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Sen. Lindsey Graham coughs up the real reason why U.S. is providing unlimited funding of Russia-Ukraine war:....

By Leo Hohmann

Excerpt from article:

Speaking in an interview with CBS News Face the Nation on Sunday, Senator Graham said Washington “cannot afford” to allow Russia to achieve victory in its war with Ukraine as this would mean losing direct access to vast mineral wealth.

Graham accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of being a “megalomaniac” who is attempting to “re-create the Russian Empire by force of arms,” starting with Ukraine — this is a favorite talking point of the Washington neocons which has no basis in fact. Graham then claimed that if Moscow wins the war, it will proceed to take over Ukraine’s wealth and share it with China. Graham described that prospect as “ridiculous,” suggesting it would be better if this “gold mine” were claimed by the U.S. and its allies.

"They’re sitting on $10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals in Ukraine. They could be the richest country in all of Europe… If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of, that $10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China,” Graham stated.

What? Wait a minute. I thought this war was about defending freedom and democracy. You mean it’s really all about money and resources?

Thank you Senator Graham for telling the truth. You just admitted on national television that everything being fed to the American people by the military-industrial complex and its lackeys in Congress, not to mention the corporate media, about why we are sending billions to Ukraine is a flat-out lie. More than two years of fake news were blasted into oblivion by that one-minute segment from Lindsey Graham.


Sadly, at its core EVERY modern war is really about money and resources. Freedom and democracy are the window dressing to sell it to the public.


I need to clarify the above statement. Power is actually at the root of every war. For most governments and corporations that power is found in money and resources. But there are other actors for whom power is seemingly found in the furtherance of philosophical or religious beliefs. When you see the Houtis of the Arabian peninsula, Boko Haram of Northern Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Chad, or any other Islamic fundamentalists group, their fundamental dynamic is their desire to spread their form of Islam. But when you drill to the core, you find that controlling people through strict imposition of their religious beliefs gives them power, which translates into personal monetary and social privilege.

So, in conclusion, it becomes evident that every war is actually fought to provide a few linked individuals or groups with greater privileges, those being the ability to gain and enjoy monetary and social benefits unattainable by the average person.
Sounds about right!

Something I remember about one of those "critical" minerals. Used in chip manufacture but not just any chip, the super duper chips that Taiwan makes. But I can't remember which one or in what context.
I was reading up on what the US interest would be in Ukraine and found that Ukraine has supplied the US with neon. 90% of semiconductors is supplied to the US.
Chips used for some technology for intelligence.
I couldn't find much else