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Russian ships, submarine pass coast of Florida. Why, and what is the US doing about it?

Three Russian Navy ships and a nuclear-powered submarine seem to be passing the Florida coast Tuesday, June 11, on the way to Cuba for a military exercise, according to open-source intelligence analysts on social media. A tweet on X, formerly known as Twitter, said that the US Coast Guard Cutter Stone may be shadowing the Russian flotilla off the east coast of Florida abeam of Cape Canaveral.

On Wednesday, June 5, a U.S. official told the media that Russia planned to conduct naval exercises with combat vessels in the Caribbean region. The United States did not see the expected arrival of the flotilla to the Western Hemisphere to be threatening, but the official told Reuters the U.S. Navy will monitor the exercises. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to provide details that had not been made public yet.

Cuba said in a release last week the ships carried no nuclear weapons and did not represent a threat.

"This visit corresponds to the historical friendly relations between Cuba and the Russian Federation and strictly adheres to the international regulations," Cuba's foreign ministry said in a statement.


This is odd. For a foreign adversary to have subs so close to the US Coast is very odd.
If they were only passing through heading towards Cuba for their military exercises, they should be been in International waters, not so close to the East Coast of the US. 🤔
Likely an intimidation tactic, show of strength as it's put
If necessary, I hope President Biden's administration takes a cue from President Kennedy. Right, wrong, or indifferent, the nukes got removed and we're still here.

Parents sat me down in front of the big, fat, B&W TV and made me watch the coverage. One of those important events they wanted me to experience and learn about as it happened. Channel 4 CBS Channel 5 NBC and Channel 9 ABC. There was a local channel and a public channel, too, and that was it. One of the only times back then that at least one of the three news channels was on all night. They all usually went off the air midnight or? after late-night comedy/talk show (Johnny Carson, Jack Parr, etc.).
Im confident this happens more often than most know.
Yes. Russia has been doing it for decades. I know they also have had their subs in the coast of Alaska before. But, I think the Coast guard put a more watch on this because of the statements The Russians have been making as of late and the nuclear threatening verbage has escalated since the green light for Ukraine to use NATO missiles to strike inside of Russia.
I don't think a Nuclear war would take place on this side of the Tribulation, maybe after.
Yes. Russia has been doing it for decades. I know they also have had their subs in the coast of Alaska before. But, I think the Coast guard put a more watch on this because of the statements The Russians have been making as of late and the nuclear threatening verbage has escalated since the green light for Ukraine to use NATO missiles to strike inside of Russia.
I don't think a Nuclear war would take place on this side of the Tribulation, maybe after.
Clarity to my last words...
I meant after the Tribulation begins, not after the Tribulation. It didn't sound right the way I said it in my comment.
I'm not etching it in stone but it's likely a nuclear war could take place during the Tribulation being how much loss of life will occur due to "men using sword against one another ", this could be a combination of war and violence in general. Just a thought.
Three Russian Navy ships and a nuclear-powered submarine seem to be passing the Florida coast Tuesday, June 11, on the way to Cuba for a military exercise, according to open-source intelligence analysts on social media. A tweet on X, formerly known as Twitter, said that the US Coast Guard Cutter Stone may be shadowing the Russian flotilla off the east coast of Florida abeam of Cape Canaveral.

On Wednesday, June 5, a U.S. official told the media that Russia planned to conduct naval exercises with combat vessels in the Caribbean region. The United States did not see the expected arrival of the flotilla to the Western Hemisphere to be threatening, but the official told Reuters the U.S. Navy will monitor the exercises. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to provide details that had not been made public yet.

Cuba said in a release last week the ships carried no nuclear weapons and did not represent a threat.

"This visit corresponds to the historical friendly relations between Cuba and the Russian Federation and strictly adheres to the international regulations," Cuba's foreign ministry said in a statement.


Why are they there? That I think I can answer.

What is the US doing about it? Not a lot at the moment. Joe is taking a nap, and when he wakes up he will do what he usually seems to, make things worse. Obama made a not so funny joke that you should never underestimate Joe's power to really mess things up. Right now the Americans need to listen carefully to what Russia is saying. But they fired one of their best Russian analysts Rebekah Koffler because she kept trying to tell them what Russia was doing and it didn't fit the narrative in Washington. She's now found on Fox news explaining it to the voters when questions about Russia arise.

Most important question: Why are they there?

Because they followed thru on their promise.

But not a lot of people were listening, at least in the West. Fewer still understood the Russian answer.

What promise you ask?

The one this week when Putin was angry that American missiles were used (probably with NATO help) by the Ukrainians to blow up Russian anti missile defence systems in Crimea which is now sort of considered Russia.

As Putin sees it that means American or at the very least NATO involvement - active involvement in the war, taking it to Russian soil.

Putin said something to the effect that if Americans were going to help Ukrainians -actively, by giving these missiles and then help to use them, then America can expect Russia to help arm the enemies of America near their home soil

Tit for tat.

And Putin has a point. The escalation in Ukraine is due to outside involvement. By NATO, with US supplied missiles, onto Russian soil. (and it's not just Crimea. Every time a missile or drone from Ukraine does damage in Russia, the fact that the US and NATO have helped them do so is top of mind to the Russians).

So he is attempting one more time with feeling to get the American govt to understand what he's been trying to say. But they keep downplaying it. The response from Washington was that Russia was just posturing, to show a little force on the world stage. NOPE that isn't it at all. It's irritating the Russians.

They keep saying --Quit using NATO to push into Russian territory. Or Russia will push back.

So now Putin's sent exactly 4 vessels: a tug boat (yes) an oil tanker, a state of the art Submarine with a missile launcher that can launch some pretty nasty stuff and a top of their line ship equipped with missile launchers. I launched a thread on it here: Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0 circa 2024 edition and why I don't think nukes on American soil are next. in which I had links where they nailed down exactly which vessels had the ability to launch the new hypersonic Zircon (or Tsirkon) missiles that can be equipped with nuclear warheads.

So the message is 2 fold.

1: If you get up into Russian business on Russian soil expect Russia to give weapons and tech to your enemies like you just did with Ukraine.

2: If Russia does decide to launch small tactical nukes to put an end to the war in Ukraine for once and for all, they wish to remind everyone that their launchers are just below Florida all ready and waiting. In other words, DON'T be getting all foolish and think to launch nukes at Russia to retaliate on Ukraine's behalf because Russian nukes are ready for any funny business.

But for whatever reason Washington does the exact wrong thing every time, leading Putin to feel like Russia is under seige. It's the war of 1812 all over again. Napoleon. Or WW 2 with Hitler. It's always the West that invades Russia and they tend to look for and see that in every Western action. But this time, with this war the way it's been handled I really do think they've been pushing all of the right buttons to have a war.

Right now thankfully Putin is busy signalling that war is NOT what he wants, at least not with the US and not with NATO.

That is what he's trying to get across by using Cuba to remind America of how close everyone came back in 1962.

It's because he DOESN'T want a huge world war on his hands. (he can't afford to continue the one he's in for much longer)
I checked, it's the Yasen-M class subs and they have missile launchers capable of launching the new hypersonic Zircon missiles which can be loaded with nuclear war heads.

Also just because Cuba and Russia have stated it's 4 vessels, I would be surprised if there weren't a few extras- at least one or two subs that remain quietly out of sight while the attention is on the sub Kazan and the frigate Admiral Gorshkov. When someone wants to focus your attention on something it's wise to look at the other directions instead to see what they're hiding.

Yes they really do have an oil tanker and a tug. At the very least they can launch an oil spill and push something home if it fails catastrophically. Russia being Russia, I wouldn't put it past them to have other uses in mind for these 2.

Case in point the use of Russian trawlers (legit fish vessels) as "fishing" vessels that weren't always about the fish they were supposedly after. Intelligence gathering. With a little herring on the side.
I checked, it's the Yasen-M class subs and they have missile launchers capable of launching the new hypersonic Zircon missiles which can be loaded with nuclear war heads.

Also just because Cuba and Russia have stated it's 4 vessels, I would be surprised if there weren't a few extras- at least one or two subs that remain quietly out of sight while the attention is on the sub Kazan and the frigate Admiral Gorshkov. When someone wants to focus your attention on something it's wise to look at the other directions instead to see what they're hiding.

Yes they really do have an oil tanker and a tug. At the very least they can launch an oil spill and push something home if it fails catastrophically. Russia being Russia, I wouldn't put it past them to have other uses in mind for these 2.

Case in point the use of Russian trawlers (legit fish vessels) as "fishing" vessels that weren't always about the fish they were supposedly after. Unless intelligence gathering was now code named halibut or cod.

Haiti . . .

Grenada (again)

Panama Canal

Fishing grounds in the Gulf of Mexico

Mississippi River Delta

Oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Deep Water Horizon could have been a LOT worse, especially if anyone interfered with/prevented capping operations.

Seeding and other nefarious activities if the right tropical storm comes along the right track
Hurricane sucking up oil or other substance(s) and spreading it over thousands of miles of US farmland and water :eek: :yikes:

Etc. etc. etc.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
Back in the '70s, I was with a documentary team on board a Canadian patrol vessel, patrolling off our East Coast. One day up on the bridge I spotted what looked like a ship broken in half in the ocean. The bow was sticking up out of the water and so was the stern, but between the two were a couple of hundred feet of water. I brought it to the attention of the officer of the watch and he chuckled and said no that's just a Russian water carrier. He said they steam out there filled to the gunnels with drinking water with which to supply the Russian trawlers that fish extensively off the Canadian and American Atlantic coasts. He told me that to save fuel, they shut down their engines and just lie there for months, with the ocean covering much of the middle of the ship. When a trawler needs water, it comes alongside, takes on the water it needs for its crew, and then steams off to continue fishing. I told the officer I couldn't think of anything worse than bobbing around on the ocean, rolling uncontrollably in the swells (especially for the last few weeks when the ship is essentially empty and in ballast), for months on end. Talk about seasickness! But that's exactly what they do. I also believe that some of these trawlers carry spy equipment which is used to probe for whatever information Grizodubovoy Street 3, Moscow, would find useful. So Russia has had a meaningful presence off our coasts for at least half a century that I know of.
Back in the '70s, I was with a documentary team on board a Canadian patrol vessel, patrolling off our East Coast. One day up on the bridge I spotted what looked like a ship broken in half in the ocean. I brought it to the attention of the officer of the watch and he chuckled and said no that's just a Russian water carrier. He said they steam out there filled to the gunnels with drinking water with which to supply the Russian trawlers that fish extensively off the Canadian and American Atlantic coasts. He told me that to save fuel, they shut down their engines and just lie there for months. When a trawler needs water, it comes alongside, takes on the water it needs for its crew, and then steams off to continue fishing. I told the officer I couldn't think of anything worse than bobbing around on the ocean, rolling on controllably in the swells (especially for the last few weeks when the ship is essentially empty and in ballast), for months on end. Talk about seasickness! But that's exactly what they do. I also believe that some of these trawlers carry spy equipment which is used to probe for whatever information Grizodubovoy Street 3, Moscow, would find useful. So Russia has had a meaningful presence off our coasts for at least half a century that I know of.
When we were stationed in Alert Bay (Dad was working for Indian Affairs) a Russian sailor had appendicitis and came for emergency surgery. My mother somehow found a Russian Bible and got it to him before he was discharged back onto his "fishing" vessel. She prayed. I don't know whatever happened, but maybe in heaven. That was back in 1968 or so.

Alert Bay is a tiny village off the east side of Northern Vancouver Island on the West Coast of Canada (BC). It had a small hospital which dealt with emergency situations like that in the North Island district.
Im confident this happens more often than most know.
And you are 100% correct. I live fairly close to Kings Bay Naval Submarine base and I know a few submariners.

This is not uncommon, we have subs in close proximity to their assets regularly. On one day, one of the worse for US Submariners, the Walkers, whom were US Navy staff gave classified information to the Russians about our submarines. On that same day six US submarines were located inside territorial waters of several countries. Some of them were depth charged, but all of them were able to escape successfully.

Our submarine fleet was recalled and hundreds of millions of dollars of equipment was destroyed and replaced, equipment that had been compromised.

Those dirtbags spent years in federal prison, they should have been executed for espionage.