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Putin issues new nuclear doctrine in warning to the West over Ukraine

The Russian Defense Ministry claimed Tuesday that Ukraine had carried out its first strike on Russian territory using the U.S.-supplied long-range missiles known as ATACMS.
Russian President Vladimir Putin formally lowered the threshold for his country's use of nuclear weapons Tuesday, days after the United States allowed Ukraine to strike inside Russia using American missiles.

The Kremlin announced that Putin had approved an updated nuclear doctrine — a document that governs how Russia uses its nuclear arsenal — including the declaration that Moscow could unleash a nuclear strike if subject to an attack by a nonnuclear country that has the support of a nuclear state.

The Russian Defense Ministry claimed later Tuesday that Ukraine had carried out its first strike on Russian territory using U.S.-supplied long-range weapons, hitting a military facility in the Bryansk region with an ATACMS missile.

Russian air defenses shot down five ATACMS missiles but fragments of another “fell on the technical territory of a military facility in the Bryansk region, causing a fire that was quickly extinguished. There were no casualties or damage,” it said in a statement.


I've read the original 2014 Nuclear Doctrine by Gerasimov for Putin and from the Russian Point of View- they could have been justified in using the small tactical nukes on Ukraine just based on the idea that Ukraine wasn't acting on it's own and with the help of nuclear powers (NATO and America).

What stopped them is the worry of escalation.

Their fear is the encroachment of NATO and everything Biden has done has escalated things. They haven't done anything yet because they do fear starting a far bigger war and based on the way NATO and Biden have acted, (as if a bigger war is what they want) I don't blame Putin for acting with restraint.

But there are limits to everything.

Since the US is escalating by allowing Ukraine to use these weapons within Russia it MORE than qualifies Russia to answer Ukrainian missiles with similar or stronger weapons.

Russia is clarifying their nuclear doctrine to add specifics tailor made to this situation. They are using that to warn the west.

They are ratcheting up based on the ratcheting up from Ukraine and Biden.

What is going to be something to watch for is whether God allows them to go ahead, or if He restrains them.

Something that @Hol mentioned over in another thread this morning. -Netanyahu is being tied up in court for some weeks to come, while his window of opportunity to deal with Israel's enemies closes. God is allowing restraint there too.

Looking at Ezek 38 and 39 we know a couple of things and maybe that helps us see where things might go.

We know that Israel MUST be dwelling in peace and safety on the mountains of Israel aka The West Bank before Ezek 38
We know that Gog of Magog is in control of it's territory AND has the funds and enough of an army left to invade Israel.

something happens to ensure Israel is no longer in fear of her neighbours, and the Palestinian problem in the West Bank has become nothing to fear.
Russia gains control of "Magog" and is allied with the Muslim countries of Iran, Turkey, Libya or North Africa, and the Sudan area who join with her for Ezk 38. Something to note, this current war with Ukraine has forced Putin to rely more heavily than ever on the MUSLIMS inside his country (Chechnya) and outside his country (the Stans, Iran, Turkey, Syria etc)

I wonder still- as I have since Biden allowed Putin to invade Ukraine, when Russia will end the war by using small tactical nukes such as neutron bombs with limited radiation, killing all flesh but leaving infrastructure intact in a smaller radius with less radioactive waste to blow over into Russia.

Something to watch
I’m getting more convinced we are leaving soon, maybe in a couple of years. Things are heating up so quickly and certain post-rapture prophecies look like they have to be fulfilled within the next 6-10 years.

I need to share the Gospel more!! Time is feeling like it’s running out, more than before.