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Sanhedrin Announces Ruling: All Jews Worldwide Must Come Home to Israel Immediately!

The nascent Sanhedrin in Jerusalem has made an official ruling, calling on Jews outside of Israel to come home.

“We are the beis din (rabbinic court) of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), and we have poskened (officially ruled) that all Jews around the world have an obligation and chiyuv (religious requirement) right now to do whatever is in your power, to come to Eretz Yisrael (the land of Israel), and that is the mitzvah of Torah (Biblical requirement). And that is the mitzvah of today, especially because of what’s happening around the world and the dangers that all the Jews are in around the world. It’s necessary now more than ever to come to Eretz Yisrael, and we as a beis din have poskened that all the Jews have to come as soon as they can back to eretz Yisrael.”

The Sanhedrin’s ruling was intended for Jews worldwide, so it was recorded in English, Hebrew, Yiddish, French, and Spanish.

The Sanhedrin’s pronouncement was succinct, so Israel365 News interviewed Josh Wander, who has received smicha (ordination) from the Sanhedrin, to hear the details and implications of the rabbinic ruling.


Given that any country you managed to run to would probably find and seize that pound of gold as "suspicious", I'd say that advice probably wouldn't help much, at least not nowadays when customs can see what's hidden using scanners.
And that would be another reason not to do it. Body Scanners hadn't been invented in 1950 when they fled to Canada.
I'm now old and messed up enough that I probably wouldn't flee an advancing force or persecution. I probably wouldn't survive a forced march somewhere or a refugee camp, especially once I was out of medication.
If I can slow someone down long enough for someone else to flee, like a Pastor or someone, who has kids, etc., great.
OTOH, whatever God directs at the time, should it happen.

However, no-notice relocation in the event of fire, flood, tornado, etc. is always a possibility.

FWIW, I don't have a pound of gold :lol:

I wouldn't flee either, not now, and I don't have a pound of gold lying around anywhere.