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SHOSHANA BRYEN: Here Are Some the Insane Things You May Have Missed At 2023’s UN General Assembly


If you didn’t make it to the UN General Assembly (GA), here, in short, is what you missed. A series of exhausting, irritating, aggravating, infuriating, exasperating and pestilential speeches. (A thesaurus helps here.)

Ebrahim Raisi, the Butcher of Tehran and soon-to-be Chair of the UN Human Rights Council, sanctioned by the UN itself and dozens of other countries, spoke and (almost) no one seemed to care (more on that below). Only one leader of the five Permanent Members of the UN Security Council showed up, giving you some idea of how useless they believe the September meetings are.

It is also a reminder that China’s Xi Jinping might be in trouble at home — a slow to nonexistent economic recovery, an increasing anti-Chinese consensus in the West, trouble in the military ranks (China’s Ambassador to Washington was fired last week), and the ongoing problems of demography and food supply are unlikely to improve.

