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Shots Fired At Trump Rally

The way Trump's hand went up to his ear and the position of his head when that happened it appears that the bullets came from either the right side of the stage (facing out from the stage) or from the left it the shot came from the backside.
He appeared to be facing to the front. If it was bullets, and folks reported hearing several shots, why is no one behind him hit?

All we can really do is speculate, but whats important is he is ok, and that this will not slow him down one iota.

Trump shot on side of the head in apparent assassination attempt at Pa. rally​

After the initial shot rang out, apparently grazing Trump, the rest of the shots that could be heard were gunfire from law enforcement, sources said.

A streak of blood could be seen on the right side of his face.

Soldiers in military gear were seen rushing into the rally.

Nine shots could be heard in video of the incident, including three before Trump ducked.


Trump shot on side of the head in apparent assassination attempt at Pa. rally​

After the initial shot rang out, apparently grazing Trump, the rest of the shots that could be heard were gunfire from law enforcement, sources said.

A streak of blood could be seen on the right side of his face.

Soldiers in military gear were seen rushing into the rally.

Nine shots could be heard in video of the incident, including three before Trump ducked.

Talk about a close call…..
Agent heard saying ‘shooter is down’ as Trump rushed off stage
“Shooter is down,” another responds.

Local news is reporting that one person is believed dead, according to the Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger. The person was not identified nor was a manner of death.
