long and continuous power struggle. People conquering other people by means of violence. The whole world has been one giant ever-evolving military-industrial complex hex. From the day Cain slew Abel (Genesis 4:8) with a blunt object, to the international nuclear proliferation that haunts our world in modern times. Especially in these last days.

In all of recorded history, it is estimated that mankind has been at peace a mere 8% of the time.

Wars started out small. The first weapons of war, other than hands and fists, were rocks or blunt objects like the one Cain used out of jealousy to murder his brother Able. Next came clubs and spears, swords, and then bows and arrows. Arrows were a big leap in advantageous war equipment in that, with them, people could kill other people from a greater distance.

Many centuries passed using this group of weapons along with slingshots, slings and catapults, siege ladders, and the like.

Also, sailing vessels converted to warships came into play.

Animals such as horses were greatly used in battle for individual warriors and to pull chariots and other equipment.

Then came the accidental discovery of gunpowder in China around 850 AD. That event, of course, led to primitive guns and explosives.

Interesting article! Just as Jesus described the Last Days as being like birth pangs, which grow in frequency and severity, we can see how wars have increased in scale and brutality over the past hundreds of years, building up to the Lord's return.

I remember reading a book about the Napoleonic Wars and the French invasion of Russia which had seen record sizes of armies, 600,000 conscripts invaded Russia and record casualties/bloodshed. But this was dwarfed by World War One and Two. Now with the potential to obliterate the planet using Nuclear Weapons no-one can doubt we're nearing the climax.

God Bless All :)
The below is from the article, and could soon be put to a terrible test to see how true it is:

Individual terrorists and terrorist-supporting regimes like Iran do not share the same mentality as the USSR and USA leaders, who mutually agreed to refrain from pushing the nuclear buttons in the days of the Cold War. The theology that the death-loving Islamists’ so fervently embrace does not allow for such things as common sense or placing value on the lives of others.

Whereas most national leaders of nations possessing nuclear weapons would bow to common sense, those with the mindset of glorifying Allah through murdering infidels would not bow down to common sense or common decency or common anything. They are, after all, the descendants of Ishmael.

Ishmael, the wild donkey of a man who was unable to get along with anyone including his own. Ishmael, the man who seems to have endowed his anti-social character traits to his descendants in great abundance (Genesis 16:12).

If given the opportunity, the Iranian Ayatollah would not only use nuclear weapons but seems to be burning with the desire to do just that.